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The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight
(But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) 10) No, you won't end up looking like the latest hot young model/singer/actress! Let's face it: your body is your body. It's the only one you've got. Can you still look great? Sure! But there are some things you can't change. You can't make your legs longer or your feet smaller. You can't grow five inches or elongate your torso. You have what you have, so work with it! Concentrate on making a healthy and fit you instead of wishing you looked like someone else. You don't have to be perfect to be attractive. A strong, fit body as well as the self-confidence it brings can make any person attractive! 9) It's better to be muscular and weigh more than to be flabby and weigh less. I've said it so many times: I'd much rather be 135lbs and muscular than 120lbs and flabby. I've been both, and 135lbs with a lower percent of body fat was definitely better! I was smaller, stronger and had much more energy. So, don't always seek that magical number on the scale, but look at your total body composition instead. 8) You can't get fit in a week. Okay, well, you can, but only if you're one week away from being in peak condition and you keep working out. Otherwise, forget about it! If you want to look good for that class reunion or because you'll be in a bikini soon, then get moving way before that. Or better yet, get moving for your own health and not for "things" like reunions and bikinis. 7) You need to put some effort into it. You want to get fit? You have to work at it. You have to plan it, you have to schedule it, and, most importantly, you have to do it. No excuses. Sitting on the couch, telling yourself you should be doing something will not burn up a lot of calories. If nothing else, get out there and start walking. And while you're out there walking think about a plan of action for a healthier you and get started on it today ? not tomorrow! 6) You need to exercise. Can you lose weight just by diet alone? Sure, you can! But if you want to get fit, you need to exercise those muscles, including your heart. And that heart won't get any exercise if you're sitting on the couch, eating broccoli. Lose the weight that you need to lose and you'll just end up with a thin, but flabby, body. Get moving! Weight training is ideal, but if you're really not into weight training, find an activity you like to do that work all your major muscle groups. 5) You need to eat properly. Putting aside any low carb/low fat/high protein controversies, the simple fact is, if you want a fit body, you need to nourish it. Protein, carbs and fat are important, but vitamins and minerals are key elements that your body needs, too. No matter what way of eating you're following make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals. Add a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit to your diet. The next time you go grocery shopping, linger around the produce section and not only pick out some old favorites, but experiment a little by trying something new! 4) You can't lose weight overnight. You didn't gain it overnight -- or in two months -- and you're not going to lose it overnight -- or in two months. Think of getting fit as a train leaving the station: you start off slow, gather speed and then off you go! Patience is the key here. Look for consistent trends. If you're really not losing fat and getting stronger after a couple of months, then you need to sit down and honestly analyze what you're doing. Keep a journal to help you know how you're really eating and exercising. 3) You can't spot reduce. Genetics will decide where the fat will come off. Doing 1000 crunches won't reduce your belly fat. Nor will 1000 leg lifts get rid of the fat on your inner thighs. Your body does not burn the fat it needs from the body part that you're exercising. Your body will burn fat much like an onion is peeled, a layer at a time, if you will. So, don't overdo it on the exercise for one specific body part and look to getting your whole body in shape. 2) There are no quick fixes. That's right, you heard me. There are no quick fixes. None. Put all those pills, potions, contraptions and miracle diets in the garbage where they belong. Learn the basics about how your body gains muscle and loses fat, so you won't get sucked in by another scam again. 1) Fitness is a lifelong commitment! So, you faithfully work out and eat properly and you've reached your goals. Now what? Well, now you've got to keep doing it for the rest of your life, that's what! You can't just work your way to being fit and then stop, because you'll end up exactly like you were before. Fitness is a lifelong commitment. And, you want to know a secret? It isn't easy! And anyone who says it is easy is trying to sell you something. Make fitness a lifelong ambition and you'll reap the rewards of a long and healthy life, filled with energy, strength and an overall sense of well being. Suzanne Hiscock has been interested in fitness and nutrition for over 16 years. She is the owner of FitWatch Inc. and developer of the FitWatch Fitness Tracker, an online food and exercise tracker. You can visit the site at http://www.fitwatch.com for a variety of fitness calculators and tools.
