Getting Through a Weight Loss Plateau

If you are traveling on the path towards wellness you will occasionally hit road blocks in self motivation. There will be times that you will be filled with self doubt and will undoubtedly ponder the question that has left even the most motivated dieter reeling, "How do I get through a weight loss plateau?" Dealing with slow weight loss and plateaus are very frustrating, especially when you have stepped on the scale after a week of doing everything "right"! The best way to surge past a weight loss plateau and avoid any future blocks in self motivation is to use the power of your mind.

So many times we "beat ourselves up" mentally and we actually start believing the negative thoughts we feed ourselves. Positive self talk and visualization will enable you to get past your self-imposed blocks in self motivation. The next time you hit a weight loss plateau or any other rough spot I want you to think about the following story.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are at the airport and you have just found out that your flight has been delayed and maybe even cancelled. The news shocks you because you have worked so hard to save up the money for this vacation and you are annoyed that you will not get there when you thought you would. You look around the airport and notice that nobody else's flight has been cancelled, only yours. You begin to feel sorry for yourself as you watch scores of people parading past you. It is obvious that many of them are arriving home from vacation as they look tan, healthy, and happy.

You sink lower into your chair and you begin to think that maybe you should give up on the idea of taking a vacation. As you sit there, you mind begins to wander and you start to imagine yourself at your final destination. In your mind you are looking "Oh, so good" in your new bathing suit! Your thoughts are interrupted by the loudspeaker announcing that your flight will not be cancelled just delayed for one more hour. You groan at the thought of being held even longer but you decide to make the best of it. You take a short walk, buy yourself a bottle of water, and then settle back down and read a magazine about health and fitness. As soon as your mind is occupied with other things, the time flies by and they finally announce that your flight is ready to leave.

You get on the plane even though you know that you might hit some turbulence on the way but the knowledge that you will arrive at your destination motivates you. You might feel you have wasted your time but once you get to your destination you will realize it was worth it! After awhile you won't even remember the time you spent at the airport, because it ceases to be important. What will be important to you is that you reached your destination and all you will think about is how wonderful it is to be there!

The next time you ask yourself, "How do I get through a weight loss plateau?" Compare your weight loss delay to a delay at the airport. It is upsetting and time consuming but you WILL eventually get to your final destination! has been created as a place to share weight loss thoughts, articles about healthy eating, information about working out, motivational quotes, frustrations, and successes. Please come and visit!

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