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Are Low Carb Diets Good for Everyone?
What's a Low Carb Diet Really Mean? When I hear low carb to me it means, "low sugar," or "less processed foods." If we'd all make an effort to avoid chips, cookies, cakes, high corn syrup drinks, and candy, then we'd be reducing our overall carbs and eating more healthfully at the same time. There is also no need to avoid foods that are grown and served as close to their natural state as possible such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nor must you avoid brown rice or even pasta. It's not pasta that makes us fat, it's the creamy sauces and the loaves of bread, desserts, and drinks we have along with our spaghetti. It's the combination and quantity of food, not just one food or category of nutrients. When I hear someone say they eat bacon non-stop but they refuse to eat a baked potato or fresh peeled orange it makes me want to scream. I'm not a nutrition expert (even the experts can't agree at this point), but it does not take a genius to know that bacon is not a better choice over an apple. It just makes sense to eat the foods that grow in our soil first and to avoid the processed versions (think apples versus Apple Jack's cereal). For a good basic diet overall, eat as much as you like of wholesome, clean foods. Include healthy grains, rice, beans, salads, vegetables, fruits, nuts (in moderation). Use nut and vegetable oils for cooking. Cook at home once in awhile. Stop super sizing. Buy fresh produce when it's available from your local farmers. Buy as close to home as possible, and walk to the store, if you can! What a concept. Check the Serving Size on Processed Foods If you want something pre-packaged read the label. How many servings does the label state? If more than one, multiply the numbers if you know you'll eat the whole thing, or if you and your spouse will eat it all, then multiply by servings and divide by two. I've seen candy bars that say they serve 2.8 people! When's the last time you split a candy bar? I teach people to incorporate healthier eating into their lifestyles, not go on food plans dictated by some book or program which say what you can and cannot eat. Even those who can stay on the plan and do lose substantial amounts of weight, eventually eat something "off plan," which leads to something else and finally to the mental shift, "Well, I'm off that plan. Better eat up!" What did that experience do for that person? Nothing, but probably they'll end up a bit heavier than when they started. Far better to learn how to eat within your usual lifestyle and create new habits that you then can live with, so even though Sunday is the big family party and you may (probably will) overeat, it won't matter because Monday you'll be back to your usual habits and patterns. That's how people without a weight problem eat whatever they want -- they just usually eat reasonably with the occasional deviation into unhealthy foods and quantities, rather usually eating an unhealthy diet and occasionally dieting like crazy to lose weight before a big event. If you want a treat, have a treat, and no, it's not a treat if you eat it every day. That's a habit. Start by Cutting Back Only 500 Calories Get a reasonable idea of how many calories it requires to maintain your weight, i.e. if you are basically sedentary (get little or no movement regularly) then multiply your body weight by 12. Example, 200 X 12 = 2400. That would mean that if you did nothing but sit in a chair all day, you'd still need 2400 calories just to maintain your body weight! Start by cutting back the calories required to maintain your weight by 500, so our 200 pound fellow would be perfectly fine eating 1900 calories a day. I eat around 2200 calories on average every day (weekends I eat more than weekdays but it averages out to around 2200). I'm active, and I maintain my weight at around 135 pounds which on my 5'7" frame is fine for me. No matter where you begin, start by cutting back by just 500 calories, instead of trying so valiantly to stick to 1200 calorie eating plans that aren't suitable for a 10-year old child. Remember, your activity increases your calorie requirements, so if you do get out of bed, you'll likely need more calories than your base. Whether you prefer low carb, low fat, low calorie or any combination thereof, just start to reduce what you're eating now, make substitutions where possible and create a healthier diet that fits, then add more daily exercise and you'll reach your goal in no time. Stand up in your chair, sit down. Stand up, sit down. That's exercise. It can be that simple. So yes, the low carb approach can be right for everyone. We can all adopt the low carb approach when it means eating less processed foods and adding more fresh fruits and vegetables. Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com. Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #8 Life is extraordinary filled with wonderful people to show up to teach us things. Mitzi, a special friend from high school, sent me a book, The Game of Life and How to Play It, when I was struggling with a sickness years ago. The author speaks about the law of attraction, which I have written about previously. In addition, she writes, "No man is your enemy, no man is your friend, every man is your teacher." When you look at life this way, it becomes so simple. The Results Of Being Overweight Being overweight is no laughing matter. For those who are obese, it often starts as a young child. Unaware that he or she has done something wrong, the child will be teased mercilessly until one day, they will cry themselves to sleep at night wondering what they could have done to prevent this horrible thing from happening to them. Being overweight is not a choice, but often times can be an inherited disease. While