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Weight Loss Programs: Which Weight Loss Program Will Really Work?
Weight loss programs often have big claims. Understand the "science" behind weight loss, and you'll zero in on the achievable ones. The key is to try not to simply accept or reject the the "claim" but to see which kind of program is scientifically more viable -- and therefore capable of living up to its claim. To understand weight gain and weight loss thus, we need to understand that the body actually has a three-sided energy equation ... ... there is ENERGY INPUT (what we eat), ENERGY OUTPUT (what we use in activity) and ENERGY STORED (fat layer in the body is solidified stored energy). The first error most people make is to consider only energy input and output in their theories of weight loss programs... so they simply try to either eat less or exercise more to affect their weight. Whereas, it's very important to shine some light on the third side to this energy equation -- and that is "energy stored"! What happens in the body of someone fat, overweight and not fit? Too much input for all the wrong reasons, too less output through a less active lifestyle, and too much storage therefore (i.e. excess fat build up). Now let's look at one important scientific factor that is not visible in this equation but most drastically affects all weight loss programs ... the psychology of the mind! Very many people believe that the mind makes the body crave food and hate exercise! But the mind does not thus directly affect the input and output of energy ... it's very important to understand this. The mind actually affects the the third item -- the "storage issues" of energy. A mind that subliminally perceives the outer environment we live in as difficult, hostile, threatening etc. sends signals to the body that fat stores must be fortified in case of sudden or future crisis needs. And an obedient body responds! It automatically adjusts its behavior -- by creating a craving for energy input and creating a loathing for energy output. This is why our behavior seems involuntary, out of control. And this is why our weight loss programs seem unsustainable. Now, just listen to this piece of logic and your doubts about how to lose weight fast will evaporate ... the right weight loss programs are ones that will help the mind send the right signals to the body! That's the secret. That's why diets and pills don't work ... they can't change the mind's view of life. But exercise is one thing that can really alter our mind's threat perception and change it to an attitude of assertiveness. How? When we set a physically challenging goal, when day after day we do physically what it takes, and against all odds, we reinforce to our mind its ability to conquer the environment. A strong dose of action taken on as a daily challenge, has a mind-strengthening quality, more than just a body-strengthening quality! Even among exercises to take up, it's best to choose one that is itself non-threatening and natural -- for if the mind sees the exercise itself as too strenuous or threatening, the purpose is defeated. That's why the world of the long-term fit people is so full of those who have chosen walking -- the ultimate natural and non-threatening exercise, among all weight loss programs. Laxmi Krishna is a bestselling author on weight loss. She succeeded in losing weight superfast -- 30 kgs. in just 32 weeks, with no dieting -- through a unique walking program she has designed. She reveals her success secrets in her path-breaking guide. Visit Laxmi's site at http://www.walking-calories.com
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9 Quick Ways To Conquer Cellulite In our never ending search for the illusive "Fountain of Youth," nothing strikes a chord like the term "cellulite." Interestingly, the term "cellulite" was first introduced to us by a fashion magazine. That fact is sufficient to generate speculation among opposing sides to this controversial subject. Caution! Watch Out For The Net Carb Trap! As a low carb dieter, you have probably been bombarded with all sorts of new food terminology. One of the phrases you've probably heard time and time again is "net carbs." Net carbs is the new term food producers are using to describe the amount of carbohydrates in food that have a significant impact on blood sugar levels. Diet Tips for Weight Loss: Free Diet Tips Which You Cant Afford to Miss! (Part 2) Obesity is a disease that is not caused by a bacteria or virus but a person's own eating habits. It is a disease which is very easy to get rid off just by changing your food habits. Shifting excess kilos is as easy as making a few changes in your eating habits and food mind-set. Here are a few tips that will help you get rid of that bulge. Lose Weight and Feel Great Many people search for a pill, a special diet or some other quick fix to lose weight. The key to weight loss and good health is changing bad habits and developing a healthy lifestyle. If those new diets are not helping you, here are some tips that will. The 5 Keys To Finally Lose Fat Fast! Losing fat in my opinion is not all that difficult. You need to possess 5 Strategies and apply all 5. Spare Muscle Mass and Power, Lose the Fat The goal of many athletes and exercisers is to "get cut" or to lose excess fat while at the same time retaining muscle mass and power. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lose copious amounts of fat without incurring some loss of muscle mass. The reason for this is because at any given moment during a day and even during exercise, the human body does not exclusively make use of a single substrate or energy-producing substance such as carbohydrate, protein or fat. As mentioned in previous articles, substrate utilization is exercise intensity dependent ? that is higher intensity exercise will rely more heavily on carbohydrate but will still metabolize small quantities of protein and fat. Likewise, during low intensity, extended duration exercise the body will rely more heavily on fat utilization yet still receive a percentage of the energy yield from protein and carbohydrate. Fast Weight Loss Takes Time I recently received the following email: Conventional Dieting Wisdom That Works for WLS Patients In many cases conventional dieting wisdom simply doesn't work for gastric bypass weight loss surgery patients. Surgery changes the rules. For example after gastric bypass patients will seldom eat leafy green salad and never in large quantity, it's too difficult for the gastric bypass system to handle. So conventional diet wisdom seldom applies to the WLS community. Fad Diets & Weight Loss A diet may be a fad diet or a healthy diet. People often start a fad diet for fast weight loss. They do not realize that quick weight loss and a fad diet is not the answer for their weight problem. They may lose weight initially but that may not be permanent. The fad diets recommend to eat a certain group of foods and eliminate some foods or a group of foods from the diet. Such diets are not without a danger. Obesity Prevention Must Begin at Home Not losing weight but gaining it is why we are faced with an obesity epidemic in children. This is the real problem. Forget weight loss diets, children need a weight gain prevention diet. In fact they need weight gain prevention habits as obesity prevention must begin at home. How to Get Started on Permanent Weight Loss Program Why We Start Diets on Monday The Best Weight Loss Exercise Is * Not walking on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes * Its not swimming a lot of laps * And its' definitely not running 5 miles everyday Tips For Cooking Low Carb If you are committed to the low carb way of eating, but also craving some of your old comfort foods you may still be able to satisfy those cravings with a little bit of creative substitution. Some of the foods that you used to know and love, have a low carb alternative available - the taste might be a little bit different but you will soon get used to that and be well on your way to happier and healthier eating! Break Your Weight Loss Plateau How to Break Your Plateau Weight Loss Begins in the Mind Not only was I fat, I was in poor health too. Slowing Down Can Help You Lose Weight Faster Running For Weight Loss??.Slow Down Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #5 Wow! You must be on fire by now burning and churning up those calories on your way to your ideal weight. I know that taking steps to better your life is not always easy. It takes courage to do this. Sometimes it's easier just to keep in the mind set of surviving and do what you've always done. When you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. Is this what you desire? Or do you want something different, something that is absolutely amazing? Even Gastric Bypass Patients Hit Weight Loss Plateaus Sometime, during the phase of rapid weight loss after gastric bypass surgery, many patients may find their weight loss is stalled. Talk about discouraging. The daily ritual of weighing and celebrating another pound gone has turned into depressing torture because the scale just won't move- the dreaded plateau has arrived. Weight Loss with Non Fat Foods? More is NOT Better! Studies show that most Americans are fifteen percent fatter today than they were in the early nineties. Wouldn't you think with all the non-fat foods on the store shelves that maybe we would be losing weight verses gaining it ? There are two reasons for this: one is physiological and the other is psychological. Weight Loss Plateaus -- 7 Easy Steps to Overcome It Have you ever experienced this scenario before? ![]() |
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