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7 Reasons Low Carb Diets are Wrong
The human body is designed to run best on a certain type and balance of fuel. Unfortunately the latest low-carbohydrate fad diets are not fuel that the human body was designed to run on. Low - carbohydrate diets can cause several health concerns over time. Here are the top seven. 1. Gout Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs when excessive uric acid levels, start to crystalize in joints, leading to pain and inflamation. Uric acid is a waste product in the liver's metabolism of protein. Excessive amounts of protein may lead to an inability of elimination of uric acid. The FAT LOSS COACH recommends you should not to exceed 1-1.25 grams of protein per lean pound of body weight. 2. Kidney Stones Kidney stones are hard masses that form in the kidneys when uric acid or calcium oxalate crystalizes and over time form stones. Insoluble fiber found only in carbohydrates reduces the absorption of calcium, which cause urinary calcium levels to drop resulting in prevention of kidney stone's formation. The FAT LOSS COACH program recommends the consumption of 30 or more grams of fiber daily. This is not attainable on low - carbohydrate diets. 3. Constipation and Poor Intestinal Health To maintain good intestinal health our bodies require thirty or more grams of fiber daily. Fiber is divided into two types soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber is vital in formation of stools and decreases the time process of waste elimination. Low carbohydrate diets are too low in insoluble fiber and increase risk of constipation. Poor transit time of waste material increases risk of certain colon cancers. Insoluble fibers prevent the buildup of mucus on intestinal walls which lead to poor absorption of nutrients into the body. Low carbohydrate diets are inadequate to maintain good intestinal wall health. The FAT LOSS COACH program uses whole grains, oats, beans, fruits and vegetable which are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. This lowers the risk for constipation, irritable bowel, diverticulitis, crohn's disease, hemorrhoids and colon cancers. 4. Rise in Cholesterol Levels increase Risk Heart Disease Risk of heart disease increases on a low carbohydrate, low fiber diets. These diets promote excessive amounts of animal protein, cholesterol and saturated fat. Exuberant amounts of protein increase homocysteine, which is a bi product of the amino acid methionine. Many experts believe that high homocysteine levels have many toxic effects which lead to increase risk of heart disease and hardening of arteries. Low carbohydrate, low fiber diets reduce the absorption and elimination of digestive bile in the intestines. Digestive bile is produced in the liver from cholesterol. A decrease in digestive bile production raises blood serum cholesterol levels which increases risk of heart disease. Unlike low carbohydrate diets the FAT LOSS COACH promotes nutritional balance providing 30% protein, 50% high fiber carbohydrates, 20% fat. 5. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is the reduction of bone density, due to the loss of calcium over long periods of time. Several dietary factors increase the risk of osteoporosis. When dietary protein reaches excessive levels, so does the loss of calcium in the urine. Most studies show that a life - long high protein diet results in an increase of osteoporosis. Poor intestinal health due to low fiber diets cause inadequate absorption of calcium in intestines contributing to poor bone formation. This would suggest that all low carbohydrate diets cannot become a life long lifestyle of eating. This is only one of many reasons why low carbohydrate diets provide poor Long Term Weight Control. Interestingly, a diet too low in protein can also increase risk of osteoporosis. There is no one size fits all when managing our weight. All FAT LOSS COACH programs are customized to the individual providing the right balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat. 6. Loss of Muscle and Reduction of Metabolism Any diet that applies the restriction of calories less than the body's daily requirements over long periods of time will result in the loss of lean muscle tissue and a decrease in the metabolism. All low carbohydrate diets are focused solely on weight loss. The loss of fat comes at a high cost, which is the loss of lean muscle. The loss of muscle reduces the resting metabolic rate, which is the major cause for rebound weight gain. Research shows 95% of all dieters' will regain that weight back. WE DON'T FAIL AT DIET'S - DIET'S FAIL US! The FAT LOSS COACH is a nutritional breakthrough because of it's three day eating cycle, called the GLYCO - CYCLE. The secret is we don't try to lose fat every day. That would result in losing muscle and reducing metabolism. ( Go to FAT LOSS COACH story to learn how the Glyco - Cycle was discovered ). 