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Acupuncture Weight Loss -- Does it Work?
Acupuncture for weight loss is a modern application of this ancient medical practice. This article reports on the conclusion of it's safety and effectiveness following an extensive examination of the published evidence. For the complete report, please visit the URL displayed in the author bio. Acupuncture Weight Loss -- Safety Acupuncture for losing weight is a safe practice when a dieter undergoes 1-3 sessions within 3 to 4 weeks of starting a traditional method of weight loss. Common side effects, rarely reported by dieters, include headache, nausea, and vertigo (losing balance). Severe adverse events, like neurological damage or death, have never occurred within 3 to 4 weeks of treatment. Unfortunetly, no conclusions can be made beyond 4 weeks because of a lack of safety data. The studies found to examine acupuncture's safety do not follow subjects past 4 weeks. The ones that did attempt to follow subjects past 4 weeks, show many inconsistancies. Until more data becomes available on acupuncture's safety beyond 4 weeks, no final conclusion can be made. Acupuncture Weight Loss -- Does it Work? After examining several published studies, acupuncture for weight loss, when combined with traditional methods of dieting like caloric restriction and exercise, does increase the amount of weight loss experienced by dieters. In some studies, the difference between those using acupuncture and those not, was statistically significant. However, like the safety data, the conclusion that acupuncture does increase the amount of weight loss can only be made up to 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, the data becomes inconsistant and incomplete. To make a conclusion beyond 4 weeks will require more data. Acupuncture as a sole method to help dieters lose weight has not been studied enough to make a conclusion. The studies that are available are not designed properly and do not include enough subjects. Acupuncture Weight Loss -- The Final Verdict By undergoing 1-3 sessions within 3-4 weeks and when combined with tradtional methods of weight loss, acupuncture does work to increase the amount of weight lost by dieters. No conclusion can be made on the safety and effectiveness of acupuncture beyond 4 weeks because of a lack of data. To Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, MD Dr. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for Diet Basics, a content rich weight loss web site dedicated to all dieters. For the complete report on acupuncture, please visit Acupuncture for Weight Loss.
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Seven Pitfalls That Cripple Weight Loss Do you struggle to maintain or lose weight? If so, you are certainly not alone. Obesity is on the rise and becoming an epidemic in our society. Why are so many people overweight? Can we blame our genetics? Are we are plagued by a slow metabolism? Certainly, we can't be the victims of our own self indulgence, can we? Im Not Fat, Im Fluffy A distorted body image is one of the symptoms that define anorexia and related eating disorders. Patients may be painfully thin but still see themselves as fat while they continue to cut calories, over-exercise, purge, or use enemas in an effort to lose more and more weight. The No Diet Way to Lose Weight and Keep it off! Yes, you read it right?no diets! Diet Tips ? Common Sense Rules We, as a society, are always trying to lose weight. Some of us are concerned about a lot of extra weight, and some of us are trying to lose that pesky unwanted ten to fifteen pounds. We will go back and forth, playing the dieting games, and really getting nowhere. Welcome to the Middle Aged Diet You are not a kid any more and becoming a senior is just around the corner. By now, you are monitoring, at least, one of the following: Blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol levels. If not, you are using a prescription, or an herbal remedy, to deal with being borderline or worse. Diet or Lifestyle? "I am going to start a diet tomorrow". How many times have we said or heard these words? What do these words mean to you? For most of us it means a period of time in which we will subject ourselves to torture in order to lose a few pounds. Eventually we grow tired of this torture and go back to our old habits and gain those pounds back. I have known people who have been on this diet merry-go-round for years. One person comes to mind who actually uses the words: "I need to stop eating for a while"! This person thinks that the key to ideal weight and health is to not eat. He will skip breakfast and eat a pack of crackers for lunch and then a light dinner in the evening. He loses weight only to gain it back when he decides "to eat" again. This is an unhealthy practice which has been proven not to work on a long term basis. Why is it so EASY to GAIN WEIGHT during the HOLIDAYS? I'm sure you have pondered this question, for it is no secret that we all tend to put on a few pounds during this magical time of year! For many of us across the globe it is a tradition to ring in the New Year with our belts loosened and seams bursting. Read on for 5 reasons why it is so easy to gain weight during the month of December, and what you can do to avoid them! Obesity And Fast Foods - The Lethal Link Obesity and fast foods - there's little doubt about the link. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United states. And it's an epidemic that has grown side by side, step by step with the the fast food industry. Low Carb Beer: Not So Skinny Low carb beer and lite beer are two different animals. Both feature lower calories and both are ostensibly for weight loss. But a typical light beer contains almost 3 times as many carbs as a low carbohydrate beer. So far so good. If you'd like to enjoy an occasional beer while on a low carb diet, the low carb beers may be the way to go. Water - How Important Is It In Our Daily Diet And With Weight Loss? The importance of drinking water is mentioned in almost every article on weight loss. It is a very important fact that we need to drink water whether we are dieting or not. It is water that assists with the dissolving and transporting of nutrients such as oxygen and minerals to the organs of the body. Gastric Bypass Surgery ? A Mortality Rate to Be Scared Of? Success stories on the gastric bypass are everywhere, but how about the fatalities from the procedure? Barely mentioned in the magazines and newspapers, there is a serious risk carried by the gastric bypass and that risk is a 1 in 50 chance of you dieing within 1 