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Little Known Facts About Changes In Our Diet
To say that Americans are obsessed with dieting is an understatement! Pick up any magazine, tune-in or turn-on any source of advertising and you're bombarded with the latest diet schemes and food fads. More often than not, they are endorsed by some familiar Hollywood celebrity, or promoted using some other cleaver technique. It's no mystery that the weight-loss industry has built a thriving empire. In America, for example, we spend about 35 billion dollars every year on an assortment of weight loss products and plans. In addition, we spend another 79 billion dollars for medication, hospitalization, and doctors to treat obesity-related problems. Even with this, the obesity epidemic continues to spread. Sadly, we have become the heaviest generation in our Nation's history. The National Center for Health Statistics reports that we have some very good reasons to be concerned about our weight-gain. Americans, for example are packing-on the pounds faster than ever before and weight-related medical problems are taking center stage. Diseases like heart disease, diabetes and yes...even certain forms of cancer have all been linked to obesity. Here are a few of the surprising statistics about our weight: - A whopping 64 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese. That's up approximately 8 percent from overweight estimates obtained in a 1988 report. - The percent of children who are overweight is also continuing to increase. Among children and teens ages 6-19, 15 percent or almost 9 million are overweight. That's triple what the rate was in 1980! - Nearly one-third of all adults are now classified as obese. At present, 31 percent of adults 20 years of age and over or nearly 59 million people have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater, compared with 23 percent in 1994. (The BMI is a number that shows body weight adjusted for height. For adults, a BMI of 18.5 - 24.9 is considered normal. A BMI of 25.0 - 29.9 is overweight and 30.0 or above, is considered obese.) Modern life both at home and at work has come to revolve around moving from one "seated" position to another: whether it's television, computers, remote controls, or automobiles, we seem to be broadening the scope of our inactive endeavors. At times, life seems to have gotten almost too easy! For entertainment, we can now just sit-down, dial-up our favorite TV program or DVD movie and enjoy hours of uninterrupted entertainment... And all those simple calorie burning activities that were once a normal part of our daily routine not so long ago? Long gone! You know the ones I'm talking about...activities like climbing stairs instead of using escalators and elevators. Or, pushing a lawn mower instead of riding around on a garden tractor. And what about that daily walk to school? Now, our kids complain when the school bus happens to be a few minutes late getting to the bus stop! Along with the convenience of our affluent lifestyle and reduction in energy expenditure, have come changes in our diet. We are now consuming more calorie rich and nutrient deficient foods than ever before. Here are a few examples of what we were eating in the 1970's compared to our diet today (information is taken from a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture survey): - We are currently eating more grain products, but almost all of them are refined grains (white bread, etc.). Grain consumption has jumped 45 percent since the 1970s, from 138 pounds of grains per person per year to 200 pounds! Only 2 percent of the wheat flour is consumed as whole wheat. - Our consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, but only because the U.S.D.A. includes French fries and potato chips as a vegetable. Potato products account for almost a third of our "produce" choices. - We're drinking less milk, but we've more than doubled our cheese intake. Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets. - We've cut back on red meat, but have more than made up for the loss by increasing our intake of chicken (battered and fried), so that overall, we're eating 13 pounds more meat today than we did back in the 1970s. - We're drinking three times more carbonated soft drinks than milk, compared to the 1970's, when milk consumption was twice that of pop. - We use 25 percent less butter, but pour twice as much vegetable oil on our food and salads, so our total added fat intake has increased 32 percent. - Sugar consumption has been another cause of our expanding waistlines. Sugar intake is simply off the charts. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, people are consuming roughly twice the amount of sugar they need each day, about 20 teaspoons on a 2000 calorie/day diet. The added sugar is found mostly in junk foods, such as pop, cake, and cookies. - In 1978, the government found that sugars constituted only 11 percent of the average person's calories. Now, this number has ballooned to 16 percent for the average American adult and as much as 20 percent for American teenagers. The days of the wholesome family dinners so near and dear to our hearts, where we all sat around the kitchen table to discuss events of the day, are now a part of our sentimental past. They have been replaced by our cravings for take-out and fast- food. We have gradually come to accept that it's "OK" to sacrifice healthy foods for the sake of convenience and that larger serving portions mean better value. And, since I have been throwing-out statistics, here's one more: Americans are consuming about 300 more calories each day than we did twenty years ago. We should actually be eating less because of our decreased activity level, but instead are doing the opposite! Decide TODAY that healthy eating and exercise habits will become a permanent part of your life! Begin to explore your values and thoughts and other areas of your life where change may be required, and then take action. Begin slowly, but deliberately to make improvements in the areas you identify. And remember, it has taken a very long time to develop your habits, and it will take some time to undo them?so be patient! Tim Robinson is the owner of Weight-Loss-Diet-Search.com. Visit this site for fresh health, weight loss and dieting articles, useful books, guides and software, and latebreaking health & fitness news.