7. Poor Exercise Performance and Recovery Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for your muscles and brain. Eating a low carbohydrate diet prevent proper maintenance of muscle and liver glycogen ( storage form of carbohydrate and water ), decreasing muscle performance and increasing muscle fatigue. ATP is the main source of energy for all muscle contraction. When a muscle is used, a chemical reaction breaks down ATP to produce energy. There is only enough ATP stored in the muscle for a few contractions. More ATP is needed. There are three enzyme systems that can create more ATP. The three sources of ATP for muscle contraction are carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acid proteins. Carbohydrates metabolize efficiently and are therefore used first. If carbohydrates are not available, your muscles metabolize fatty acids and amino acids as secondary sources of ATP. These secondary sources are not efficient, which consequently cause your strength and endurance to drop drastically. The FAT LOSS COACH is customized to your amount of muscle and exercise schedule. It provides 50% of your calories from high fiber, low glycemic ( turn into blood sugar slowly ) carbohydrates which are metabolized into muscle energy best. This will lead to increases in strength and muscle endurance. Final Thoughts Long term success managing weight starts with the right approach. If you are overweight, the real problem is that you have too much body fat for how much muscle you possess. A body composition solution is needed, not just a weight loss diet. Your goal should be to lose fat without losing muscle or sacrificing your health in the process. To maintain your results your eating habits must develop life long character. Low carbohydrate diets provide initial weight loss, but at the high cost of losing muscle and reducing metabolism. They are inadequate sources of fuel to support exercise activity, which is vital in maintaining good health. The risks to your health long term makes low carbohydrate diet's poor solutions for life long weight management. About The Author Charles Remington
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Gastric Bypass Surgery - Is It Right For You? When we hear all the success stories of the gastric bypass, it sounds so easy. One pricey operation and the pounds just fly off! Right? Not quite. Gastric bypass surgery is only advised to those who are morbidly obese ? this is someone with a body mass index greater then 40 and men and women between 80-100 pounds their ideal body weight. Diet Pills And Supplements Losing weight is a struggle that many of us face every day. In the search for the best diet program, the subject of diet pills and supplements can be the foremost thought on our minds. With the numerous diet pills and supplements being advertised it's hard to know which ones are safe and effective. Diet pills can be very helpful in controlling the appetite and boosting your energy level and metabolism. In making the decision to use diet pills or supplements to help you lose weight, you must consider what, if any, side effects are possible. Some products claim to have no side effects what so ever while others carry the risk of liver damage, heart problems, and kidney damage, just to name a few. Those who struggle with obesity run the risk of health problems. Along with diet and exercise, you may be considering using diet pills or supplements. Make certain to research the effectiveness and possible side effects associated with these types of products. Information is readily available to you from a number of online and other sources. Obesity is the cause of hundreds of thousands of health related problems for millions of people throughout the world. Losing excess weight is the best thing you can do for your heart and over all health. Diet pills and supplements can assist you in reaching your weight loss goals. Make certain you choose a diet product that carries very little, if any, risk of serious side effects. There are diet pills and supplements available that are safe and effective and have few or no possible side effects. Diet pills can come in the form of prescription medication that is available only through your doctor or in the form of non-prescription supplements that are available over the counter or through online providers. Whichever type of diet pill or supplement you choose, a healthy diet and exercise are still necessary to lose weight and maintain that loss. Claims made by weight loss product manufacturers stating their product can help you lose weight with no diet and exercise plan are usually false. If you want to lose weight, you must reduce your caloric intake and begin an exercise program. There are diet pills and supplements that are safe and can help you in your weight loss plan. Choose carefully and make sure you know the risk of side effects associated with any product you purchase. There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs and online support systems to help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services. To view our list of recommended sources to help you lose weight or to read more articles about dieting visit: Recommended Weight Loss & Diet Resources Online. Weight Loss: Its Not About the Numbers, Its Your Approach! Today obesity, diabetes, and heart disease run through us at epidemic levels. Why? The answer lies not in the thousands of different kinds of diet, weight loss and workout programs offered, the answer lies in the approach. But, no one wants to talk about that. Do you ever wonder why that is? Staying Toned After Weight Loss Staying Toned After Weight Loss ---------------------------------------- Following significant weight loss, it is vital to have an exercise routine to keep your muscles firm and help to tighten the skin. One of the biggest drawbacks to significant weight loss is the flabby skin that is visible that often can take months to disappear. Weight Loss Woes Weight loss is an issue that affects men and women alike. Children, particularly young girls, are also starting to think about weight loss at younger and younger ages. This isn't really that surprising if you take a look at all of the pressure that