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The Diet Debate Ended Which diet is the best? ALL of them and NONE of them. Lose Weight with One Simple Mindset Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases today. One of the things dealing with diabetes is maintaining consistent sugar levels in the blood stream. Weight Loss Secrets from Hollywood Movie Stars ? LA Personal Trainer Speaks Out! In the early nineties I had the opportunity to work with some of the most famous movie stars in the world. As a manager and personal trainer for Kathy Smith and her health club, I experienced first hand the secrets to the stars. Here are a few things they did to look like they do: Hang In There Dieters, Help Is At Hand!! I was thinking about diets and such and it occurred to me that dieting is kind of like sports, but one way in which dieting differs from sports competition is that in dieting there seems to be a lack of gradualization in the preparation. Lose Weight Quickly And Easily - Weight Loss Information For people that are obese, losing weight quickly can seem like a dream that will never come true. The fact is that if you want to lose weight quickly you must dramatically reduce the amount of fat and calories you consume. Many obese people eat for reasons other than hunger. Stress, emotional issues, and loneliness are just a few of the reasons that cause us to over eat. If battling obesity is a problem you face, you may wonder which diets are the best for producing quick results. While diets that severely restrict calories are not a long-term answer to permanent weight loss, they may be helpful in giving you the boost of confidence you need to continue in your dieting journey. Why Diets Are A Waste Of Time & Money - What You Can Do Instead A 'diet' is always seen as a temporary measure. An unpleasant episode that must be endured in order to reach some weight target, often in time for a major event such as a wedding, your own or your children's. Afterwards, with a big sigh of relief that its over, we get back to normal eating. In what seems no time at all, especially if a holiday is involved, the weight is back where it was, and you wonder; was it worth it? Smarter Eating Dieting doesn't have to be a chore. Actually, you can eat what you like and still cut the pounds. How you ask? By smarter eating. For example, there are 7 days in a week. Let us say you eat clean for 2 days with the third day being a cheat day. More times then not, you are eating well and still having what you like to eat. This has many benefits. You get to reward yourself for successfully eating correctly the first 2 days and then you shocked your metabolism to burn even more calories by incorporating that 3rd day as your cheat day. When you eat clean for long periods of time, your metabolism adapts to this, so you have to shock you metabolism to kick start extra calorie burning. Some of the easiest ways to eat smarter are, Want Permanent Weight Loss Results? Healthy Eating is the Key The confusion about eating healthy and dieting will now be cleared up, all in one easy sentence. Are you ready? Everyone is different. Diet Preparaton -- The Impact of Sleep and Stress When you have started a diet in the past, how much sincere and attentive focus did you give to preparing for your diet? Isn't it true that usually you are getting the food together a particular diet requires, buying yet another tread mill (or hauling out the old one covered in dust from the last diet), getting another gym membership, planning that last big blowout gluttonous meal you're going to eat because you are going to have to starve for the next eight weeks. The above really isn't an exaggeration. People spend a lot of time preparing everything else for their new diet program except the body!If you are to succeed in keeping weight off, you must take seriously the preparation of the whole person--body, mind, and soul, right? Of course you do! In the next few articles, I will focus on two very important and related components of preparing your body for weight loss programs: sleep and stress. Think about these two questions. Question 1: "What are your chances of actually losing the weight you want to lose? Question 2: What are the chances you'll keep that weight off for at least five years? If you have been on the fad diet band wagon even once in your life, you already look at those two questions warily and with some doubt about your success. I would venture a guess and say that most of us have tried more than one diet that promised fast results with very little if any hunger and no exercise, right? Weight Loss Surgery May Add Years to Life Stomach-Stapling Surgery ------------ There's no doubt that stomach-stapling surgery leads to dramatic weight loss. But new research shows that the procedure might also add years to life. An Interesting Look at Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastric bypass surgery has many forms and can involve stapling and banding of the stomach as well as bypassing a portion of the small intestine. The most popular method today is a combination-approach that staples the stomach into a small pouch while reattaching the small intestine to the pouch forming a Y-shape so patients lose weight both because they eat less and their bodies absorb less of what they eat. 4 Tips for Fast Fat Loss Part II Fat