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Online Retirement Opportunity: Freelance Copywriting
For most of us, the idea of retiring simply on our pension is not a happy prospect. While we may have always had dreams of a retirement that is worry-free and with a few luxuries thrown in, the stark reality is that our pensions will likely give us only the most basic living conditions, with none of the luxuries we had hoped for. Whether your retirement is thirty years away, ten years away or is already upon you, the best guarantee of a happy future is to start building a second stream of income now. For some this will mean creating their own business and marketing some product or service in the hope of making some big profits. However, many of us don't have the skills or the time to manage such an ambitious undertaking. But we do have time to write. If you have the skills to write a letter or a simple company memo, then you have the skills to make some money by writing. There are many ways you can turn your words into cash. But the one I am most familiar with is the craft of copywriting. For over twenty years I have worked as a freelance copywriter, raised a family and continued to make good money, year after year. Why copywriting? What makes this such an excellent source of a good second income? A few reasons: * No special qualifications are needed. A university degree? Not necessary at all. * It doesn't matter where you live. * It doesn't matter how old or young you are. * It doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get started. Just take a really good copywriting course and you're ready to go. (See link below.) In other words, freelance copywriting is the ultimate second stream of income, giving you the potential for some good money, but leaving you with the flexibility you need to fit it around your existing obligations. Start today and you'll soon be earning that extra income you need to ensure a happy and enjoyable retirement. To find out more about getting started or developing your skills as a freelance copywriter, read my review of this copywriting course by Michael Masterson. Nick Usborne is a freelance copywriter, author and speaker. For more articles and resources on making money as a freelance writer, visit his site, http://www.FreelanceWritingSuccess.com.
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Financial Planning For Singles Financial planning often gets a bad rap. Part of the problem is self-inflicted, since some industry participants would rather sell you a product than address your financial concerns. The process of planning is important, though, whether done with a professional or on your own. After all, you wouldn't leave on a long trip without looking at a map ? a poor analogy for some of us men, but you get the idea. How Should I Create Passive Income? If you're wondering where to create passive income, then you are likely not alone. There are hundreds of different ways, however, so you're sure to find something that will work for you. The one thing to remember about creating passive income, however, is that being creative is a huge benefit - and that you should try to create passive income in several different ways. How To Be A Millionaire - The Top Secret Of Wealth Creation Have you any idea how many people search Google every single day for terms such as, "make fast money" or "get rich quick"? Learn How to Bank Like a Banker The business of banking has changed dramatically over the last decade. Because the cost of doing business the old-fashioned way is no longer effective, banks are interested in changing their customers' behavior by encouraging electronic banking alternatives whenever possible. They have done this by charging high fees for services that were once free. If you pay $200 or more in annual fees for banking, it's time to do some competitive shopping. The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 3 At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true. Personal Budget Programs Do you have financial problems? Then a budget is the answer if you are tired of wondering where your income went. A budget is the answer, if you don't have savings. A budget is also the only solution to getting out of credit card debt. Wealth And Your Net Worth Most people know it's important to keep and organize all of your vital financial information. But knowing you should and knowing how are two different things! Building Wealth: Its An Inside Job ? Part 2 Let's quickly review the principles discussed in the first part of building wealth. We established that prosperity consciousness must first be developed mentally to acquire any real wealth. A person that constantly worries about money most likely is living in scarcity consciousness regardless of the size of his or her bank account. We talked about some methods and daily exercises that can be employed to start developing a stronger level of prosperity consciousness. The first exercise uses written affirmations, the second utilizes visualization, and finally we need to become more aware of how willing we are to give and receive prosperity on a daily basis. If we start using these methods, we'll begin to see gradual changes in our lives that will become larger over time. Building Wealth by Paying Yourself First When I look around at all of my friends, and a lot of my family, I see a lot of people living from pay check to pay check, under monetary stress. These same people watch the Calendar for payday like a hawk. Pay their bills, and then open up the spending flood gates, before they know it, they are itching for their next pay check. These same people are the people who don't think they make enough money to build future wealth. They are wrong. The Secrets of World Money Flows and A Simple Way to Understand Them You can learn the secrets of world monetary flow if you will simplify the concept. The Allegory of a "The Beach Ball," is not taught in all universities, perhaps it should be. Learn what the elite know about the money flow. This abstract thought "The Beach Ball Effect" help to bring light to the flow of money in World Economies for your personal financial future and assist you in teaching your kids about the world of money. How to Save Money for Retirement Saving money for retirement can be easy or difficult depending on your current salary. If you are like 75 percent of the American population, earning just enough money in your current job to meet your monthly bills, then it's time to do some serious thinking on how you are going to live when you retire. The Top 10 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire There is perhaps no more important decision than to take charge of your own financial future. We live in a world of opportunity, and yet most Americans are buried in credit card and other debt. We are surrounded by people who are getting rich, but most of us are running in place. If you can read this, you are literate, have a computer, you are part of the "wired generation". You can become as financially independent as you wish to be. Here are the Top 10 keys to your financial success: Wealth Creation and Mortgage Planning - Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together What if I were to tell you that almost everything you have been told about what to do with your home has been absolutely wrong and that one of the worst ways to build wealth is through your home? And what if I further went on to show you that anyone who perpetuates this myth probably is not your best source for accurate financial information? New Year Resolutions to a Better Financial Future There could not be a better time to mull over the changes needed in our life style than at the beginning of a New Year. This is also a good time to set yearly goals and make resolutions. Each year, according to statistics, almost a third of us make some kinds of New Year Resolutions. Interestingly, although financial future is our main cause of anxiety, our personal finance, according to surveys, gets only to the fifth place in the list of most common New Year resolutions. Personal Finance Rules to Building Wealth Key 1 Pay your self first Uncle Sams Snake Oild Uncle Sam and his band of merry-men, better known as Congress, have been pushing snake oil on the unsuspecting public in the form of retirement plans. But wait, isn't a pension plan one of the perks we look to when shopping for an employer? Well, not all pension planning is created equal and in most cases, quite disastrous. Mastering Your Money One of the things most of us have old ideas about is money. The best way to change old ideas is to upgrade and take a new look at them. We have to do the same thing with how we think about money. We have to look at it from a different point of view. The Top 10 Steps to Extraordinary Personal Wealth I recently came across startling figures about the average American's finances. Only 4% of us have significant savings when we hit age 65, and a majority of Americans have less than $1000 in savings. Perhaps even more troubling, nearly one-fifth of us have a negative net worth, meaning that we owe more in debt than the total value of our combined assets. In a land of wealth and opportunity, and in an age of unlimited freedom, attaining wealth is primarily a matter of choice and determination. The following are my suggestions for rapidly increasing your personal income and wealth. Budget Tips To budget, to have a budget and to be on a budget is not a bad thing; in fact, it's just about the best financial situation you can find yourself in. A budget is a valuable financial management tool which will enable you to pay your monthly expenses, save a certain percentage of your income and control your expenditures. Tax Strategy - Theres More to Building Wealth than Clipping Coupons We talked recently about the wealth formula: ![]() |
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