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Redefining Distance to Market your Company
The recent terrorist attacks here in the US have caused many companies and individuals to rethink how they want to market to and work with others. As a result, web-enabled presentations and or collaborations are finally coming of age ? the technology works with a minimum of hassle, it's an efficient way to give marketing presentations, hold meetings, provide training and do product demonstrations. The cost savings can be significant, especially when contrasted with all of the burdened costs of holding conventional meetings; i.e. travel, hotel, transportation, facilities and "time out of the office issues." Here is a quick primer on some baseline issues to consider when weighing the effectiveness of virtual marketing presentations and meetings. 1. There are a broad number of vendors, although the "virtual presentation and meeting" market segment has undergone consolidation in the last few years. I'd recommend assessing these four market leaders: www.webex.com (well established with diversified terms of services), www.placeware.com (corporate focused), www.centra.com (provides a good client plug in that enables Voice over IP ("VOIP") communications, www.raindance.com (emphasizes teleconferencing). 2. PC configuration, Internet access and firewall issues all need to be considered when your assessing the effectiveness of this process and technology. Port settings need to be "tuned" or optimized, the PC must have multimedia capabilities if your using VOIP, just about any speed of internet connection will work, but the experience for the attendee can vary depending on the connection speeds and how "heavy" your presentation is with graphics. 3. Web presentations offer a lower cost model versus traditional presentations or meetings, but there are burdened costs for web-enabled marketing ? phone conferencing can be anywhere from $.15-35 per minute per user, presentation uploads for a standard power point presentation (which is the defacto app for virtual presentations), can cost $10-30. per presentation, costs per attendee can vary tremendously but average $50-500. per session, depending upon the number of users. 4. One of the most expensive parts of virtual meetings is always the teleconferencing component. All of the market leaders have some VOIP component (voice over IP) but most are not publicizing this technology or service, as they don't want to cannibalize a significant contribution to their revenue streams. One exception is Centra ? they are offering VOIP integrated services with their standard web presentations or meetings. The audio quality is good, analogous to voice quality of a standard cell phone call ? but there is a client download (small under 250K) to deal with and you must have a multi-media enabled PC. 5. Some web-enabled presentation challenges include the need to keep people involved ? you can do this easily by leveraging the chat capabilities, dynamic polling, and standard Q&A components built into the application. The higher their interest level (as in real world meetings) the better your meeting or presentation will be. 6. Marketing presentations can be easily archived and made available to others on a 24/7 basis ? this archiving can include the standard presentation, enhanced with video or audio components, depending on the sophistication of your presentation. Be prepared to pay an extra charge for this ? but the marketing ROI can be significant, especially when you factor in how little most companies charge for an archiving service versus your front end costs. 7. Virtual marketing enables a whole set of web-enabled processes ? you will have the ability to easily capture your prospect/customer's e-mail address and standard contact points via a registration process, involve them and capture preferences via polling in your presentations and "push" follow up communications during your presentation/meeting or later. But, it's very important to include standard "privacy" statements in your materials and adhere to them as you move forward through your business processes. 8. How does video conferencing impact your assessments of web-enabled presentations or collaborations? This depends on your budget, number of people attending the presentation, presenter and attendee locations and other intangible that are specific to your business. In general, video conferencing works better for very small (under five people) presentations or meetings, due to some of the inherent challenges of this medium. About The Author Lee Traupel has 20 plus years of business development and marketing experience - he is the founder of Intelective Communications, Inc., http://www.intelective.com, a results-driven marketing services company providing proprietary services to clients encompassing startups to public companies. Lee@intelective.com
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Tips On Planning A Successful Video Conference Planning a successful video conference can actually be harder then it sounds. There are several key factors you want to make sure and get right or your conference could become a total nightmare. This short article gives several tips on making sure you succeed with your next video conference. Web Conferencing Software ? Choosing Your Application It is worth bearing in mind that, when you are deciding which web conferencing application to utilize, none of the applications currently available will do everything well. Video Conferencing ? An Affordable Medium Just like prices for computers and telephone systems have reduced, so too have prices for video conferencing systems. Video conferencing was once a hugely expensive technology, but is now available to almost any sized company, large or small. Video conferencing equipment is now so cheap, that is becoming standard equipment in many meeting rooms around the world. The conference room is where video conferencing technology really shines. Video conferencing allows users to connect audibly and visually in offices around the world as well as with people who may be located at remote sites. Web Conferencing Tool ? Reduce Your Communication Costs For most people in business, meetings are a necessary evil. Stop for a moment and consider how much hosting or attending meetings cost your business and you may be in for a surprise; precious time spent traveling to and from the meeting location, travel expenses, and in some cases the hire of the meeting facility. Now imagine you could attend that meeting without having to leave your office or home. How much time and money would save over a week, a month or a year? It soon adds up. Web Conferencing: Finding a Service Provider that Meets Your Needs With the vast amount of service providers that are available today, it's