is put on Americans to be thin and beautiful. Ironically, for many people, it's that pressure to measure up to what they see on television and in magazines that drives them to overeat in the first place. Know How Many Calories To Cut For Permanent Weight Loss It is not recommended to lose more than 1 pound per week for healthily weight loss. The reason for this has do to with the issues which quick and drastic weight loss can have on your body's metabolism and muscle mass. When you lose a lot of weight quickly, you really need to strictly monitor where this weight is coming from. Is it water weight, body fat or muscle mass? The majority of the time, it unfortunately comes from lean muscle mass and this is exactly what will cause serious issues with your metabolism. Muscle is your body's most potent and active tissue for burning calories and body fat. Its basically your body's "furnace" which you want to always keep burning hot. When someone loses a lot of weight, which usually comes from crash dieting or some other unhealthy way of dropping the weight, the body's lean muscle mass is cannibalized and you lose some of your biggest "power" tissue for keeping a lean body. A Personal Trainers...Holidaze Rules of day to day no longer apply as you surrender to the hearts and minds of those closest. Conversation, food and wine are intoxicating. You can't leave the table the conversation is too good. The holiday food keeps coming. I fall back into the silken warmth of family stories and recollections of past years. No Low Carb Diet Progress? Sleep In To Get Thin! If your low carb diet is going nowhere, maybe its time to get more sleep. In a paper presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, researchers found that people, who got little sleep, got fat. Preventing Overweight and Obesity ? Are You Responsible Enough? Obesity is now assuming epidemic proportions. Worldwide there are over 1 billion overweight people and out of that more than 300 million in the obese category. With the U.S. weight loss market alone grossing over $46 Billion, and projections of 1 trillion by 2010, obesity, diet control and weight control nutrition is assuming increasing concern among health planners especially the WHO. Dietary Recommendations After Gastric Bypass Surgery When obesity gets out of hand, unresponsive to dietary, lifestyle and medical interventions, drastic measures are needed to cut down calorie intake. Morbid obesity with a BMI (body mass index, a measure of malnutrition) above 40 kg/m2 is an indication for surgical procedures such as gastric bypass surgery. Gastric bypass is now a well-trodden path to lower BMI's and achieve healthier lives in 18 months or so. First used in the 1950's, only the last two decades have seen safe and successful gastric bypass surgery with any consistency. Half a century of meticulous observations and patient follow-up has led to the formulation of strict guidelines to ensure desired results. Playing Games Does Not Help Your Weight Loss Efforts Have you ever wondered why some fat people can be playing tennis, swimming and jogging often, yet they never lose weight? Gastric Bypass ? The Nightmare for Food Lovers While the gastric bypass may seem like the perfect solution to those who are obese, I'd like to explain just how the surgery affects the lifestyle of those who've had gastric bypass surgery. Help me, Im Addicted to Sugar A client wrote, "Help me! I thought I was finally getting a handle on my weight issue but the sugar is killing me. I had an awful day. I won't even tell you what I ate today because it is just so unbelievable. All I will say is that 90% of my food today consisted of sugar! I really, really need some help getting past these cravings. I am no doubt a sugar addict. If I could get past this there is no doubt that I will reach my goal." Top Thirty Weight Loss Tips and Tricks Here are some everyday, helpful hints to get you started, keep you going, and help you stick to your diet. Fat Loss Exercise Strategies How many calories you consume has a big impact on fat loss or gain. If you eat more calories than your body is able to burn will result in weight gain. The best thing about exercise is that the more you do the less you have to worry about calories and you are able to stimulate fat loss. Cellulite: The Biggest Female Epidemic Cellulite is probably one of the most embarrassing of all physical faults that women have. Weight Loss for Good ? If Only You Had Known? Whether coming from a close friend, the nightly news or from a letter in the mail, it's hard to face the truth at times. Hear-ing it can really cut to the core of our be-ings. Weight Loss Problems? - Why The Gastric Bypass Surgery Does Not Stick! Gastric bypass surgeries are temporary physical fixes to a long term head problem! If you think the surgery is a cure all, think again. The crazy thing is people are gaining weight on purpose so they can be qualified to even be considered for the surgery. How sick is that? The Atkins Diet Introduction Ultimate Weight Loss: Ephedra is Back? I had some questions come in about Ephedra. So I have put together this short article to get you some info. Just to fill some of you in , Ephedra was taken off the market last year , but it is now back on the market and ready for consumers. This product seems to be the most wanted weight loss product. They cant keep this stuff on the shelves since it was given the "OK" to be sold again. Make sure you read some of the common sense rules below before using Ephedra. ![]() |
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