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Fibre And Weight Loss: How Closely Are They Connected?
The incidences of deseases like obesity, diabetes, colon deseases etc.are minimal in countries where the population has a regular dose of fiber in their diet. Fiber is very important link in the weight loss puzzle. Fiber cannot be digested by the human digestive system and it passes out from the colons taking all the waste material with it. Fiber provides bulk and softens the stools therby helping in regular bowel movements and avoiding constipation. In the intestine, fiber produces a gel which binds the bile acids and this leads the lever to convert cholesterol into bile thereby reducing cholesterol levels. Fiber makes people feel less hungry on account of its bulk and reduces appetite resulting in weightloss. It also helps the body in controlling blood sugar. Ayurveda Medical Science recommends consumption of fibre rich vegetables in large quantities to get rid of all the toxins from your body.Removal of toxins automatically ensures removal of excess fat from your body. There are two types of fibers found in foods: Insoluble fiber : Insoluble fiber doesn't dissolve in water. This fiber increases the bulk of the food and helps in the fast passage of waste materials from the colons avoiding build up of toxins and therby deseases like colon cancer. Soluble fiber : This type of fiber forms a gel in the intestine and helps in reducing the cholesterol. Your body needs a regular dosage of 30-40gms of fiber to keep in good health and lose those excess pounds. Consuming the following foods will keep you in great shape and health: High fiber foods: Oat bran, Corn Bran, rice bran, wheat bran. Medium fiber foods : Whole grains, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour, oatmeal-rolled oats, steel cut oats, wheat-oat flour, corn meal, brown rice. Low fiber foods to be avoided: Refined foods like white flour(bleached or unbleached), pasta, cream of wheat, oat flour, corn starch, white rice. One important aspect of fiber and weight loss is drinking lots of water. Water makes the fiber swell and work better. However, increase your consumption of fiber very gradually to avoid digestive discomfort. Get more cutting edge fat burning secrets in my Free 5day email ecourse delivered directly to your inbox by subscribing to my newsletter at: www.eweightlosstips.com/weightlossltr.htm Rajesh Shetty. Expert in weight loss principles of Ayurveda Medical Science and Author of the Best selling book, "Proven weight loss secrets revealed". http://www.eweightlosstips.com/weightlossltr.htm
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