Loss Tip #2) Drink More Water Fat Acceptance With tons of information out there on "Fat Acceptance" does it do more harm than good? Being body positive and body fat are two different topics. South Beach Diet may work for one but not the other. The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss The overweight and obesity epidemic is a worldwide problem. There are no official statistics for spending on diet products, but estimates vary from $40 to $100 billion in the US alone, much of that on scams and fad diets that promise the impossible. Bat-Wings: The Dreaded Hanging Arm Skin After WLS Gastric-bypass surgery is only the first step many morbidly obese patients take in their total body make overs. One residue of massive weight loss is the dreaded "bat-wings". You know what I'm talking about - that upper arm skin which hangs like bat wings if you spread your arms wide ready for flight. Wave your hand and the bat-wing waves too. For some after massive weight loss there is so much skin it's difficult to find shirts with sleeves that fit, and worse, it's embarrassing to wear sleeveless shirts. Water - How Important Is It In Our Daily Diet And With Weight Loss? The importance of drinking water is mentioned in almost every article on weight loss. It is a very important fact that we need to drink water whether we are dieting or not. It is water that assists with the dissolving and transporting of nutrients such as oxygen and minerals to the organs of the body. A New Diet -- Bowel Cleansing for Weight Loss An ancient practice from Eastern Medicine, bowel cleansing is fast becoming the next new diet for the Western world. What is bowel cleansing and does it safely cause healthy weight loss? Bowel Cleansing 101 Keeping things simple, bowel cleansing is equal to Western Medicine's laxative. Practitioners of bowel cleansing will argue that their methods are more effective, natural, and completely unrelated to using laxatives. My point is this: increasing water content in the large colon acts like a "wash" to empty the bowel lumen. Some Laxatives and "natural" substances used in bowel cleansing both do exactly this..."washing" the colon by trapping water which evacuates undigested food. Any claims made beyond trapping water simply have not been rigorously studied and represent opinion and theory, at best. Methods for bowel cleansing are too numerous to cover in this article. The only comment I'll make is about the one commonality found in all of them...non-digestible natural substances. Fiber like substances can be found to some degree in all bowel cleansing methods. Remaining in the bowel (colon) lumen, they trap water increasing the bowel's water content. This results in increased pressure and tension inside the bowel and results in a large bowel movement consisting of undigested food. This is what is called "washing" or "cleansing" the bowel. Bowel Cleansing -- A Healthy New Diet Option? A healthy weight loss method promotes fat loss while preserving muscle tissue and water content. Weight loss by bowel cleansing results primarily from water loss. This is not a healthy method for losing weight and will cause weight gain soon after the cleansing. I did find a few small studies that showed the opposite results with some bowel cleansing methods. These particular methods do seem to result in healthy weight loss. Further investigation of this apparent contradiction revealed that the bowel cleansing methods also placed dieters on a high fiber diet. Diets high in fiber are significantly lower in calories and if gradually implemented will result in healthy weight loss. Bowel Cleansing -- Is it Safe as a New Diet? Some bowel cleansing methods are safe but others can be dangerous if abused. Critical electrolytes are also lost in the "washing" or "cleansing" process and if repeated too often can lead to disturbances in your nervous system and heart rhythm. Before you start a new diet, use the new diet Safety Checklist. Make sure it's safe and won't cause you harm. As far as bowel cleansing is concerned, it's my opinion that you have better options for helping you lose weight. To Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, MD Chief Medical Consultant Diet Basics Website 7 Excuses For Not Starting Up Your Weight Loss Diet Changing habits is one of the most difficult challanges we human beings are facing. This also applies to changing food habits, and especially starting a weight loss diet, when you are used to eating what you want when you want it. When we feel defeated by this challenge it is easy to find excuses for not doing it. I'll discuss 7 common excuses for not starting up or staying on a fitness diet, and give you some tips on what to do to get your mind "on track" again. Gastric Bypass Surgery - What Are The Risks? Although all of the risks involved in gastric bypass surgery aren't fully known, there are many that are. These include possible infection, clotting of the blood, and the development of gallstones, a bleeding ulcer and even pneumonia. It certainly isn't a simple procedure and complications may occur as with all invasive medical procedures. Best Fad Diets What are the best fad diets? It's a question I'm often asked. Unfortunately, I'm not really in favour of fad diets, so it's a difficult one to answer. ![]() |
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