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The Jiggle Effect on Faster Weight Loss
Exercise Physiologists who study the effects of exercise on weight loss, have determined that the "jiggling" or shaking of excess body fat when someone walks fast or jogs, in combination with the muscle contractions invlovled in that activity, causes weight loss. I call it the "jiggle effect". :) This effect is caused by chemical messengers in the body - in response to the "jiggle" and muscle contractions - they say, "hey body, this person needs to be able to move more efficiently, let's get rid of some of this fat". So, above and beyond the normal caloric expenditure of that activity, these chemical messengers cause fat loss to happen more easily. So, how can you take advantage of the "jiggle" effect? The more you "jiggle", and the more intense the muscle contractions, the more pronounced the effect. Thus, faster walking is better than slower walking, and a slow jog is better than a fast walk. A good way to incorporate this into your aerobic exercise is to use "intervals". As you may know, I believe in making "intervals" a major part of your aerobic exercise sessions. I've received lots of encouraging feedback from my subscribers who have been very successful with interval training. Here are a few of the messages.. "Greg, Thanks for all your help. I took your advice and started using intervals in my walking sessions. Woooooo! The results have been dramatic. First of all in the way I feel. I have never really felt good after exercise, but now I think I'm getting that "high" thing. I feel fantastic. I am so much more energetic all day long now. I had been struggling at a weight loss plateau but this got me over it and I'm consistently losing two to three pounds a week. Thanks for turning me on to this." "Hello Greg, I read on your site about intervals and decided to give it a try. I really can't believe how different my exercise is now. I have much more muscle tone, and I know this sounds crazy, but some weeks my weight loss just seems to take off. I love this!" "Greg, About three months ago I started doing intervals as you suggested and I actually look forward to exercise now. It makes the time pass quickly and I really feel pumped when I finish. Thanks for the recommendation." I receive a few messages similar to these every week. Are you ready to give "intervals" a try? Here's how to get started.. Intervals are brief periods (about one minute) of more intense exercise mixed into your regular aerobic exercise sessions. For example, if you're walking, you would do a one minute interval of faster walking about every five minutes throughout your exercise session. Here's how it will look.. you'll start with your normal three to five minute warm-up and then five minutes into your workout you do your first interval, one minute of faster walking (or perhaps jogging). At the end of that minute you should be "winded" and ready to slow down. You'll slow down to your normal exercising speed for the next four minutes and then your fifth minute is another one minute interval. This pattern continues throughout your exercise session. You'll derive several benefits from intervals.. 1. Intervals can help you to get past a weight loss plateau. 2. Intervals increase your aerobic fitness level by "pushing the envelope". While doing your interval you cross the anaerobic threshold into anaerobic metabolism, forcing your body to become conditioned to more intense exercise. 3. Your increased level of fitness means that a given level of exercise will feel easier and that you will be able to exercise at a higher intensity which "burns" more calories. 4. Your increased level of fitness also means that you will be less fatigued from daily activities and you'll have more "energy" throughout the day. 5. Intervals increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR), causing you to burn more calories 24 hours-a-day. 6. Intervals cause you to "burn" more calories during your exercise session and for several hours afterwards. 7. Intervals will tone the involved muscles to a greater degree than your regular aerobic exercise would. 8. Intervals can make your exercise less monotonous and help the time pass more quickly. 9. Intervals will energize you! 10. Intervals will activate the "jiggle affect" If you'd like to put a little excitement into your exercise, and you're looking for better results, give intervals, and "jiggling" a try! copyright 2004 by Greg Landry, M.S. Author and exercise physiologist, Greg Landry, offers free weight loss and fitness success stories and targeted, highly affective weight loss programs for women, men, type 2 diabetics, and people with slow metabolisms and hypothyroidism..
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After Gastric Bypass: Some Tough Love on Grieving Food New gastric bypass patients say they miss food, they grieve the loss of food, they yearn for their old foods. Some describe it like the death of a beloved friend. The foods patients grieve for are sweets and baked goods, pasta with heavy sauces, and salty snacks. How We Rescued Our Child from Anorexia, Effecting a Complete Recovery in Just Six Months In March 2003 our then 13 year old daughter, Helen, was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, at which point she was on the verge of being emaciated. Her BMI was approximately 15. Obesity:The Gateway to Diseases Do you know the name of that one disease which has spread in the U.S.A. like an epidemic? Are you aware of the fact that the maximum number of people suffering from this disease in the world are in no other country but U.S.A.? It might sound very surprising but it is true that obesity has tightened its grip on none other than the Americans. YES! The disease is Obesity, the very mild and harmless looking disease, which has often escaped the attention of the people. Because what people thought to be a simple case of overweight gradually took a bad shape in the form of obesity. The bulging paunch, the expanding waistline, the heavy fleshy face with eyes nearly closed or appearing like just two beads on a big sphere, these are the images of an obese which make others break into laughter suddenly. But obesity is much more than what just meets the eye. Weight Loss Information -- Setting Effective Goals Weight loss information is often confusing and misleading. The more specific we are in discussing weight loss information the better it is for everyone. Here's an example...realistic goals. What are realistic goals? I wrote an article not to long ago that defined "realistic" as a 5-10% reduction of your total body weight. The 5-10% reduction is all the weight you need to lose to show a health benefit or improvement. Are You Ready To Lose Weight? I know, I know. What a crazy question! ![]() |
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