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If you need More Targeted Visitors to Your Site this Will get the Free Traffic FlowingDavid Parton If you dont know by now one the best ways to attract free traffic to your site is with articles. You find them in your email. You find them on any website that provides useful content. Take a look and you will see they are all formatted the same way. Attention-getting headline Body of article usually offers tips or how to information Resource box - That is at the end and involves a blurb to plug your site or product and your links Im sure if you think about it you can come up with some ideas of your own for great articles. A good place to start: What is it that you would really like to know Find the answer online with Google or go to your local library and write away! Aside from creating helpful content your purpose is to promote yourself. Thus, the resource box. Do not include affiliate links, leave your selling for when the reader clicks through to your site. Okay, youve written an article- what now Submit your article to the article banks. Article banks are depositories for articles. Like a real bank you can make a deposit or a withdrawal. There are several articles on my site that I did not write. I made several "withdrawals" from some of the banks. Its a great way to get free content for your site. When you are re-publishing another authors article you must remember one very important thing: Never ever cut-off the resource box! They worked hard to create something useful for you. Repay their generosity by keeping the links intact. And guess what if you take your article and make a "deposit" its free for others to download and post on their site or newsletter! You could find it scattered all over the net in no time. Why is that good Because of your link in the resource box. That link is going to bring you curious visitors which means more traffic for you! I know from personal experience when I find some useful info in an article I want to find more useful stuff from the same author so I follow the link. And because you wrote so well about your topic I will get the impression you are an expert. We both know that may not be the case, but if people see you as an authority in some area they will seek you out for tips, advice and product recommendations. That means more traffic and ultimately more money in your pocket. There are dozens of article banks you can submit your writing to for free. Just do a search on the net. And submit, submit, submit! If you write it - the traffic will come. -David Parton Copyright 2005
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If you need More Targeted Visitors to Your Site this Will get the Free Traffic Flowing If you dont know by now one the best ways to attract free traffic to your site is with articles. You find them in your email. You find them on any website that provides useful content. Take a look and you will see they are all formatted the same way. All About Google If you read The Search Engine Showdown at www.abalone.ca/resources/searchenginetest.html, you know Google is my favourite search engine. Why Google always offers the most results for any given search they currently have over 8 billion pages indexed, its faster than the Audi Quattro we test drove this morning, and 9 times out of ten, in my experience, all the front page results are relevant to my search. In fact, I usually find what Im looking for within the first few sites listed. 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