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How To Burn 50% More Fat In Every Workout With Secrets For Weight Loss Success If your health and fitness are important to you, you hate the idea that you're not making the most of each workout. This is especially true if you face long work hours and kids. With all that you've been told, it's hard to imagine you're doing something wrong when you do cardiovascular exercise 3-5 times a week. Let's say you're seeing and feeling good results so far, but you're losing weight less quickly than expected. Dont Blame Me If Im Fat! In a culture of blame-shifting we often look for someone to blame for our predicament. Being overweight is no different - who is to blame for obesity? Summer Dieting Tips Cut the Calories, Bring Out the Bikini Fat Burning Foods Are there any foods that burn body fat? If yes, how is it possible? It should be possible to lose weight by simply eating such foods. What are these foods? How I Lost 51 Pounds In 4 Months Using The Simplest Diet Plan In The World Like many people I've been on dozens of diet plans over the years ranging from Atkins to South Beach to Weightwatchers to Jenny Craig and lots more besides. In fact, I've eaten enough cabbage soup to satisfy a small country! I'm 5 feet 10 and I used to weigh 230 pounds and needed to lose a good 50 pounds to get myself in some short of shape. And then it hit me. It's seems so logical now and so simple but I had ignored the simplest weight loss solution of all. Here's how I discovered it. Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips ? Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 6 of 10 Do you know that while you work out the muscles are being torn down verses being built up? This sounds illogical doesn't it? You would think that you are doing the opposite? Well, over time this is true, yet in the short term it is different. This is why I encourage you to eat a balanced diet to replace all the fuel used in the workouts. Hang In There Dieters, Help Is At Hand!! I was thinking about diets and such and it occurred to me that dieting is kind of like sports, but one way in which dieting differs from sports competition is that in dieting there seems to be a lack of gradualization in the preparation. Empowerment and Self-Control - What it Really Takes to get Control of your Weight Chant the following each day, several times. They are mantras that will save your life - Barriers to Healthy Diets -- Removing them is not as hard as you think Barriers to healthy diets are placed into four broad categories: External Barriers Psychological Barriers Physical Barriers Dieting Barriers This article examines only the most difficult barriers in each category. Let's remove the barriers to healthy diets...but first, "What is a Healthy Diet?" Doc, I Know My Arthritis Will Get Better If I Lose The Weight?. But How Do I Do It? First? establish realistic goals. Start with a target you can hit?say? "OK, I'd like to lose five pounds in one month." Make it easy on yourself. Then once you hit that goal, set another one. Achievable goals will help you get the confidence you need to keep on going. Another tip: reward yourself (not with food) for hitting your goals. Is Losing Weight The Same As Losing Fat? Contrary to common belief, your weight is not really the indicator of a weight problem ? the actual percentage of body fat is the true indicator. You need to know what percent of you is actually FAT. How are you going to monitor your weight loss if you do not know what percent of your body is fat, before you begin your program? Weigh Loss and your Self Image ? Are You Worthy to Feel Better? Maybe you losing weight comes down to the simple question, "Do you think you are worthy to?" Smarter Eating Dieting doesn't have to be a chore. Actually, you can eat what you like and still cut the pounds. How you ask? By smarter eating. For example, there are 7 days in a week. Let us say you eat clean for 2 days with the third day being a cheat day. More times then not, you are eating well and still having what you like to eat. This has many benefits. You get to reward yourself for successfully eating correctly the first 2 days and then you shocked your metabolism to burn even