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The Diet Debate Ended
Which diet is the best? ALL of them and NONE of them. I am going to let you in on a little secret. It often shocks and disrupts people's world, but you need to hear it. You ready? Everyone is different. "Everyone is different," something everyone knows but yet no one really takes into account when dishing out recommendations and advice. The reason why all diets work is because they work for at least one person, usually the one telling everyone else about it. And the reason none of the diets work is because no one diet is right for everyone. So what do you eat? I have made it really simple. Eat whatever you inner knowing tells you to eat as long as it is fresh and pure. That is all you have to do. The answers that suddenly become relevant are to the questions of what is fresh and pure and how does your inner knowing tell you what to eat? Fresh means not in a box, not in a can and if you let it set out too long, it will spoil or go bad. A simple guideline is anything around the outside of a grocery store: Fruits, vegetables, bulk food, nuts and seeds, fish, meat, dairy, etc. This food is fresh. Frozen food is better than canned or in a box, but not as good as fresh. So if you have to buy something from the middle of the grocery store, frozen is a better option. Pure means nothing added. No sugar, sweeteners, artificial ingredients, preservatives, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides or any other poisons they put on or in your food. Said another way, like you would find the food in nature before man tried to improve it. This usually means organic. Follow your inner knowing eating fresh and pure food. So what is your inner knowing? Some call it your intuition, your inner intelligence and your gut knowing. It is the knowing you have before you think. It is that knowing that comes from within your soul or heart that is smarter than your mind. Your inner knowing talks to you all the time. You even hear your inner knowing it is just many of us usually don't listen. You know how when you are full and you "know" you should stop eating and often even say it out loud, but then keep eating anyway. This is exactly what I mean. When choosing what to eat your inner knowing will tell you what you "want." And as long as you are choosing from fresh and pure options eat whatever your inner knowing tells you to eat. How much food do you eat? Eat as much or as little as your inner knowing tells you to eat. Some days it might be 3,000 calories, others it might be 1,000. You no longer have to worry about counting calories or carbs. Just eat as much as your inner knowing says. No more and no less. When you listen to your inner knowing and choose from fresh and pure options, you will be eating the perfect "diet" for you. No more starvation, no more restrictions and no more counting. You will have Freedom from the shackles of diets for life. Be Sexy, Slim, Slender and Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with a "non-diet" where you are eating great tasting healthy food. He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details go to: http://www.HealthyEatingDiet.com
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Simple Plans for Social Eating and Travel It's one thing to stick with your diet regimen when you're at home, in control of the contents of your refrigerator and your portion sizes. But what about going out to dinner with friends? Worse, how do you stay on track when your dream vacation has you seated by the dessert cart at every meal? Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Lead to Weight Loss Success? So your neighbor, office mate, best friend, whoever just lost 10 pounds in only two weeks following the latest in high protein low carbohydrate diets. And now you're thinking you should give it a go -- have even started the search for high protein low carbohydrate recipes? Protein Diet - What Does It Mean For Your Body? To really understand the impact of a protein diet, it's important to know how it affects and interacts with your body. Lose 104 Pounds In A Year Did you ever think about the fact that losing 2 pounds a week adds up to 104 pounds a year? That's a LOT of weight. Understanding Weight Loss A pound of fat represents approximately 3500 calories of stored energy. In order to lose a pound of fat, you have to use 3500 more calories than you consume. Although this seems like a simple formula remember that your body is a thinking organism designed to protect itself. 5 Easy Steps to Help You Lose Weight When losing weight, most of us don't have the time to drastically change our lifestyles. We need a practical and convenient way to integrate effective habits into our daily lives. The following steps are easy and practical ways to get you on the track to loosing weight and feeling better. Weight Loss Plateaus -- 7 Easy Steps to Overcome It Have you ever experienced this scenario before? Walking: A Key to Weight Loss Doctors prescribe Walking as the best medicine for weight loss. How to Start Losing Weight and Keep Losing Weight I have put off writing a motivation article because of two reasons: 1) There is a glut of articles out there already; 2) My philosophy is so simple, I didn't think it justified an entire article. I was amazed at the incredible number of articles on the net and in the news that dealt with motivation to diet and exercise. Everybody and her cat have written about ways to trick yourself into exercising or changing your frame of mind, or making the exercise or diet more enjoyable. I can't compete with that sheer volume, but what I can do is make my Best Weight Loss Program for Men complete by including my tip for motivation to exercise and diet. Defy Gravity Gravity is pulling you into the grave. The heavier you are, the more pull Death has on you. So try to become Weightless, like me. I usually phrase my philosophy in a positive way, saying, "If you lose weight, you will feel better and live longer and be able to evolve, defy gravity!" But that doesn't work for most people. So I have to yell: "Lose weight or die!" An Incredible New Weight Loss Product ? Your Brain! I would like to introduce you to an incredible new weight loss product: Your brain? Motivation and Dieting - Whats the Missing Link? If you are like everyone else who has hit rock bottom with their weight struggles, and have declared that this day will be the first day of your diet, then this article is for you. Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms ? Part 1 A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way. (If you're looking for parts 2 and 3 of this article, you can find them both at http:// www.mambomoms.com/articles.html) Where Diets Go Wrong When we discover that we are heavier than we want to be, we have a natural invlination to eat less food. We may skip lunch or eat only a tiny amount of our dinner in the hope that if we eat less our body will burn off some of its fat. But that is not necessarily true. Eating less actually makes it more difficult to lose weight. Weight Loss Secret -- Think Bodybuilding This little known secret has been used by bodybuilders for sometime now to achieve astounding results, including healthy weight loss when necessary. Im Freezing! Why Gastric Bypass Causes Patients to be Cold Body temperature is the result of your body generating and radiating heat. The body is adept at keeping its temperature within a narrow range even though ambient air conditions vary. A normal body temperature is 98.6°F. It is common during the period of rapid weight loss for bariatric patients to feel cold or chilled, even when their temperature reads normal. Lose Fats - Gain Confidence when You Lose Weight "How do I lose 5 kg or 30 kg?" Weight Loss in Children What is "too young" to begin a weight loss program with children? Is there actually such a thing? There are many different opinions on the topic of child obesity but one thing everyone can agree on is that it is becoming an epidemic in North America. Many reports show that obesity now kills more people in a year than smoking does. The Key To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Do you want to lose weight? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. Let me ask you another question. For how long do you want to lose weight? Child Obesity ? Who is to Blame? As we look around at the current generation of children, one can notice more and more that child obesity is becoming a serious problem. A combination of technology, alternative forms of entertainment and poor food choices have greatly changed the path at which our children are taking toward the future. We are starting to see the consequences of lower energy expenditures coupled with poor nutritional habits. Unfortunately this problem is going virtually un-noticed by the majority of parents and the other people that influence our children. Fat Lady in a Thin Body: WLS Patients Feel Like Imposters Every weight loss surgery patient I've met said they at sometime during the weight loss experience felt like a fraud. A fraud is someone who pretends to be what they are not, an imposter. Given this definition, of course we feel like a fraud! Almost overnight we become the exact opposite of what we have been for many years. We are in fact a fat person masquerading in a thin body. Of course we feel like a fraud! ![]() |
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