for many people, even those who inherit it can recover from it, it is a painful road. There are many results to being overweight. There are many things that can happen to individuals who are or become overweight. In any case, it is sad, hard to deal with, and regrettably often a deadly condition. Successful WLS Patients Make Right Their Nutritional Wellness It seems there are two schools of behavior patients follow after gastric bypass surgery: Your Words Affect Your Weight Loss - Stop the Struggle Are you Telling Yourself It's Too Hard to Lose Weight? Diet and Exercise Evolution: Adaptation (part I) -- Theory Adaptation is the most important concept I teach. The human body adapts to the pressures it is put under with the goal of prolonging life. Your body wants to survive as long as possible, and it will adjust its internal workings quickly if it is presented with changes. So, everything that happens to you - especially things that happen regularly, like eating habits, sleep cycles and general activity - will have two effects on your body. 1) An immediate effect in the short term, then 2) for the long term, your body will adapt to it to better perform the next time. It is this adaptation that most people forget about. Learn the Secrets the Weight Loss Industry Doesnt Want You To Know About Weight Loss Diets All weight loss diets make you Fat How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Motivation One of the hardest aspects of getting yourself into shape, is maintaining the motivation you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Just about anyone will lose some of their enthusiasm, a month or so into a weight loss program. I have learned a few things that keep me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. They have helped me tremendously and I think they will help you as well. Best Diet Plan Available Diet Fads-Forget about 'Em Why Most Diets Dont Work Ever thought of, known someone, or gone on a diet? You probably have. The word diet seems like a common word for someone who is unsatisfied with their current physical condition. The problem is that most diets usually end up failing?in the long run. Going on a "diet" usually refers to eating alot less food, in the hope that it will make us lose those unwanted pounds of fat. Although there are different types of diets, 90% of them stress a strong reduction in calories one way or another. Good Night, Sleep Tight! One of the most important things you can do for fat loss, controlling weight gain and for overall health is often overlooked. MORE SLEEP! Yes, you actually need to sleep more to gain less! Bat-Wings: The Dreaded Hanging Arm Skin After WLS Gastric-bypass surgery is only the first step many morbidly obese patients take in their total body make overs. One residue of massive weight loss is the dreaded "bat-wings". You know what I'm talking about - that upper arm skin which hangs like bat wings if you spread your arms wide ready for flight. Wave your hand and the bat-wing waves too. For some after massive weight loss there is so much skin it's difficult to find shirts with sleeves that fit, and worse, it's embarrassing to wear sleeveless shirts. Weight Loss Frustrations? Slippery Slopes ? One Fall And Down You May Go! If you have ever been snow skiing you know that one wrong move, one glance away or one split second of lost focus may get you in a heap of trouble. The hard part comes trying to stop the slide down the slope. It doesn't take much and the next thing you know, you have hit the bottom only to look up and find yourself wishing you had it to do over again, this time much different and with more focus and preparation. Weight Loss Online -- The Fastest & Easiest Weight Loss Plan My first article provided steps for fast healthy weight loss. This was followed by my easy weight loss plan. So, if you combine the two, you'll have my Fastest Easiest Weight Loss Plan -- that you should never do! The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work Let's face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account. 3 Simple Changes In How You Eat That Will Make Dramatic Results In Your Ability To Burn Fat: 1. Increase your water intake to at least 1 gallon of Plain, fresh water per day. Start your day with a full gallon jug, and just make sure you sip on it all day long, and before you know it, it will be gone and so will some body fat. Dieting: A Few Smart Dieting Secrets To Rejuvenate You In our society of fast food and long hours spent at jobs, it is not difficult to add weight at all. Weight Loss in Children What is "too young" to begin a weight loss program with children? Is there actually such a thing? There are many different opinions on the topic of child obesity but one thing everyone can agree on is that it is becoming an epidemic in North America. Many reports show that obesity now kills more people in a year than smoking does. Is Emotional Eating Causing You to Blow Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan? You've done everything right this time. You're eating lots of salad, fruit, and protein; using only low fat dressings and even staying away from white flour and refined sugar. Best Diet Type -- Losing Weight for Your Wedding Choosing the right diet type is the most important decision you'll make, as you plan for weight loss success. The Cheapest Way To Stop Eating Junk Food and Start Finding Your Ideal Weight Again Your health is your responsibility. As a human being, you have the choice to put in your stomach whatever you want. It is YOU and only you that can choose what you want or not to eat. In other words, it is YOU who chooses to be slim and fit or not. That is your choice. You need to take 100% responsibility of the way you eat. That's the beginning of your success. ![]() |
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