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Weight Loss and Diet Programs - The Real Skinny on What Works Best!
Have you ever wondered with all the weight loss programs offered today, why we are on the verge of a diabetic and obesity epidemic? Have you ever thought that maybe doctors and gym owners would rather you not know the right way to lose weight? Think about it? If we did, whose pocket would it hurt? On the other hand, maybe they just are not motivated enough to explain it us? Worse yet, maybe they don't even know how to help us long term? Twenty years of health club management, fifty thousand hours of paid personal training sessions and working with some of the most famous people in the world tell me; we are focusing on the wrong things. What does it take to stay on an exercise and eating program? The answer may surprise you. It does not have to do with numbers you find on exercise or medical chart. It has to do with types of motivations, reasons, and supports. Sure, New Years Eve comes around and we get motivated. We've all been there. However, getting motivated is not the problem, staying motivated is. This has to do with psychology. Figure out HOW you are motivated and WHERE your desires to exercise come from, and then you will have created some staying power. Most of us have some unwanted behavior that at some point in time have sabotaged our quest for better health. Only to find ourselves back in the same situation the next time we get motivated. What doctors and trainers fail to help people understand is the reasons WHY? Each unwanted behavior has an underlying barrier that blocks our success. Until that is uncovered, we will continue to be the fattest nation on earth. There are a few that use this approach and have had some success in keeping their weight off and body fat levels low. However, in the end many will only to be defeated in the long run by a little thing called pride. My experience has shown me that not asking for support, guidance and accountability is the biggest barrier most people have. So where is the magic? It's not found in the doctor's office, nor is it found in the majority of the health clubs across the country. It's found inside you. Figure out your motives, reasons behind your behaviors and never ever be afraid to ask for help. Do the doctor's and trainers want you to know? It sure doesn't look that way. Does it? LOSE WEIGHT NOW!Click here for FREE Mini Course ==> http://www.resolutions.bz Discover the five step common sense way to lose weight. A formula the medical and fitness industry DO NOT want you to know about! Greg Ryan is a well known author of the Changing from the "INSIDE OUT", book series and high profile fitness expert.
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Get Started Exercising Now, But Take It Easy! So you're overweight, "fat"--to be honest--and you want to start exercising. Before you take off like an overlarge airplane and start preparing for the Olympics trials, stop right there. You may have it all figured out by now, after checking with your friends, the media and finally that fickle fiend known as the bathroom mirror, that a regular exercise program is the only way to fly when it comes to permanent weight loss. That entails working out or otherwise flexing your physical and psychological muscles on a regular basis, perhaps three times a week, or maybe even once per day. 4 Surefire Ways NOT To Lose Weight At Your Health Club Everyone has their own individual reason for joining a health club, lose a few pounds, tone up, lower your blood pressure, strengthen a bad back or shoulder, perform better in sports, or just keep in shape by playing some basketball or racquetball. Three Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals We all have aspects of health we want to improve. It could be as simple as increasing your stretching, or as great as starting an exercise program. Regardless of its scope, there is a reason you're not doing it. Although the focus of this article is on health goals, these steps can also be applied to any aspect of your life, personal or professional. I will walk you through 3 steps that are guaranteed to help you achieve a health goal Weight Loss And Nutrition Myths ? What You Need To Know! Part 1 MYTH: Fad diets work for permanent weight loss. Acupuncture Weight Loss -- Does it Work? Acupuncture for weight loss is a modern application of this ancient medical practice. This article reports on the conclusion of it's safety and effectiveness following an extensive examination of the published evidence. For the complete report, please visit the URL displayed in the author bio. Why Breakfast is Good for You Ok... If you are reading this is because you do want to hear the "why breakfast is good for you" sermon. Weight Loss Tips for a Swimsuit Body Spring is here and swimsuit weather is just around the corner. If you're like many of us, you start panicking about all the weight you need to lose to fit into your favorite swimwear. Some need to lose 5 to 10 pounds of extra fat while others require 20 to 30 pounds, or more. Most of us know that to stay trim all year round would require an improvement in lifestyle. Easier said than done. "Yes but what do I do now?" you ask. Do you diet, exercise or both? Keep in mind that although weight loss through various diet methods may improve your appearance, it may not have a positive effect on your health. According to studies, repeated periods of weight loss followed by weight gain can be harmful to health. (1) Ultimate Weight loss: Ephedra is it Good or Bad? I have had some e-mails come in and everyone is asking "is ephedra is safe or not?". Wellness Coach Reveals Celebrity Diet We think we know everything there is to know about them. After all, faithful paparazzi hunt them down just so we can get a picture or a glimpse of their lives. However, the "money shot" doesn't tell us everything. Especially how they stay in shape, maintain their youthfulness, and flawless skin. Who are "they"? "They" are celebrities and they are keeping secrets--secrets that could help each of us maintain optimal health, get fit, regain our youthful vigor, and have more energy to live life "out loud." How to Lose Weight On A Gluten Free Diet Many celiacs lose weight before they are diagnosed; indeed it is often one of the reasons people go to their doctors in the first place. Weight Loss Motivation: I CAN DO IT! Several months ago I was in desperate need of weight loss motivation. As I was observing my friend's kindergarten classroom I was struck by an idea when I saw her in action. One of her students was filled with self-doubt and seemed to truly believe that he was unable