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Is Zone Diet a Fad?
Is Zone Diet a Fad? How do you recognize a fad diet? When I asked myself this question, some generous people hurried to offer me free, quick, easily digestible answers. I chose the top ten from the list, and decided to match them with the Zone diet's most common features. Health Castle offers "Ten signs of a fad diet": 1. It promises massive weight loss (1 - 2 lbs per week) Dr. Barry Sears is careful when he declares a standard weight loss on Zone diet. He considers that anything between 1 to 1,5 lbs per week is satisfactory. "It will be impossible to lose more than one to one point five pounds of fat per week. Anything over that is loss of retained water", says Sears himself on his daily "Ask Dr. Sears" column at DrSears.com. FAD. 2. It does not suggest you that you consult with a registered dietician or nutritionist "Any change in diet (for better or worse) will affect the metabolism of the drug(s) you are taking. Always consult with a physician before starting the Zone Diet or any other dietary plan", says Dr. Sears in various interviews and discussion lists. Not FAD. 3. It encourages you to eliminate certain food groups (e.g. "low carb diets", "low fat diets") This is untrue for the Zone diet. Dr. Sears says: "No food is forbidden in the Zone." Zone diet considers "unfavourable" mostly high glycemic foods and foods high in saturated fats. Not FAD. 4. It offers rigid menus Difficult-to-prepare meals, plenty of measuring and counting, rules that are easy to misinterpret, Zone subscribes to that. FAD. 5. It neglects active living or lifestyle changes The Zone diet has impressive instrumentary and regulation for dining out or for fast food. On the other hand, there's no problem if you step out of the Zone now and then. Here are some soothing phrases from Dr. Sears himself: "The Zone diet is free of guilt" or "The Zone is just one meal away". I'm quite UNDECIDED about this one. It is clear the man has taken some time to think about it. 6. It harshly limitates the daily calorie intake Some dieticians claim that the Zone diet limits the daily calorie intake to somewhere around 800. I used the calculator at DrSears.com to check this (I am a 100 pound woman by the way) and my daily calorie intake resulted around 1100 kcal. I'm not pleased with it, as I don't plan to spend my days in permanent hibernation, or lose any of my precious, hard-gained pounds... FAD. 7. It contradicts what most trusted health profesionals say The Zone diet argues against the USDA food pyramid, which recommends grains and starches up to five servings per day. This is its most high-profile argument. The American Heart Association considers Zone "a fad diet". FAD 8. It depends on special products, supplements and treatments One Zone bar (or shake) is $2.50. A 45-day supply bottle of Omega Rx concentrated fish oil is $78.15. The figure for the Zone books ranges between $6 and $26 (at the Zone Labs online shop); FAD. 9. It makes miraculous claims The Zone will help you to: * lose up to 1.5 lbs body fat per week * improve your insulin level (which should particulary be ... "not too high not too low") * fight against "modern diseases" such as type II diabetes and blood vessel affections * fight against "mental illnesses" such as depresion and alcoholism * prevent "certain" cancers * "restore energy", says Dr. Sears in his book, Enter the Zone, "especially if you have CMS, PMS or even HIV infection" and... * The Zone itself is defined as a state of well-being in which you do not experience hunger, fatigue or moodiness. Your body and mind function sharply at their "peak level". The Zone is a FAD diet in this respect. 10. It relies on testimonials and success stories rather than scientific proof Dr. Sears says "Let me be a little more specific about the rewards you'll reap from staying in the Zone" ("Enter the Zone", p. 4). A few paragraphs later he tells the happy stories of Steve Courson (a famous National Football League player in the late 1970's), his teammate John Corb and Dr. Chris Kyriazis, head of European Marketing for IBM. I believe these examples are not specific but unusual. Moreover, Dr. Sears' Zone diet is mistrusted by most dieticians and nutritionists as so far he has not published any relevant, professional research to sustain his theory. FAD again. Iulia Pascanu writes for http://www.enterthezonediet.com where you can find more information about the Zone Diet. Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: mailto:iuliap@gmail.com
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Lost Weight with Gastric Bypass? Hints for Great After Pictures I clearly remember how much I loathed having my picture taken when I was morbidly obese. Actually, I didn't mind having the picture taken, it was seeing the picture of the sad fat lady that bothered me. I suppose most of us are that way. The 7 Phases of Change Lose The Weight For Good With The Seven Phases of Change Dieting Torture By Another Name, It Doesnt Need To Be That Way I have tried many "diets" here in the USA and in England and to me they all felt like self inflicted torture. They were boring, tasteless, and restrictive. Like many of you I work hard, I don't ask for much in the way of pleasures when I get home at night. The one thing that does give me enormous pleasure is eating, I love food and yes, I like the odd drink too. Six Secret Tips That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast 1. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds. Fibre And Weight Loss: How Closely Are They Connected? The incidences of deseases like obesity, diabetes, colon deseases etc.are minimal in countries where the population has a regular dose of fiber in their diet. The Secret Meaning Of Compulsive Eating Behaviors Food is not simply fuel to keep you going. Nor is it the enemy, out to turn your body into an ugly fat mass or clog up your arteries. So many expert sources dispense food "rules" to live by: Eat four of this every day, eat three of these everyday. Avoid these certain foods at all costs. Eat this food in moderation. The evening news bombards us with food dangers. Diets provide even more wacky "rules." No wonder food is such a messy subject. It's turned into an intellectual battle of good versus evil. Is the New ?High-protein Low-saturated Fat? Diet the Answer to Weight Loss? The heated debate, within diet circles, that began a few years ago and continues today is over the effectiveness of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate, type diet versus its counterpart, the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. Gaining Weight After Gastric Bypass? Bad Snacks May be the Cause As I become acquainted with many of our LivingAfterWLS.com community members I'm finding that old snacking habits have crept back in to our lives. In my third year post-op I returned to the miserable habit of snacking and snacking on all the wrong foods. Crackers, popcorn, toast, cereal, pretzels, sugar-free candy, granola bars. The unpleasant result of this is I regained some weight, several dumping episodes, vomiting and bouts of fatigue. Surviving Glycemic Diets (Ketogenic, Low-Carb or Atkins): 1.The first step to living a Glycemic Diet Lifestyle is knowing what you can have, and have lots of. This includes a large variety of vegetables and fruits. The best you can do is eating 5 vegetable servings of � cup per day and 4 � cups of fruits (Please be selective) per day. The Most Under-Rated Aspect of Weightloss If I were asked, "what is the most difficult thing many people find to do when they start a weight-loss program?", I would have to say right near the top of the list is this - they don't drink enough water! Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #9 WAHOO!!! for YOU!! You are the most AWESOME person alive!! Stand up and repeat after me. Come on, get up and feel the presence of God all around you. Are you up out of that chair? You can stand up while you're reading, can't you? Okay, are you up? Now shout?. I am AMAZING, I am WONDERFUL, I am POWERFUL, I am my IDEAL WEIGHT, I LOVE myself, I am BEAUTIFUL, I am the DIVINE!! Phew!! How did that feel? I am always saying those words and I move my whole body. It is such an energy boost and every cell in my body dances with joy. The Best Weight Loss Programs and Plans - Find Out About Them Online Are you considering a low carb diet? If so you may be confused as to which low carb diet is the best. There is no easy answer for this question. Low carb diets are high in protein and very low in carbohydrates. Two of the more popular low carb diet programs are the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet. Deciding which one is right for you can be quite a challenge. A low carb diet is a great way to lose weight now and experience quick results. Here are brief descriptions of both the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet to help you in making your decision. The Atkins Diet is probably the most well known among low carb diets. The plan begins with a 14-day beginning period in which carbohydrates are limited to twenty grams per day. This begins the fat-burning process. During the fourteen-day induction period you should eat at least three cups of non-starchy vegetables per day. In calculating the number of carbohydrate grams you are consuming, you can deduct the fiber grams from the total carbohydrate grams. For example, if a particular food lists 5g carbohydrates and 2g fibers, subtract the fiber grams from the total carbohydrates, which will leave you with a total net carb count of 3g. After the induction period, you gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates you consume. The Atkins Diet allows you to eat almost unlimited amounts of cheese, meat, butter, nuts, and non-starchy vegetables. There is no need to count calories on the Atkins Diet. The South Beach Diet is designed to promote good health, with fast weight loss as an added bonus. The South Beach Diet is not a low carb plan or a low fat plan. This diet consists of eating the right carbohydrates and the right types of fats. You will not be required to counts calories or fat grams. Phase one of this diet lasts two weeks in which you will eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs and cheese, and olive oil. You may not consume alcohol, bread, pasta, or sugar. Phase two of the South Beach diet is designed for continuing weight loss. You may add moderate amounts of carbohydrates and even enjoy chocolate occasionally. Phase 3 helps you maintain your new, healthier weight. You will enjoy the foods you love in moderation and will be well prepared to adhere to this healthier way of eating. Low carb diets have produced favorable results for millions of people. You can lose weight now and keep it off by living a low carb lifestyle. There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs, systems and online diet monitors that will help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services. To view our list of recommended sources to help you lose weight or to read more articles about dieting visit: Recommended Weight Loss & Diet Resources Online. How To Indulge and Win The Battle of The Bulge During The Holidays: Get Yourself a Buddy If you are trying to lose weight, the holidays literally are the heaviest time of the year. Learn the Secrets the Weight Loss Industry Doesnt Want You To Know About Weight Loss Diets All weight loss diets make you Fat Weight Loss Options -- Infrared Radiant Heat Saunas (IR Saunas) Infrared Radiant Heat (IRRH) is a form of radiation that penetrates the outer surface of objects, including human skin. Heat is generated as the infrared energy interacts with and penetrates the skin surface. The depth of penetration is estimated to be 2-3 inches. The IRRH reaction is exothermic. The release of heat, if localized, is believed to be therapeutic by some health experts. Today, a number of businesses sell saunas equipped with infrared radiant heat (IR Saunas). They claim that at 2-3 inches deep, the release of heat is beneficial in many ways. For instance, chronic wounds tend to heal. How? No one knows for