month of the surgery ? that certainly puts the frights up me. The study by Washington University is shocking to say the least. The figure is apparently four times as many fatalities when patients are in the hands of inexperienced surgeons. Changing Your Eating Habits We are bombarded with advertisements pushing delicious looking, fat filled, and obesity producing food in our faces every single day. We hear it on the radio; see it on TV and on billboards and even in newspapers. We go on a diet and try to totally turn our eating habits around. We go from eating hamburgers, French fries, pizza, hot dogs, and other junk to eating lettuce and drinking water. If we are really disciplined we make it a week or so. But like most people, we are back to our old habits within days. The change is just too drastic and makes it next to impossible for us to stick to our diets. Fake Weight Loss Claims: Identify Them Its crowded..really crowded..every other site offers Weight Loss Programs and guarantees loss of weight quickly and effectively. But do they really live upto it? Does Loss of Weight remains with time or the individual regains the weight after some time? The answer to these question differentiates between genuine Weight Loss Programs and fake Weight Loss Programs. How to Spot False Weight Loss And Diet Advertising Claims Flip through a magazine, scan a newspaper, or channel surf and you see them everywhere: Ads that promise quick and easy weight loss without diet or exercise. Wouldn't it be nice if - as the ads claim - you could lose weight simply by taking a pill, wearing a patch, or rubbing in a cream? Too bad claims like that are almost always false. Fat Is A Self-Inflicted Disease I just came back from three days in Las Vegas. What an eye-opener! 7 Reasons Low Carb Diets are Wrong The human body is designed to run best on a certain type and balance of fuel. Unfortunately the latest low-carbohydrate fad diets are not fuel that the human body was designed to run on. Low - carbohydrate diets can cause several health concerns over time. Here are the top seven. How to Curb Carbohydrate Cravings! As a weight loss mentor it never ceases to amaze me how people inadvertently set themselves up for a huge snack attack mid afternoon. For many, the set up is so complete that it is almost impossible to control! The result is that people think they are weak-willed and lacking in discipline. Often the answer has little to do with character or determination. More often the reason for the mid afternoon carbohydrate cravings is due to gaps in understanding how our body works and responds to diferent types of food. Read on to see what you can do to control those mid afternoon cravings. Take Control of Your Metabolism:Quick Tips for Increased Muscle Tone, Faster Fat Burning, and Energy So many people are talking about how slow their metabolism is and why they need to start taking the latest diet supplement scam yet they don't even understand how the human metabolism works. So before I even go into how to speed yours up, I want to first go over some of the basics. A New Diet -- Bowel Cleansing for Weight Loss An ancient practice from Eastern Medicine, bowel cleansing is fast becoming the next new diet for the Western world. What is bowel cleansing and does it safely cause healthy weight loss? Bowel Cleansing 101 Keeping things simple, bowel cleansing is equal to Western Medicine's laxative. Practitioners of bowel cleansing will argue that their methods are more effective, natural, and completely unrelated to using laxatives. My point is this: increasing water content in the large colon acts like a "wash" to empty the bowel lumen. Some Laxatives and "natural" substances used in bowel cleansing both do exactly this..."washing" the colon by trapping water which evacuates undigested food. Any claims made beyond trapping water simply have not been rigorously studied and represent opinion and theory, at best. Methods for bowel cleansing are too numerous to cover in this article. The only comment I'll make is about the one commonality found in all of them...non-digestible natural substances. Fiber like substances can be found to some degree in all bowel cleansing methods. Remaining in the bowel (colon) lumen, they trap water increasing the bowel's water content. This results in increased pressure and tension inside the bowel and results in a large bowel movement consisting of undigested food. This is what is called "washing" or "cleansing" the bowel. Bowel Cleansing -- A Healthy New Diet Option? A healthy weight loss method promotes fat loss while preserving muscle tissue and water content. Weight loss by bowel cleansing results primarily from water loss. This is not a healthy method for losing weight and will cause weight gain soon after the cleansing. I did find a few small studies that showed the opposite results with some bowel cleansing methods. These particular methods do seem to result in healthy weight loss. Further investigation of this apparent contradiction revealed that the bowel cleansing methods also placed dieters on a high fiber diet. Diets high in fiber are significantly lower in calories and if gradually implemented will result in healthy weight loss. Bowel Cleansing -- Is it Safe as a New Diet? Some bowel cleansing methods are safe but others can be dangerous if abused. Critical electrolytes are also lost in the "washing" or "cleansing" process and if repeated too often can lead to disturbances in your nervous system and heart rhythm. Before you start a new diet, use the new diet Safety Checklist. Make sure it's safe and won't cause you harm. As far as bowel cleansing is concerned, it's my opinion that you have better options for helping you lose weight. To Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, MD Chief Medical Consultant Diet Basics Website Weight Loss Tips for a Swimsuit Body Spring is here and swimsuit weather is just around the corner. If you're like many of us, you start panicking about all the weight you need to lose to fit into your favorite swimwear. Some need to lose 5 to 10 pounds of extra fat while others require 20 to 30 pounds, or more. Most of us know that to stay trim all year round would require an improvement in lifestyle. Easier said than done. "Yes but what do I do now?" you ask. Do you diet, exercise or both? Keep in mind that although weight loss through various diet methods may improve your appearance, it may not have a positive effect on your health. According to studies, repeated periods of weight loss followed by weight gain can be harmful to health. (1) ![]() |
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