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Fat Does Not Make You Fat
Fat does Not Make You Fat. One of the other huge myths is that fat makes you fat. It doesn't. When you eat fat, your body has to break it down into its little building blocks and then absorb the pieces. The fat you have in your body is not the same as the fat you eat. In fact, the fat naturally found in whole foods is fat you actually need for your body to function properly. Essential Fatty Acids are the name given to the types of fat that you need to eat. This is why they are called essential. Your body cannot make them, you must eat them. And these essential fatty acids are only found with fat that naturally occurs in whole food. What are these essential fatty acids used for in your body? Well, literally everything. Every cell in your body is partly made up of these essential fatty acids. To breathe, to have your heart beat, to run, walk, think, to make hormones, to remember anything, you need essential fatty acids for all of these and basically, to live. And if you don't eat them in the food you eat, your body will not function properly. And the only place you can find essential fatty acids is in food that has naturally occurring fat in them. So if you try and cut fat out of your body, you will actually be causing harm and not really be doing anything to get rid of the fat already in your body. So what is one of the main causes of being fat. Sugar and refined carbohydrates. NO, not again with the sugar, you might be saying. Yes, Sugar and refined carbohydrates are really one of the main causes in many problems we as humans face today. You can pretend it is not true, you can believe it is not true, but no matter how you try and avoid it, sugar and refined carbohydrates will still negatively impact you whether you want them to or not. And whether or not you believe they will or not. How does sugar and refined carbohydrates make you fat? It is really simple. You have a relatively set amount of fat cells in your body. It is just a matter of how big your fat cells are. So what affects the size of your fat cells? Sugar. Because glucose is what is stored in your fat cells. And there is a little "gate" that controls the movement of sugar in and out of your fat cells. And the key to this little gate is insulin. Insulin is the key that opens the gates to the fat cells and allows excess glucose in the blood to go into the fat cells. So if you never eat anything that raises your blood sugar levels beyond normal, your body will not release insulin, and you will not get bigger fat cells. The body releases insulin to lower blood sugar levels that are too high. So Sugar and refined carbohydrates are actually what is one of the biggest contributing factors to why people are overweight. The ironic part of all of this, is that when you get food that has "artificially" been made to be low fat, you know what they usually put in when they take out the fat? Sugar. They usually add the very thing that contributes to people being fat when they are trying to make something that many people think is helping them not be fat. Fat does not make you fat. In fact, you need the essential fatty acids found in fat to live. Sugar is one of the biggest contributing factors to what makes you fat. The real truth about sugar and refined carbohydrates. I share this and more with you in my free e-course that this article is a part of. Go to http://www.HealthyEatingDiet.com to get the full e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you Permanent Results with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free
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Saboteurs to Your Weight Loss Plans Saboteurs are people and thoughts that are going to sabotage you when you are at all weak in your bid to better yourself. I can identify many internal and external forces that will try to stop me from what I want on an almost daily basis. Lets start with the outside forces first and then we can start blaming ourselves after that. What is Real Hunger? In order to identify hunger, you must first understand what it is. This is not as easy as it seems. Many of you may never have let yourself experience true hunger, only a feeling of discomfort. Not knowing exactly what it was, you may have been eating past hunger for such a long time you can no longer differentiate between hunger and the feeling of anxiety, stress, boredom, or any number of other emotional or circumstantial stimuli. You haven't allowed yourself to go without eating for a long enough period of time to have felt true hunger; you may not have experienced it since childhood. How I Lost 12 Pounds And Had Fun Doing It! You see it all the time; people agonizing over their exercise routine. You hear people in the gym say things like; "I will be doing good when I get out of here". I am a person who has always enjoyed going in the gym so I can't relate to agonizing about being in the gym?.cardio or fat burning exercises?that is a different story. I have never liked running, pounding on a treadmill, a stationary bike, aerobics classes or any other cardio exercise. That is why I did not stick with these disciplines. I found something that I enjoy doing and have become so involved with it that I have already lost twelve pounds and gained cardiovascular benefits. I am going to tell you how I did it, but I am not suggesting you do what I did. I am suggesting you find something that you enjoy and it will be very easy for you to maintain the discipline. The Natural Truth About Quick Weight Loss Actually, I was reading about fad diet and suddenly I received a message in my mail "Lose 20 Pounds in 10 