sure, but most likely it's related to improved blood flow and oxygenation of the wound. I have no problem with the theory behind IRRH and the healing of chronic wounds. But what about weight loss? Can infrared heat cause significant weight loss? More importantly, can it lead to Healthy Weight Loss? The business owners selling IR Saunas seem to think so. So the question is, can IR Saunas lead to Healthy Weight Loss? Infrared Radiant Heat Saunas (IR Saunas) Unlike older steel counterparts, IR Saunas are ceramic-coated and tend to be more efficient, producing the same amount of heat in a shorter time period when compared to the steel based saunas. According to supporters of IR Saunas, this efficiency translates into longer exposure times, up-regulation of your body's thermoregulatory system, and weight loss. A local Dallas newspaper printed an ad for an infrared sauna that stated , "Perspiring is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate. The process requires a large amount of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt and subcutaneous fat. Fat becomes water soluble at 110 degrees (F) leading to fat loss." -- Dallas Voice, February 12th, 2005 There is no doubt that we could pick apart the ad and question it's validity. But, I decided to keep things simple and focus on one aspect of infrared weight loss...the thermoregulatory process. According to the advertisement, infrared heat penetrates deeply into tissue and up-regulates the thermoregulatory process. Is this up-regulation enough to cause significant healthy weight loss? For our purposes, healthy weight loss is defined as fat loss. Remember, a healthy diet program promotes weight loss in short increments, never losing more than 2 pounds per week. The drop in weight is from a loss of fat and nothing else. Weight loss by any other means isn't healthy and should not be considered as an option for losing weight. The Thermoregulatory Process This is a very complex topic. Many factors are involved in keeping your body temperature constant. In the human brain, the hypothalamus regulates the entire thermoregulatory process with the exception of early responses to high temperature. Things like sweating, rapid breathing, and increased blood flow to the arms and legs are examples of the early responses not regulated by the central nervous system. The question is can these mechanisms cause weight loss by "burning" fat. Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise, says no. "The amount you sweat is indicative of your body's ability to maintain its normal body temperature. You sweat when your body starts to store heat so you can experience cooling via evaporation of that sweat. So it doesn't correlate to how much energy, or calories, is being expended. You are not going to utilize stored fat simply by raising body temperature...it's not going to happen." It makes sense too. Your body loves to store fat for future emergencies and it won't give up the fat very easily. You are well protected from starvation. Joe King, editor for the Journal of Hyperplasia Research said, "Evaporation accounts for increases in total oxygen uptake, which causes the working muscles to utilize more glycogen." Glycogen is the stored form of glucose, the main energy source for your body. In short, IR Saunas do not cause weight loss through utilization of fat. Instead, the high temperatures result in glycolysis (using sugars for immediate energy needs) and the water loss accounts for the drop in weight. What does this all mean? Infrared Saunas promote unhealthy weight loss. This reminds me of what a sales representative told me a month or so ago about IR Saunas. He said, "The heart receives a workout similar to a 6-mile run in an IR Sauna." He may be right, but it's not fat that you're losing. Conclusion An infrared sauna is not a good option for losing weight. Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, MD The Weight Loss Professional Additional information on can be found at The Weight Loss Professional Website. The Diet Pill They Don?t Want You to Have is Back It comes as a surprise to many consumers that the ban on Ephedra, a powerful weight loss supplement was lifted in April of 2005. A Utah Judge overturned the FDA's decision to ban the natural substance. So why is it that one of the most sought after and powerful diet pills ever created is not widely marketed and readily available to the public? You can thank the FDA, and all of the advertising mediums that design their company policies and guidelines around FDA approvals or disapprovals. Drinking Water for Weight Loss An article published in http://www.inch-aweigh.com mentioned, "If you are eating the right food and exercising regularly but still can't get the result that you have expected, then it means that you are not drinking enough water." An essential part of the our body, water helps reduce weight in many ways Gastric Bypass Surgery ? Get Your Vitamins! Gastric bypass patients face a great task in the following months and years after surgery, most of which includes monumental lifestyle changes in comparison to their old habits and methods. The most important of all, given that gastric bypass patients have a new, tiny stomach to fill is diet. Similar to how those on a diet of any kind, the body will be taking in less food then usual and so it's crucial to ensure that the food and nutrients you're feeding your body are packed with goodness. 5 Tips For Weight Loss Are you ready to lose some weight? Perhaps you're surfing for the magic pill that will vanish your weight away. Maybe you're simply searching for the right information to help you lose and keep the weight off. Whatever the case, here's some surefire tips to help you with your weight loss. What Diet Plan Is Best For Losing Weight? The answer to the title of this article is "none." That's right, no diet plan on its own is very effective for permanent weight loss. You can stop reading right now and go look for another magic bullet or you can stick around and hear the hard truth. ![]() |
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