more calories by incorporating that 3rd day as your cheat day. When you eat clean for long periods of time, your metabolism adapts to this, so you have to shock you metabolism to kick start extra calorie burning. Some of the easiest ways to eat smarter are, Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Live Longer If all we have to do is exercise to live a fuller and healthier life then why isn't everybody doing it? Not enough time? Too expensive? Unmotivated? Well the fact is everybody wants to be healthier but it is time consuming and expensive. Or is it? The problem is that an individual's health is not given a high priority until it's gone. Weight Loss Surgery: A Last Resort Thinking about weight loss surgery? You're not alone. Over two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Many are looking for ways to lower their bodyweight and enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle. A fast surgical procedure seems like a great option. But, for the vast majority of people, weight loss surgery should be a last resort. LapBand Surgery. The Rules of the Road...Part 1 When you begin the decision making process to have Weight Loss Surgery (WLS), and specifically LapBand Surgery, it is vital that you fully understand the changes you must make in your lifestyle. WLS is never the magic pill. It is something that you must work at to be successful. How to Lose Weight: Food for Thought When it comes to weight loss, most of us would like to engage in what psychologists call "magical thinking." We'd like to believe that some easy trick or ritual would allow us to shed pounds while eating anything we liked. Wouldn't it be nice if consuming all our food before 6 p.m., doing yoga, or hopping on one foot for five minutes would allow us to chow down with all our favorite goodies and still lose weight? Diets, Diets, Diets?Do They Work? Almost everyone has attempted to follow diets and weight loss programs at some time in their lives. The trouble with so many diets and low fat diets is that they are hard to follow. Some diets leave you hungry and craving food all the time. A healthy diet is one that you feel good about following and encourages you to eat in a healthy way while at the same time reducing the overall calorie content. Carbohydrates: Why Size Matters If I collected a dime for each time I've seen or heard the word "carbohydrate" - or picked up a book on the subject, for that matter - I'd be a wealthy woman. And of course we've all heard the buzzwords: simple carb; complex carb; high carb; low carb; no carb. But do we really know what a carbohydrate is? And are carbs really as bad and fattening as we're told they are? Want to Succeed on Your Diet, Find a Diet Buddy If you're like most people who tried losing weight on a diet and failed it's probably because you didn't have enough support. Sure family, friends and even your spouse can help but one the best ways to succeed on a diet is to choose a diet buddy. The best diet buddy is someone whose goals are similar to yours. If you have to lose 10 pounds and they have to lose 60 that's not a good match. The more weight you have to lose the closer that person should be to you physically. If you've only got five to ten pounds to lose that person could be across the street or across the country. However if you have 40 pounds to lose you really need someone who can offer you more support. One of the most effective weight loss methods is keeping a journal of what you eat and how much you exercise. You should exchange your journal with your diet buddy and help each other correct mistakes you may have made. You should meet with your diet buddy as often as possible. One of the best places is to meet at the gym every morning and compare your journals over breakfast. Another good alternative is lunchtime, this helps you make smart healthy food choices and resist the temptation to pig out. Try to avoid choosing someone who you live with as your diet buddy. Sibling rivalry or spousal spats are a natural part of life, causing stress and anxiety about not having the full support of your diet buddy leads to unnecessary anxiety and stress or emotional related eating. ![]() |
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