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Taking Control of Your Cellulite
Cellulite happens to us for many reasons. Some reasons-- like genetics or hormones -- you can do very little about. But cellulite is also related to a number of other factors that you CAN work with and improve. Cellulite affects 90% of women and a much smaller percentage of men. The condition is such a complex one that no real cure is considered to be available. Some products, therapies and procedures do claim to be cures but the jury is still very much out on the subject of getting rid of cellulite. The unsightly symptoms are found on the soft, fleshy parts of women's thighs, buttocks, stomachs and upper arms. Though it is often associated with sedentary people, who are also overweight, the condition can make itself at home on the fit thighs and buttocks of marathon runners. Opinions vary as to the exact causes of cellulite but most agree that something happens in the tissues to slow down and handicap the ordinary processes of lymph and blood circulation in the capillaries of the subcutaneous tissue. Some experts believe that excess fat will make the fat cells in the mesoderm swell, placing a strain on the surrounding connective tissue and resulting in a compromised microcirculation. Others believe that the situation is created by a genetic disposition coupled with hormonal imbalances. The tissue responds to its embattled circumstances by forming extended tissue strands called septae that restrict the fat cells and cause the rippled, lumpy skin surface indicative of cellulite. The resulting sluggish and damaged microcirculation allows lymph fluid to leak into the surrounding tissue while hampering the transport of nutrients. With this deeper understanding of exactly what is happening beneath the skin of the affected areas we can make informed decisions on what to do to alleviate the symptoms and revive the skin. Here are some important aspects of a comprehensive cellulite reduction program: Losing the Excess Any plan to alleviate the symptoms of cellulite must include a healthy weight loss program for those carrying more than their healthy body weight. Excess weight causes fat cells to swell contributing to the tissue strain that results in the orange peel effect. A diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as a good eight glasses of water a day to flush toxins, will begin the restorative process of proper nutrition at the point of origin. Making sure that your diet includes plenty of all the necessary vitamins especially B for stress, as well as C, bioflavonoids and minerals is a good way to begin the recovery process. Eating Right Vigorous exercise is an absolute necessity. It will help to stimulate sluggish circulation throughout the body as well as targeting the troubled areas. Regular exercise, at least three times a week for 40 minutes or more, will have far reaching effects on many of the body's systems, firing up metabolism and getting the lymph and blood flowing. Laying on Hands and Lotion Milder cases of cellulite can be ministered to by means of a good massage regime using one or other of the reputable creams and lotions on the market. Many creams contain natural botanical ingredients that are tissue decongestants as well as stimulants for the microcirculation. Consider having a few deep tissue massages from experts and learn some tips. Go home and practice on yourself. The more attention the problem areas receive the more dynamic and alive the tissues will become. Circulation will improve and toxins can be convinced to evacuate. Consulting the Real Experts Serious cases of cellulite may benefit from the advice of real experts. You will have to employ serious discernment when figuring out whom to turn to. The Internet offers you unprecedented opportunities to check and recheck claims. Procedures can be thoroughly researched before deciding which program to go for. Be skeptical. In this day and age it is the reasonable response to the plethora of false promises that threaten to take advantage of the vulnerable. Burke Jones is a frequent contributor to the Cellulite Free Zone, an online resource for cellulite cream reviews and cellulite removal techniques.