to accomplish the task my friend was requesting of him. She kneeled by his side and patiently showed him once again what was expected of him. After hearing, "I can't do it!" several times, she quietly got up and walked across the room. When she returned she was holding a can that was covered in 'google eyes.' She placed it on his desk and asked, "Do you know what this is?" He shook his head and she whispered, "It's an 'EYE CAN' and every time you doubt yourself you can put it on your desk." He looked up at her with an extremely confused look on his face and she went on to explain, "When you see this can sitting on your desk it will remind you that you 'CAN' do it!" To make sure he understood, she asked him again what it was. He looked up at her and replied, "It is an 'I CAN'!" He bent down and began working with a new found confidence and the 'I CAN' stayed on his desk for the remainder of the day. Hybrid Sweeteners in Todays Health What is the advantage of these new half sugar and half synthetic baking sugars that are on the market? These drink products made with ½ the sugar carbs and ½ synthetic sweeteners and foods marketed and eaten by our kids, does it really give the consumer that much more of an advantage? Take Anything... Just Leave My Coffee Alone! The pursuit of a healthier me (or you) shouldn't involve losing everything we enjoy. However, it has been well-established that caffeine consumption confounds weight loss activities and most of us begin our day with a big, hot cup of it. The Mind Body-Fat Connection Negative thoughts, symbolic protection, being who we really are ..... we're definitely getting closer. It does come from within, we believe that much. But how? How do we connect a de-railed inner state of mind to real life obesity without the hocus pocus element? Signature Lines on Weight Loss Websites A reader recently wrote to ask why I don't include my weight statistics in my signature line. A great observation and excellent question. Saboteurs to Your Weight Loss Plans Saboteurs are people and thoughts that are going to sabotage you when you are at all weak in your bid to better yourself. I can identify many internal and external forces that will try to stop me from what I want on an almost daily basis. Lets start with the outside forces first and then we can start blaming ourselves after that. 5 Tips For Weight Loss Are you ready to lose some weight? Perhaps you're surfing for the magic pill that will vanish your weight away. Maybe you're simply searching for the right information to help you lose and keep the weight off. Whatever the case, here's some surefire tips to help you with your weight loss. What Obesity Debate? This is a perfect example of how on-line weight loss "experts" can confuse and harm the American consumer...The Obesity Debate? During a dinner conversation with a friend, the topic of laziness was brought up. From there, we some how got around to the topic of obesity. He said to me, "A great example of how bad laziness can be is obesity." "Excuse me," I coughed out (almost chocking on the last bite). "You know, obese people don't do anything. They are fat because they are lazy," my friend said as if from a position of authority. This was going to be a long dinner I could tell. It turns out, my friend read an article posted on the net that started with a statement similar to my friend's words that almost made me choke. Unfortunately, he didn't remember the author's name but the title was Fitness and Exercise -- I haven't found it...yet. What blows my mind is how easily people believe what is written on a website by someone calling himself an expert! The real experts need to start making noise! Laziness does not cause obesity. If that were so, obesity would be the norm and not considered a problem. I recently found a wonderful definition of obesity...it covers all the possibilities in one clear sentence: The etiology of obesity is complex, determined by the interplay of genetic and environmental factors -Andrea Baessler, from her recent article in Diabetes, Jan, 2005. There has never been a debate about what causes obesity. We have always known that obesity is multifactorial in etiology. The "real" debate topics are which environmental factors and which genes increase the risk or incidence of obesity. The rest of the article reviews recent work around two genetic links to obesity. SREB-1 Gene Delphine Eberle's work (Diabetes, Aug, 2004), with the sterol regulatory element binding protein transcription factor, found that the two isoforms are linked to the "plasma leptin concentrations in American obese families." His group hypothesized, "...genetic variations of the SREB-1 gene could be associated with obesity and obesity-related metabolic traits such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and dyslipidemia." Interestingly, SREB-1 gene polymorphisms were found among obese cohorts when compared to nonobese cohorts. This means they are on to something and possibly not far from marking the SREB-1 gene as a clear link to obesity (1). Ghrelin Receptor Gene (GHSR) The importance of ghrelin in the central regulation of feeding has been demonstrated in animals and humans. Ghrelin increases appetite and food intake in normal subjects and patients with decreased appetite, such as those suffering from cancer cachexia. Recent evidence suggests that obesity is associated with an impairment of the entire ghrelin system (2). Besides its biological function, the ghrelin receptor gene is located in a quantitative trait locus or QTL strongly linked to six phenotypes of obesity (1). This is a second strong genetic association to obesity. Both groups will soon have conclusive evidence to support their arguments for SREB-1 and GHSR genetic links to obesity. As far as I can tell, laziness wasn't mentioned once. How many wonderful people avoid treatment because they actually believe it's their own fault? Educate at all costs. Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, M.D. Additional Information is available at The Weight Loss Professional References: Pediatric Obesity and Vitamin Deficiency - Developments to Fight Future Disease Obesity, especially in children, is a matter of rapidly growing concern in the United States. For the first time in decades, we are projecting a decline in life expectancy for the current generation of pre-teens and children! This crisis has attracted the attention of everyone from former president Bill Clinton to the Surgeon General to pediatricians and parents everywhere. Safe and Permanent Weight Loss Cannot Be Achieved in the Fed State Weight Loss Axiom Number Three ![]() |
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