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The Secret to Safe Weight Loss
The safe way to lose weight begins with a thorough checkup by your family physician. He can check for any health problems that might defeat a simple diet plan. He can also help you set a reasonable weight-loss goal and plan a strategy to meet that goal within a reasonable time frame. The big problem is that we all enjoy good food. So a diet that deprives you of the joy of eating is not likely to work in the long run. Therefore, the key is to avoid overeating. Here, then, are a few suggestions to help you to be "moderate" in your eating habits. Don't skip breakfast! "Hunger and a feeling of deprivation get the best of you," warns The New Teenage Body Book. "You'll tend to load up on food - and calories - late in the day." Drink a large glass of water before each meal. This will fill your stomach. Drinking adequate amounts of water also appears to play a role in reducing body-fat deposits. Doctors therefore recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. Don't eat and watch TV. Says Dr. Seymour Isenberg: "If you are busy watching TV . . . , you [can] begin eating like a machine." Pray before you eat. Remember this, whether you believe in God or not, it (prayer) certainly cannot hurt. Prayer just may strengthen your resolve to eat moderately. Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to signal the brain that it is full. Eating slowly will thus help you to "eat to satisfaction," but no more! Find healthy alternatives to eating - especially if you have been in the habit of eating whenever you are bored, tense, lonely, or depressed. Talk to someone you trust. Go for a walk, or exercise. Work on a hobby. Listen to music. Do something you enjoy and this may help to keep your mind off your appetite. Cephus Gunn is an independent marketing consultant and offers common-sense tips on health and weight loss for the informed consumer. For more information on health and safe weight loss, visit the web site http://www.yonitetrim.com/ Contact Cephus at solinc01@yahoo.com Please note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice.
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An essential part of the our body, water helps reduce weight in many ways Can Weight Loss Improve Your Health And Make You Feel Better? Many people today are interested in weight loss and weight loss programs. Sedentary life styles and lack of exercise have contributed to a general trend toward carrying around a few extra pounds. Following a disciplined weight loss plan can prove very helpful and beneficial to people who don't really have any idea of how to create a weigh loss diet. There are many options available today to help you trim a few pounds and fit into the clothes you want. Push a Button to Lose Weight Trash Your TV! is pleased to announce the easiest weight loss program in the world. It is as easy as pushing a button-the "Power" button on your TV. Turn the TV OFF completely and go outside to play. Go outside in the fresh air and do something enjoyable for at least an hour. Losing Weight is All About Counting Calories/Carbs and Exercising. Or Is It? 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For everything that you hear; however, Dr. Atkins did not create low-carb dieting. The Secret to Safe Weight Loss The safe way to lose weight begins with a thorough checkup by your family physician. He can check for any health problems that might defeat a simple diet plan. He can also help you set a reasonable weight-loss goal and plan a strategy to meet that goal within a reasonable time frame. Weight Loss : Keep It Simple An increasing trend over the last few years has been for diet books to make things complex. Dash Diet -- Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force exerted on artery walls when the heart is beating and when it is at rest. Are You Losing Weight and Getting Fatter? Your Can Turn Fat into Muscle...... Weight Loss For Beginners Getting into a weight loss program or any type of dieting is intimidating for a beginner. Better health is something that we should all work towards, and be bold about. With the right preparation and attitude we can all get into and achieve success in Weight Loss. Provided below are some tips that can help you get into Weight Loss, and help you progress along the way. Weight Loss Tips for a Swimsuit Body Spring is here and swimsuit weather is just around the corner. If you're like many of us, you start panicking about all the weight you need to lose to fit into your favorite swimwear. Some need to lose 5 to 10 pounds of extra fat while others require 20 to 30 pounds, or more. Most of us know that to stay trim all year round would require an improvement in lifestyle. Easier said than done. "Yes but what do I do now?" you ask. Do you diet, exercise or both? Keep in mind that although weight loss through various diet methods may improve your appearance, it may not have a positive effect on your health. According to studies, repeated periods of weight loss followed by weight gain can be harmful to health. (1) Ephedra Is Back - But Is It Safe? It's been called the world's oldest medicine, the miracle fat burner, and is known in some parts of the U.S. as "Mormon tea." Ephedra (also called Ma-huang or epitonin) has been used for its healing powers for more than 5000 years by the Chinese, who discovered the plant's healing properties. So why was it banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2004, and more importantly, why was the ban recently lifted? ![]() |
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