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I don't like to waste my free time anymore than anyone else so if I am going to use it up on an activity, I feel the rewards of the activity should out way the cost. How I Lost 12 Pounds And Had Fun Doing It! You see it all the time; people agonizing over their exercise routine. You hear people in the gym say things like; "I will be doing good when I get out of here". I am a person who has always enjoyed going in the gym so I can't relate to agonizing about being in the gym?.cardio or fat burning exercises?that is a different story. I have never liked running, pounding on a treadmill, a stationary bike, aerobics classes or any other cardio exercise. That is why I did not stick with these disciplines. I found something that I enjoy doing and have become so involved with it that I have already lost twelve pounds and gained cardiovascular benefits. I am going to tell you how I did it, but I am not suggesting you do what I did. I am suggesting you find something that you enjoy and it will be very easy for you to maintain the discipline. Dumping Syndrome: The Dirty Secret Gastric Bypass Patients Keep Dumping syndrome is an effective result of the gastric bypass system which alerts the body of inappropriate eating. Dumping syndrome is described as a shock-like state when small, easily absorbed food particles rapidly dump into the digestive system. This results in a very unpleasant feeling with symptoms such as a cold clammy sweat, pallor, butterflies in the stomach and a pounding pulse. These symptoms may be followed by cramps and diarrhea. This state can last for 30-60 minutes and is quite uncomfortable. Simple Summer Fat Attack! Summer is about to be in full swing, and it's that time when everyone wants to look impressive in their "lack" of clothing. While I can't promise you that you'll achieve a fitness model body, I can at least give you some simple but important tips in achieving a leaner physique. Listen up! Behavioral changes guarantee your success - not just knowledge alone. You may already have drawn out your road map with your nutritional plan and your workouts, so take that strategy and ACT on it. Stay motivated and consistently remind yourself of your fitness goal. Here are 11 basic tips to get you jumpstarted! 3 Fast Weight Loss Tips That Work Looking to lose some pounds quickly? Fast and safe weight loss is possible - but only if you do it right. Just keep in mind that we're only talking about losing a few pounds here. 5, maybe 10, within a few weeks. No matter what anyone tells you, you're not going to safely lose 20 lbs. of fat in 2 weeks. It's just not possible. Plus, long-term weight loss success usually only occurs after many months of slow, steady body fat reduction through increased exercise and healthier eating. It's also important to remember to check with your doctor before starting any intense weight loss program. Diet Tips for Weight Loss: Free Diet Tips Which You Cant Afford to Miss! Obesity is a disease that is not caused by a bacteria or virus but a person's own eating habits. It is a disease which is very easy to get rid of just by changing your food habits. Shifting excess kilos is as easy as making a few changes in your eating habits and food mind-set. Here are a few tips that will help you get rid of that bulge. Gastric Bypass Myth ? All Patients Stretch their Stomachs and Regain Weight Have a conversation about gastric bypass surgery with just about anyone and you will hear, "Yeah, I know someone who had that done and within a year they stretched out their stomach and regained all that weight ? plus some." Hear What Your Diet Pills Say Used a diet pill recently and got depressed because you didn't lose weight? Don't blame the diet pills but hear what they have to say to you and then restart a diet pill weight loss plan more effectively. Dieting Torture By Another Name, It Doesnt Need To Be That Way I have tried many "diets" here in the USA and in England and to me they all felt like self inflicted torture. They were boring, tasteless, and restrictive. Like many of you I work hard, I don't ask for much in the way of pleasures when I get home at night. The one thing that does give me enormous pleasure is eating, I love food and yes, I like the odd drink too. Positive Imaging for Weight Loss Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you make lasting lifestyle changes. Just by "day dreaming", you can significantly improve your chances in achieving your goals. Abs: How to Get a Sexy Six Pack? There are many factors responsible for abdominal fat like processed food, refined sugar, lack of exercise etc. Obesity - How it Affects Your Health 1. Carrying around excess body fat will decrease your energy level. Having just 10 lbs. of excess body fat is like carrying around a 10-lb. bag of lard. Weight Loss/Control Glossary of Terms A Little Help With Some Difficult terms ------------------------------------------ Aerobic Exercise. Any activity involving large muscles, done for an extended period of time. Aerobic exercise can be done for weight loss, but it also provides cardiovascular benefits. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, biking, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes and cross-country skiing. If We Are Eating 99% Fat Free, Why Are We 99% Fat?! Unfortunately, obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, with over 60% of our population now overweight. We need to take control of this problem NOW. The Type Of Food and Nutrition That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast The following are diet tips that can help you shape up and lose weight: ![]() |
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