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How to Save Money and Take the Vacation You Always Wanted
Many people don't realize how much money they spend on convenience and boy does it add up. I am going to share some of my frugal and practical tips of how to save money for the vacation you always wanted. Before we get started make sure you setup a vacation savings account, if you don't have a savings account setup look into an ING Direct savings account. (Find out how to get $25.00 just for opening an account in our forums) Now that you have an account to put all of your saved money in, you will have to determine what is important to you. Is that cup of Star Bucks coffee worth having to drive to Gulf Shores for your vacation? Doesn't a trip to Hawaii sound better? Now cutting out your Star Bucks won't pay for your vacation to Hawaii, but it will pay for the plane ticket. If you are getting a cup of star bucks 5 days a week at $4 dollars a day that equals $20 a week. Which turns into a savings of $1040 dollars a year. Is that cup of coffee that good? Remember you don't have to cut back completely you could only get Star Bucks two days a week and over a year you would save $624. If you go out every weekend to see a movie, you can save a bundle by cutting back. Instead of going to the movie, rent the movie at the video store. If you rent a movie instead of spending $8.00 on a ticket and spending $10.00 on popcorn and drink, you spend only $6.00 on a movie at video store. If you have to see a movie in the theatre, choose to go once a month. Whether you cut back or rent you will save $12 dollars a week or $624 dollars a year. Shop around for home and car insurance. Many people assume since they have been with X insurance company for so long that they have the best rate. WRONG! Shop around every 6 months or year when your policy runs out. This can save you a bundle. I have two vehicles, a 2001 Ford F150 and 2002 Mazda Protégé. We were paying around $2000 a year for full coverage insurance with $500 dollar deductible. When my policy ran out I did some calling around for the exact same coverage through a different insurance company my yearly premium went to $1400 that's a savings or $600 a year. Here are a few additional tips to help save money. Disconnect or reduce your cable or satellite TV channels and you will save $10 to $80 dollars a month. Bring your lunch to work 4 out of the 5 workdays will save you $20 a week. Cut back on dry cleaning can save you $10 dollars a week. Send your kids on the bus instead of driving them to school you can save $5 to $10 dollars a week. If you do the just a few of things I mentioned above you will have over $2000 dollars in the bank for that vacation you have always wanted. Maybe you have additional ideas of how to save for that vacation, tell us your money saving ideas in our forum. By: David Adams
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What Are Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth? What is your attitude towards having wealth? Do you believe it is possible to have anything that you want? Or do you believe that wealth and prosperity are reserved only for those other "lucky" people in this world...? Alright then, please pay attention to this: From Debt to Financial Freedom The vast majority of working people are in debt. The vast majority of people who are now in debt are always struggling to find better jobs with higher pay checks. As strange as it may sound the more you think about it the more you will come to realise that the more money people make the deeper they get into debt. It almost seems that finding another job with better pay check is not the most effective solution to get out of debt. Wealth Building Tips: Manage Your Money As someone who loves to shop, enjoys holidays and owns way too many pairs of shoes, managing my finances is definitely something that does not come naturally to me, I have had to learn. Managing your money is so important in becoming more organised, less stressed and more productive in your life ? you'll be amazed at what you can achieve with your money when it starts working for you, rather than you always working for it! 5 Simple Steps for Serious Saving and Financial Growth 1) Pay off your loan, credit and store card debt and resist the temptation to keep on spending money you don't yet have. Increasing Your Wealth by Increasing Your Financial Literacy Perhaps the primary message of Rich Dad, Poor Dad is increasing basic financial literacy. Perhaps I should say financial literacy for the common man and woman. The reason I say this is because the principles taught in the book are very simple--the fundamental personal finance. Some people may even say the what Kiyosaki teaches is dangerously simplistic. 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Tax Strategy - Theres More to Building Wealth than Clipping Coupons We talked recently about the wealth formula: Top 7 Ways To Get Rich Want to be one of the lucky ones on the road to riches, want to be on the freeway to financial freedom, on your way to wealth? Your Own Products Can Make You Rich Although there are advantages to selling other people`s products and services, there are also drawbacks. For example, the lack of exclusive rights to your own proprietary product can mean that you are just one of thousands selling the same thing. Excessive competition can cause you to drop your prices and to lose sales, thus affecting your profits and cashflow that are so essential to your business survival. ![]() |
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