not always easy to find the one that best fills the bill for your particular web conferencing needs. Each one claims to be the biggest, best or least expensive, and all will try to convince you that their particular plan is the one that makes the most sense for your business. Sometimes you'll be the victim of a hard sell by those who are skilled in the art of diverting the attention away from your questions and, before you know it, the focus is on a set of features that you may have no use for at all. Web Conferencing Services ? Types You may already have recognized the need for web conferencing within your organization. You have heard all about the many benefits and have decided it is the way forward for your company. Now all you have to do is decide which type of web conferencing would best suit your company's needs. Web Conferencing ? the Virtual Global Office Enabler Online collaboration has begun to evolve from just being the Wow factor to something core that every business has to invest and have a plan for. Internet has changed the way we work and live, it has made virtual offices and work from homes possible. Web conferencing is one big tool that increases the productivity of the employees and the company as such. There are multiple products in this web collaboration segment out there from companies starting with Cisco, Microsoft to PresentPlus.com. These online conferencing products enable live meetings to happen in a virtual conference room. This is a Sci-Fi dream just a few decades ago, now it is a reality in high resolution video beamed across continents. The advent of high speed Internet and fantastic QoS (Quality of Service) implementations in the backbone networks has enabled these highly productive multimedia conferences. Typical conferences has always included a dull one way non-interactive lecture style over the phone meetings, remember Charlie's Angels. Now it has evolved into something highly feature rich and highly productive. Video Killed The Telephone Star ... You know the 80's song, "Video Killed the Radio Star." It was a big hit and one of the first videos to air on MTV. Well, what came true for music video is on it's way to becoming true for telephone. Redefining Distance to Market your Company The recent terrorist attacks here in the US have caused many companies and individuals to rethink how they want to market to and work with others. As a result, web-enabled presentations and or collaborations are finally coming of age ? the technology works with a minimum of hassle, it's an efficient way to give marketing presentations, hold meetings, provide training and do product demonstrations. The cost savings can be significant, especially when contrasted with all of the burdened costs of holding conventional meetings; i.e. travel, hotel, transportation, facilities and "time out of the office issues." Here is a quick primer on some baseline issues to consider when weighing the effectiveness of virtual marketing presentations and meetings. Telephone Conferencing ? Evolution in the Web The Need To Communicate Web Conferencing: A Boon to Businesss It is Sunday evening and you are preparing again to go on a business trip. Monday morning the alarm goes off at 4:00 am, you drag your body and your briefcase to your car, drive to the airport, wait in a long line, get on a plane, get off a plane, and find your way to your client's office. When you finally get home Monday night, you have spent more time traveling than meeting and you have dozens of emails and several important phone calls to return. Dial-up Vs. Broadband Video The decision to pay the extra fees and move from dial-up to broadband usually involves meeting three wants: faster downloads, faster uploads and live streaming video. New Service Utilizes Videoconferencing for Easy Access to London Academic Expertise An innovative service, launched in March 2005 enables educational institutions and corporate organizations worldwide to access the immense pool of academic and professional expertise concentrated in London, UK via videoconferencing. Benefits of Web-Based Conferencing I recently graduated from college, and instead of taking a corporate programming job, my friend and I started our own web development company. Everything was going great...we were both working from home and enjoying small successes. However, we soon realized that text messaging could only go so far, especially when we hired several employees. Text messaging was slow, and was "noisy" when several people were in a chatroom. We quickly needed a solution. How Video Conferencing Works ? Multimedia, Interactive Communication Across the Miles You may think you understand video conferencing pretty well until someone who isn't at all familiar with it approaches you for a simple definition. When they ask, "What exactly is video conferencing?" you could suddenly realize you're at a loss for words. Seven Steps to a Vital Videoconference When it's time for your fifteen minutes of fame will you be ready? With videoconferencing becoming common place in 21st century communication, executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders need to be media savvy. Here's how to put your best face forward: Video Conferencing Basics This article will provide you a brief introduction about what actually video conferencing is. By video conferecing we can connect with some other identity and also can see the video online in real time. It is now useful and very interesting technology and widly used worldwide. The History of Video Conferencing ? Moving Ahead at the Speed of Video No new technology develops smoothly, and video conferencing had more than its share of bumps along the way before becoming the widely used communications staple it is today. The history of video conferencing in its earliest form goes back to the 1960's, when AT&T introduced the Picturephone at the World's Fair in New York. While viewed as a fascinating curiosity, it never became popular and was too expensive to be practical for most consumers when it was offered for $160 a month in 1970. Science Learning from Nature We are sure seeing a lot of scientific research trying to copy nature. We see non-technology copying birds, insects, spyders, animals and MIT and AUVs-Underwater Autonomous Vehicles copying fish. And before you try to catch a Tuna for Sushi better check out what it is made of first. RoboTuna has arrived; Internet Conferencing - Advantages Nobody works in complete isolation. In virtually all lines of business, contact with other people will be required in some capacity. Whether it is meeting with clients or colleagues; presenting new ideas or products; or giving or receiving training, good communication is the key to running a successful business. ![]() |
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