Tips to Maintain your Website to Keep Visitors Coming Back

Charles Nixon III

When you design a website you should create it so that your visitors are constantly coming back for more. In order for you to keep your visitors coming back you need to keep up with maintaining your website, and offering things that will keep your visitors busy.

Tip #1

Keep your visitors coming back. Well, how do you do this You can start by creating a forum. This will allow your visitors to interact with each other and meet new people.

Next you may want to create a page, or a topic on your forum based on new content that you add. This will keep your visitors up to date on what your doing around your website.

Also you may want to create a news letter. A news letter could contain many things. You can write tips and tricks articles, you can use it to tell your visitors whats new on your website, you can offer special deals, and much more with a newsletter.

Tip #2

Build a strong network of incoming links. Incoming links are a very important object in the search engine game. If you dont constantly increase the number of links coming into your website you will start to loose your high ranks on search engines. Or you may not even be able to obtain high ranks if you are just starting out.

When you start getting incoming links you should create some way to keep track of these websites. Document them somehow in a word document, on a webpage, or in a excel document. Check back on these links regularly to make sure they still have your link on their webpage especially if your linking back to their website.

Tip #3

Monitor your website statistics. This should be a thing you do on a weekly basis. Find a company that will either give you a report on whos visiting your website, and where. Or use your exhisting hosting companies service if they offer one.

When monitoring your statistics you want to see where your visitors are going the most. Try and use these statistics to your advantage. If they are going to your article directory more than they are your forum you will want to spend more time increasing your article directory rather than monitoring your forums.

About The Author

Charles Nixon - Website Designer. Driven by Creativity. Building websites to increase sales, and web presence. Did you start your business to create a website Or to run your business may be the web design firm for you! Competitive prices and your project delivered on time and on budget.

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