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Diet or Lifestyle?
"I am going to start a diet tomorrow". How many times have we said or heard these words? What do these words mean to you? For most of us it means a period of time in which we will subject ourselves to torture in order to lose a few pounds. Eventually we grow tired of this torture and go back to our old habits and gain those pounds back. I have known people who have been on this diet merry-go-round for years. One person comes to mind who actually uses the words: "I need to stop eating for a while"! This person thinks that the key to ideal weight and health is to not eat. He will skip breakfast and eat a pack of crackers for lunch and then a light dinner in the evening. He loses weight only to gain it back when he decides "to eat" again. This is an unhealthy practice which has been proven not to work on a long term basis. On the other hand I have known people who have taken part in a weight loss program such as ediets.com or weight watchers and have radically transformed themselves. A person comes to mind that I know rather well. She would actually enjoy her well planned meals and she often talked of taking regular walking trips with her mother. She lost weight and has managed to keep it off. The obvious difference between the two people I mention is that one is on a diet and the other has changed her lifestyle. Let's go deeper. Why is it that a program like ediets or weight watchers can help a person achieve a lifestyle change and so successfully reach their weight loss goals? I think the reasons are many but I want to focus on one which I feel is instrumental in helping someone achieve a lifestyle change. Education. One thing I have noticed when talking with people about weight loss and exercise is that everyone thinks they know how it is done. Unfortunately the ways they know are not healthy nor are they long term answers to being overweight. A lifestyle change comes from a transformation of thought which comes from learning something new or a powerful emotional incident. A perfect example would be of me learning about Cola's and the sugar they contain. Did you know that one can of Cola contains nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar or the entire daily recommended amount of calories from sugar? I certainly did not know this and was very startled when I learned it. Ponder on that for a while and it will certainly change your beverage consumption. Making a decision to change from cola to water is not very appealing. After studying the health consequences of cola and then studying the rewards of pure water?drinking water is now an enjoyable experience. When I go to take a sip of water my thoughts are on how cleansing it is to my body and how healthy it is to be well hydrated. I know that the above example is an oversimplification but my point is that education is the key to lifestyle change and programs like weight watchers and ediets are perfect ways to get this education in a supporting atmosphere. I like the fact that some weight loss programs can be done online in the privacy of your own home. You can be united with other members and join them in chat rooms and discussions. You can share recipes, success stories, and emotions. Joining together with thousands of other members give you access to physicians, counselors, dieticians, and other motivated people at a fraction of the cost it would cost you if you tried to hire them one on one. If you have read any of my other articles you will know that I am a firm believer in a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and supplementation. I also know how hard it is to break destructive habits with willpower alone. We all would like to believe that we can lose weight when we make up our mind. Trouble is, we never really make up our mind so we spend our time on the diet merry-go-round. My wish for you is that you live a healthy lifestyle with plenty of energy to enjoy life to the fullest. Online weight loss programs can be a tool in your arsenal to help you achieve the lifestyle changes required for a lean, fit, life. Yours in health, Bill Herren Bill Herren is the webmaster for weightloss-articles.com Everything weight loss related! Weight loss success stories, product reviews, exercise articles, weight loss recipes, and diet articles. All Free and all designed to help you lose weight! http://www.weightloss-articles.com
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Setting Morning Intentions For Success Ever heard of the expression, "Getting up on the wrong side of the bed?" Many people have less than idealistic starts to their day. The alarm goes off, the snooze button gets thwacked several times and something gets grumbled about it being too early. Others jump out of bed, and hit the shower running with little thought to creating a spirit of excitement for the new day. A Personal Trainers...Holidaze Rules of day to day no longer apply as you surrender to the hearts and minds of those closest. Conversation, food and wine are intoxicating. You can't leave the table the conversation is too good. The holiday food keeps coming. I fall back into the silken warmth of family stories and recollections of past years. Gastro-Physics And Dietary Anti-Matter Do a little people-watching, next time you're in the grocery line. There's always someone with a cart, bulging with every conceivable kind of diet food. Flats of turkey bacon prop listlessly against the fat free half & half and Olestra cookies. At first glance, this is clearly someone who is completely health conscious, diet minded, and watching what they eat. Burning Fat vs. Burning Calories To lose weight and get in shape you must have a good diet and exercise regularly to burn fat. The first thing you must understand about exercise is that just because you are burning calories does not mean you are burning fat. Your main focus when you exercise should be losing body fat, and you can't lose body fat just from burning calories. When we exercise, our bodies will start burning calories, but the calories that are burned are the calories from carbohydrates in our system. In