10 Indirect Ways To Get To The Top Of Search Engines

Chris Towland

There are millions of web sites trying to get listed in the top 20 spots of the major search engines. That amounts to an awful lot of competition and even after spending hours and hours on Search Engine Optimization techniques you may still not be able to achieve a high ranking for your competitive keywords!

However, if it proves too difficult for you to get high rankings directly, there are still ways that you can get to the top.......indirectly!

So, just how do you do this

Firstly, look up the top 20 web sites on the major search engines under the keywords and phrases people would find your web site. If you could either advertise on those sites, or get a link from those sites to yours then that would be nearly as good as having a top listing yourself.

The most expensive way to do this would be to buy ad space on those web sites. However, if you dont want to spend any money to do this, you could use the ten strategies below.

These strategies may not of course apply to every web site but Im sure therell be at least two or three that you can make use of straight away....

  1. Participate on their discussion boards. You could post questions, answer other peoples questions, and join in on conversations. Just include your signature file and link to your website at the end of your messages.

  2. Ask the web site owner if they would like a free ebook to giveaway to their visitors. You could have them link to your web site or include your ad in the free ebook.

  3. Submit content to their web site. You could write articles for their web site and include your resource box and link at the end of the article. If they publish it, youll indirectly be at the top of the search engines.

  4. Write an excellent article review of their web site, products or services. Then publish the review on your web site. E-mail the web site owner and tell him or her about it. They may link to your web site so their visitors read it.

  5. Ask the owner of the web site if they would want to trade advertising. If you dont get as much traffic as they do, you could throw in some extra incentives.

  6. Propose a cross promotion deal with the web site. You both could promote each others products or services together in one package deal. This means a mention and link back to your web site.

  7. Give the web site a testimonial for their product or service. Include a little text link for your web site with the testimonial. You never know; it could end up on their ad copy.

  8. Post your advertisement on their free classified ad section on their web site. You want to be sure you have an attractive headline so they will read your ad.

  9. Sign their guest book. You could leave a short compliment about their web site on their guest book. Just include your signature file and link at the end of your message.

  10. Tweak your own website so that your pages are search engine friendly. There are steps that you can take that dont take long to implement but can dramatically improve the traffic you get from the likes of Google and Yahoo! Louis Allport has a great video guide which shows the quickest and easiest way to do this. It can be found at:

Chris Towland 2005

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at chris@webinvaders.com

About The Author

Chris is the zookeeper at http://www.Elephant-On-Toast.com, a haven of no-cost and low-cost software and help for anyone who runs or wants to run an online business.

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