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Glucagon and Aging - Breakfast How Not To Start The Day Part III
A question from one of our readers: Dr. Mericle, With respect to burning "fat" energy in the mornings before eating, what if you are not a long distance runner? The average person is not, particularly someone who is overweight. A typical run for me in my current condition is 2-3 miles. Would I still be burning fat with a 25-30 min. jog? JoLee Answer: Yes, you would still be burning fat as long as you stay in a glucagon state. This is a very good question since most people today don't run at all -much less even 2-3 miles a day. This touches on one of the most important aspects of the MericleDiet and exercise as it relates to weight loss. Exercise for your immune system, but don't rely on exercise to lose weight and or keep weight off. Even running seven miles a day is not enough to burn any significant calories. Back to the glucagon state of energy utilization In the last newsletter I discussed the importance of entering a glucagon state for some part of every day. For me, running helps as it is a real distraction, something I do every day and I have my own rule of never eating before I run. The reason for not eating is that it is a lot easier to run in a state of energy utilization (glucagon) , not energy storage (insulin). Usually in hot weather I will run first thing in the morning. This actually shortens my glucagon phase as compared to running in the late afternoon. Usually if it is hot and I run early, I will try not to eat when I get back from the run until noon at the earliest. This gives me at least four or five hours in a glucagon state -higher energy levels and I get a lot more done. If you are going to eat early in the day, it is best to eat low on the glycemic index. Organic fruit, carrot or celery sticks and fresh organic salads are good choices. You don't need to exercise to enter a glucagon state Exercise can help to get you into a glucagon phase but is not necessary. All you really have to do is not go into an insulin state by eating. Most of us are going to eat something during most days but it is optimal if you can limit the time of food ingestion to the mid-day hours, noon to 6:pm or so. You will have a good glucagon phase in the morning and not go to bed on a large load of insulin in the evening. As mentioned previously, hyperinsulinism is implicated in many of our serious lifestyle illnesses. Dr. Roy Walford and caloric restriction It may seem hard to believe, but during periods of starvation during WWII, those who had their caloric intake reduced, had improvement in diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It was also noted that they did not age as much. This has been studied by the late Dr. Roy Walford, who was part of the Biosphere. There is no question that calorically restricted mice age much more slowly than those who are allowed to eat what they want. Dr. Walford also made the point that the calories that are eaten must be "nutritionally dense." This is also one of the premises of the MericleDiet. I don't want to suggest that one live a life of caloric restriction, but there is no doubt that reducing your caloric intake and not eating as often or as much will improve your health and slow your aging. Insulin Glucagon Aging Somewhere in the basic premise of caloric restriction and retarded aging is the yin and yang of human energy management -Glucagon and Insulin. Too much of either is not good and as noted previously, most people in America have way too much insulin. If you want to feel better and look better while you age more slowly, think glucagon, not insulin. Try to achieve "balance" between them. If you spend four hours a day in an insulin state, try to spend at least as much time in a glucagon state. Conclusion Understanding how glucagon and insulin affect your health and your weight is one of the most important concepts one can learn. Not only will you be able to work better, feel better and control your weight more easily, there now is impressive evidence that restricting your insulin secretion by reducing your frequency and quantity of feedings will retard aging. Reference: Dr. Walford and Caloric Restriction Copyright © John Mericle M.D. All Rights Reserved For more information on the MericleDiet or to signup for Dr. Mericle's Newsletter click on the link below.
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Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery Let's face facts; obesity is ripe today in America and rising on a global scale in western civilisation ? where are we going wrong. Being a health and fitness nut I would simply recommend eating a balanced diet and exercise often, but you've heard all that before, and it doesn't work for you, right? That's ok, losing weight is tough, especially for those who some doctors would class as morbidly obese, which are those people who weight 50-100% their ideal body weight. Dealing with Childhood Obesity Experts tell us that overweight or obese children have reached epidemic proportions. If you spend your childhood being obese then there is a very good chance you will spend your adulthood being obese. Our children could end up as adults facing problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and poor self esteem. These are problems we do not want our children to have to deal with. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #9 WAHOO!!! for YOU!! You are the most AWESOME person alive!! Stand up and repeat after me. Come on, get up and feel the presence of God all around you. Are you up out of that chair? You can stand up while you're reading, can't you? Okay, are you up? Now shout?. I am AMAZING, I am WONDERFUL, I am POWERFUL, I am my IDEAL WEIGHT, I LOVE myself, I am BEAUTIFUL, I am the DIVINE!! Phew!! How did that feel? I am always saying those words and I move my whole body. It is such an energy boost and every cell in my body dances with joy. How To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind! Ah the ever present battle to lose those unwanted pounds. In today's society we are bombarded with weight loss products and programs. Everywhere you look, it's low-fat this and reduced calories that. It seems every other commercial is advertising some miracle diet pill or program. Fitness clubs are opening up on every corner and new weight loss books are being published at lightening speed! Yet with all this going on around us, we are still not losing weight. What we are doing is driving our friends, family and ourselves insane! Not to mention the damage we are causing our minds and bodies with all the diets and