Days!" So I thought I should write some more on quick weight loss diet plans and how they're intended to fail miserably. Obesity is Big Business Obesity and overweight, weight reduction and weight management therapies, miracle weight loss pills are everywhere. Open the newspaper, switch on the T.V., pick up a magazine and you are sure to find ads and articles on the subject of weight loss and obesity. Diet Preparaton -- The Impact of Sleep and Stress When you have started a diet in the past, how much sincere and attentive focus did you give to preparing for your diet? Isn't it true that usually you are getting the food together a particular diet requires, buying yet another tread mill (or hauling out the old one covered in dust from the last diet), getting another gym membership, planning that last big blowout gluttonous meal you're going to eat because you are going to have to starve for the next eight weeks. The above really isn't an exaggeration. People spend a lot of time preparing everything else for their new diet program except the body!If you are to succeed in keeping weight off, you must take seriously the preparation of the whole person--body, mind, and soul, right? Of course you do! In the next few articles, I will focus on two very important and related components of preparing your body for weight loss programs: sleep and stress. Think about these two questions. Question 1: "What are your chances of actually losing the weight you want to lose? Question 2: What are the chances you'll keep that weight off for at least five years? If you have been on the fad diet band wagon even once in your life, you already look at those two questions warily and with some doubt about your success. I would venture a guess and say that most of us have tried more than one diet that promised fast results with very little if any hunger and no exercise, right? The Rumbly-Grumbly Tummy After Gastric Bypass If you've been enjoying life after gastric bypass surgery you will know exactly what I'm talking about. That rumbly-tumbly stomach growl that's more bark than bite. It's the inactive tummy talking, the lower part of the stomach that was bypassed. And it growls at the oddest moments seldom accompanied by hunger pains. My inactive tummy is particularly talkative at bedtime, I think it remembers the refrigerator front bedtime binges from my previously life. Tenuate: Should A Diet Pill Be Part Of Your Weight Loss Checklist? Maybe your doctor suggested it. Maybe your favorite outfit doesn't fit you just the way you like, or maybe you've just decided that you want to be the healthiest you that you can be. Whatever the reason, it's time to put a weight-loss program into place. The Myth of Spot Reducing There is no such thing as spot reducing. Any fat you lose comes off in the same proportion it's stored in your body. Does It Matter If You Are Overweight? Everywhere we look in the western world we are inundated with pictures, images, icons and inferences of the 'perfect' female shape! The truth is that many of these images are altered or enhanced in some way and do not depict the typical female form. The pressure to lose weight is immense when we are bombarded every day with media selling products based on slimness, sex appeal and fashion. The constant message is that slimness will make you desireable. 7 Strategies To Stop Eating Junk Food! FACT: Obesity accounts for 300,000 deaths a year in the U.S. alone. Faster Fat Loss Thats Healthy I received a telephone call from a lady The Secret to Safe Weight Loss The safe way to lose weight begins with a thorough checkup by your family physician. He can check for any health problems that might defeat a simple diet plan. He can also help you set a reasonable weight-loss goal and plan a strategy to meet that goal within a reasonable time frame. How You Can Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight When I decided to lose weight I of course decided to do as much planning as possible. It seems the older I get the harder it is to do anything without completely planning it out. Anyways, I had already been on the all protein diets and knew that they worked. The only problem was I could never stick to them for very long. The Low Carb Craze and Other Dieting Mistakes Dear BMTers, Citric Fruits - A Healthy Food New studies suggested once again that citric fruits including oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits help fight cancer, high cholesterol, and obesity. Dieting Strategy -- Stop Diet Drop Out Diet drop out, a significant problem for all types of diets, requires a new dieting strategy. Exchange it...and watch diet drop out rates plummet. Calorie Burn? Know The Optimum Walking Speed For Greatest Results Calorie burn can be really enhanced if you follow a very simple but effective way to judge if your walking speed is optimum, yet safe. How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Motivation One of the hardest aspects of getting yourself into shape, is maintaining the motivation you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Just about anyone will lose some of their enthusiasm, a month or so into a weight loss program. I have learned a few things that keep me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. They have helped me tremendously and I think they will help you as well. Move, Move, Move for Greater Weight Loss The loss of fat comes from fat cells all over the body, not from one or more specific area's so spot reduction of a certain area is not possible. The main priority of this article is to show you the quickest and safest way to lose fat from the body. ![]() |
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