order to burn calories from your stored fat, your body requires the presence of oxygen. There is a certain amount of oxygen that your body needs in order to start burning fat and the only way for you to measure the amount needed for your own body is to keep up with your target heart rate during exercise. Please understand that if you continue to only burn calories from carbohydrates, you will lose mostly "water weight" which leads to a decrease in your metabolism. Also, think of the calories that are burned from carbohydrates as your energy calories. If you lose too much energy calories then your muscles will not receive enough energy to increase your metabolism which indirectly burn fat. Therefore you must increase your calorie intake when you are on an exercise program to replace your burned energy calories. Warning: Dramatically Improve Your Health In Just 27 Days!!! You don't realize it, but in the next few minutes you're going to learn how to drastically sculpt your body and reach an all-time high level of fitness in just 27 days! Lose Weight And Get Healthy; Can Laughter Be A Cure For Obesity? Once there were these two Nuns and they...just kidding! Do you feel any thinner or healthier? Well, according to recent studies, you might not in the beginning but over the long haul, you could actually drop weight. What the Diet Industry Wont Tell You--6 Secrets Revealed I am not a diet and fitness guru or an obesity expert. I'm just a normal person who was where you are today, overweight and hating it. Two years ago I lost weight without throwing money into the multi-billion dollar diet industry, and you can too. This booklet was written to show you how. Gastric Bypass Surgery ? A Mortality Rate to Be Scared Of? Success stories on the gastric bypass are everywhere, but how about the fatalities from the procedure? Barely mentioned in the magazines and newspapers, there is a serious risk carried by the gastric bypass and that risk is a 1 in 50 chance of you dieing within 1 month of the surgery ? that certainly puts the frights up me. The study by Washington University is shocking to say the least. The figure is apparently four times as many fatalities when patients are in the hands of inexperienced surgeons. Doubts About Gastric Bypass? One Womans Final Effort to Lose Weight Without Surgery One may think that on a website called "LivingAfterWLS" you would never read about conventional dieting: losing weight the old fashioned way by eating less and exercising more. One would think WLS proponents would say, "It can't be done. The only way to lose massive weight is with surgery." We should shake our heads with all-knowing smugness and think, "Well, it won't be long and she, too, will be on the surgical table." Dieting Mistakes - 5 Easy Tips to Avoid Disaster Looking to avoid the dieting mistakes many of our weight loss readers have made? Are you interested in steering away from the pitfalls many of us fall into while considering which diet plan makes sense? Perhaps you're just wanting to jump start your own path to nutrition and wellness -- whichever your goal you'll be better off learning from the mistakes of countless others. Law of Attraction for Weight Loss: Your Secret to Dropping Unwanted Weight Once and for All! Ever notice how your best friend can lose weight on the same diet that you don't? Or how you often reach "plateaus"? The yo-yo dieting trend among frustrated women in this country is practically an epidemic! How To Avoid Post Workout Binges And Lose Those Last 10 Pounds In 3 Easy Steps I was so embarrassed for her. After a grueling 45 minutes on the Stairmaster, Kathy rewarded herself with a bag of Ruffles and a Diet Coke. Yet still insatiable, she drank two breakfast drinks and finished off little Emily's last five Oreos. Taking Control of Your Cellulite Cellulite happens to us for many reasons. Some reasons-- like genetics or hormones -- you can do very little about. But cellulite is also related to a number of other factors that you CAN work with and improve. Dieting Strength There are several factors in winning at weight loss. Sometimes the food isn't the culprit, it's your attitude. Here's a list that will help you with your diet and exercise program and you could even modify it to suit other goals. Five Reasons NOT To Lose Weight We are inundated by exhortations to lose weight - from the media, from our friends, from our family. As the richest, fattest, nation on earth, we idealize the impossibly thin supermodels who smile (or smirk?) at us from every magazine cover. We spend a fortune on trying to lose weight and despair when we don't. Weight Loss - Its in Your Head When you truly consider the weight-loss process, the battle waged is mostly in your mind. "Should I eat the corn muffin with butter or would it be better for me to have margarine or better yet, have jelly? What am I doing eating this muffin anyway? It's so caloric and filled with saturated fat. I'm such a pig. I have absolutely zero willpower." It's no wonder you'll eat that muffin with the butter and slather jelly on top to quiet that negative self-talk. Japanese Weight Loss Secret Recently, I read an article from Japanese magazine that by consuming agar-agar (dried-kanten) with our favorite teas, we can lose weight, and yet still maintain a feeling of fullness, according to Professor Takako Yasuoka of Yokohama Soei Junior College in Kanagawa. Because it was deemed safe, the Japanese valued agar-agar as part of their diet from ancient times. In its dehydrated state of weight, agar-agar supposedly contains 81% of dietary fiber, which makes it a highest content of fiber among all foods! Due to its unique chemical property, when you dissolve agar-agar in boiled water and refrigerate it, it sets. The Best Diet/Way To Lose Weight The diet that worked for me Hypnosis For Weight Loss ? The perfect solution to losing weight Temporary weight loss is easy! The French Fry: Weapon of Mass Destruction? Americans have their French fries, the British have their chips, Latin America has its papas fritas, and the French have their pommes-frites. ![]() |
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