pills. So how do we lose the weight and keep it off? I believe I have finally found the answer! Panic After WLS: Im Succeeding at Weight Loss: Now What? The fear of success arises in patients when they realize a genuine change is occurring and they are moving forward with their life. To have bariatric surgery is to pursue an allusive dream that is now being realized ? many patients have dreamed all of their lives of successfully losing weight. This time the miracle is working and the pounds are melting away. This time there is no familiar failure, no relapse to bad behavior. This time we are eye-to-eye with success. Weight loss surgery guarantees successful weight loss, and increases the odds for long-term successful weight maintenance. A Soda a Day: How is it Affecting Your Weight? Many people limit themselves to one soda a day especially those looking for a quick sugar or caffeine boost. However, new research shows that daily soda may be affecting your weight more than you think. A recent study in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that women who drink soda or fruit punch every day gain weight quickly and face a significant risk of type II diabetes. Eating Sensibly, Working Out and Still Not Achieving Your Goals? Are you working hard in the gym 3 times a week, eating sensibly but still struggling to lose that weight or change your body shape? Dieting? Upgrading Your Non-Conscious Mind ? Part 2 To upgrade the current software in your brain you can create external cues to help remind you and reinforce that changes. A Look at Bariatric Surgery Patients Individuals who are interested in bariatric surgery need to be aware of the ramifications. Although significant weight loss can be achieved with the procedure, patients need to have realistic weight loss expectations. Even after the surgery, most patients will not achieve their ideal body weight. Patients with a lower BMI to begin with generally lose a greater percentage of excess weight, while those with a higher initial BMI will likely lose more total weight. Patients who approach the surgery with a goal of improving their health resulting and quality of life will have the most success. How I Lost 51 Pounds In 4 Months Using The Simplest Diet Plan In The World Like many people I've been on dozens of diet plans over the years ranging from Atkins to South Beach to Weightwatchers to Jenny Craig and lots more besides. In fact, I've eaten enough cabbage soup to satisfy a small country! I'm 5 feet 10 and I used to weigh 230 pounds and needed to lose a good 50 pounds to get myself in some short of shape. And then it hit me. It's seems so logical now and so simple but I had ignored the simplest weight loss solution of all. Here's how I discovered it. To Lose Weight, Feed Your Brains When was the last time you focused so much on a task that you forgot to eat? You did not really forget, but you were too much interested in what you were working on to stop doing it and go to the fridge. Years ago, when your body was slim and your head swollen with projects, did you ever think that to be a grown up would not mean to be responsible and free? Stop looking for somebody to sue: nobody shovelled food in your mouth. Stop whining about commercials that influence you: nobody tied you up in front of the telly. Stop opening your mouth and closing your mind. You know, everybody know, that the higher the education, the lower the weight. If you point at a person you know who has a PhD and 30 extra pounds, you act exactly as those people who say that there is no correlation between smoking and lung cancer since their grand father died of old age after having smoked thousands of cigarettes. I don't write for you. Bye bye! Getting Enough Sleep at Night May Just Help You Lose Weight Eating the right foods and exercising regularly have been the hallmark of most weight management programs for the last 50 years. We are learning more and more about how other lifestyle factors affect weight such as stress, hormones, and other emotional triggers. Now it appears we can add sleep to the growing list of lifestyle factors that affect our weight. Weight Loss Issues - Can You Be Cellulite Free? One thing I really must say at the outset of this article is, that if you were to ask the majority of men to define cellulite they would most probably be completely baffled. Dieting to Death It has been 15 years since I was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa and I have been recovered for 12 years. To this day if I head for the washroom after a meal my mother feels the panic start to well up inside of her. Her first reaction to the news that her daughter was bulimic, like so many other mothers, was shock. This had been going on for 7 years and she never knew and she just couldn't understand why. Abs: How to Get a Sexy Six Pack? There are many factors responsible for abdominal fat like processed food, refined sugar, lack of exercise etc. Weight Loss Tips: Get Effective Weight Loss Tips! Looking for Diet Programs on net is like looking for water in an Ocean. But trust me, looking for good Diet Program is like finding a pearl in the ocean. Me and my team have traveled from shore to shore and short listed few highly effective diet programs and weight loss programs. But, no matter what Diet Program we choose for ourselves, we have to be careful about our normal diet habits. This helps us a lot in shedding off the weight and keeps us healthy and happy. Foods That Help Burn Fat Foods that are high in fiber and protein are the best kinds of food to consume if you want to burn fat around your waistline and tone your abs. An Introduction to Tummy Tucks Abdominoplasty, or "tummy tuck" is a major surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the stomach and tightens the abdominal muscles. Many people who are unable to achieve desired results with traditional diet and exercise seek a plastic surgery tummy tuck. The tummy tuck is the sixth most popular plastic surgery procedure in the US. Were Cave Dwellers Ever Fat? In our mind's eye, we see our ancient ancestors as they have been depicted in paintings, stories, films, and scientific recreations. Small, wiry, hairy figures surrounding a huge beast, poised for the kill. 3 Guilt Free Fat Burning Food After Dinner Snacks Want an after dinner snack? Jealously watching your family consume full-fat ice-cream, biscuits and cakes as you're reading this, and feeling left out? Then try these delicious alternatives, designed not to limit your calorie intake, but to be satisfying, providing nutrient-rich and low energy dense food. ![]() |
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