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Absolute & Relative Links How Do They RankMartin Lemieux The question for this article is whether or not you should use "absolute urls" or "relative urls" Not only that, this article researches whether or not Google ranks these methods differently. Absolute: You use the entire url pointing to the designated page. ex. www.yoursite.com/page1/index.html Relative: You use an automatic path to the file ex. /page1/index.html Relative gives a path that is "assumed". Your browser will automatically "assume" to put www.yoursite.com before the link. When researching these two methods, I used 4 factors to consider:
So heres the results of this study:
So it seems safe to say that Google doesnt necessarily rank "absolute/relative" paths differently. Google may recognize the fact that neither method is wrong, it only reflects the designers preference. Theres only 1 type of Absolute and Relative paths that get a bad rank. Web sites that use "tracking urls" or data base urls get a significant reduction in page rank emmediately. The easiest way to notice this in action is to go to www.pogo.com Online games. You would think that pogo has a great rank but nope, in fact their main page rank is 0/10. This happens because every time google crawls through their url, the site is different. So if you care about page rank, keep your urls the same as the day your site was born!
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