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Two Words That Guarantee Success (or failure) When Planning To Lose Weight
Did you know that being successful with losing weight starts with just two words? Two words will either guarantee you'll lose weight, or guarantee the you WON'T lose weight. You see, words are very powerful. Especially the words that we say to ourselves... our self-talk. Whatever we say to ourselves goes directly to our subconscious and is accepted as complete truth. Did you catch that? Whatever you say to yourself or others is accepted as a complete truth to your subconscious mind. How do you describe yourself? Do you see yourself as healthy, slim and energetic? Or do you see yourself as heavy and overweight? Do you tell yourself (or complain to others) that "you can't" lose weight? If you say to yourself.... "I am fat" ... your mind says OK, you're fat and gets to work in the background on taking actions that make (and keep) you fat. or "I am healthy and slim"... your mind says, OK, and gets to work in the background on taking actions that make (and keep) you healthy and slim. [Note: You literally can't lose weight if you see yourself as overweight... your mind won't let you. This is one reason so many struggle with losing weight... and keeping it off. ] Your subconscious doesn't argue with you, or reason with your statement. It just goes to work following your instructions. This one, small lifestyle change can make a difference between being successful in reaching your weight los.s goals, and continual struggle to lose weight. It's simple, just replace your current thoughts and words with ones that support your "new" you starting with those two most important words, "I am": "I am healthy" "I am slim" "I am fit" "I am healthy and trim" "I am at my goal weight of (your goal) pounds" Saying "I am" gives your mind a statement and command in the affirmative... as if it were already true. Do this regularly, every day, and watch your thoughts and self talk closely. If you catch yourself slipping, immediately stop your negative thoughts and replace them with those above, or your own "I am" statements. Before you know it, your actions and results will start taking shape (literally :) ). It's a proven fact, your mind acts on what you tell it, just tell it what you want! You CAN do it! Mark Idzik is a health coach with a national clientele who helps his clients feel better, get more energy, lose weight and make better health choices. Get his 37 free tips to guaranteed weight loss by visiting: http://www.Everyday-Weight-Loss.com/?src=2w#tips
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Weight Loss NOW or Else! If you knew when you were going to die, would you really want to know? If you knew when you were going to lose your life, would you do anything differently? If you had a choice of living longer or living a better quality of life, which would you choose, longer or better? 5 Natural Weight Loss Tips For A More Beautiful You Living a powerful, healthy, fit and trim life is a true goal for many of us. Despite the easy cures in the form of weightloss drugs and dangerous fad diets, there are still plenty of natural, safe habits we can make a part of our daily routine to start us on this path. Here are 5 good ideas to get you started. Trying To Lose Weight? Dont! Are you trying to lose weight? Weight Loss: N Y Millionaire Weight Loss ?Secret? Revealed It is a fact that about 70% Americans are overweight. There may be genetic, social and psychological factors involved in this problem. Tighter Tummy and Thinner Thighs As a Master swimmer I am made painfully aware, each time I compete, of the importance of a strong core, and by that I mean stomach strength. I come away from each competition vowing to do more leg work, lots of legs-only with the kickboard, and for fitness there is really nothing to beat it. 7 Diet Tips For Rapid Weight Loss 1. Quit snacking in between meals. Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French fries?tempting but terribly fattening. Glucagon and Aging - Breakfast How Not To Start The Day Part III A question from one of our readers: Is Your Goal Really Weight Loss? Are you ashamed of your weight? Do you have a goal weight that you want to reach through weight loss? I'd say so, it's been pushed into our brains many times over and over again that "weight loss" is what we want to accomplish. There are weight loss guides, weight loss supplements, and many other things that push "weight loss". Many people even set their goals to be at a certain weight. Additionally, the medical community has developed an "ideal weight" chart, which can further add to the confusion about weight loss. Weight Loss Program - Weight Loss? Why Bother With a Diet Plan? Does Weight Loss Matter? We all know that weight loss is important. We know we need a weight loss plan or to start a weight loss program - but ... honestly ... why bother? Will a weight loss program really make any difference in the long run? Im Freezing! Why Gastric Bypass Causes Patients to be Cold Body temperature is the result of your body generating and radiating heat. The body is adept at keeping its temperature within a narrow range even though ambient air conditions vary. A normal body temperature is 98.6°F. It is common during the period of rapid weight loss for bariatric patients to feel cold or chilled, even when their temperature reads normal. How to Start Losing Weight and Keep Losing Weight I have put off writing a motivation article because of two reasons: 1) There is a glut of articles out there already; 2) My philosophy is so simple, I didn't think it justified an entire article. I was amazed at the incredible number of articles on the net and in the news that dealt with motivation to diet and exercise. Everybody and her cat have written about ways to trick yourself into exercising or changing your frame of mind, or making the exercise or diet more enjoyable. I can't compete with that sheer volume, but what I can do is make my Best Weight Loss Program for Men complete by including my tip for motivation to exercise and diet. Defy Gravity Gravity is pulling you into the grave. The heavier you are, the more pull Death has on you. So try to become Weightless, like me. I usually phrase my philosophy in a positive way, saying, "If you lose weight, you will feel better and live longer and be able to evolve, defy gravity!" But that doesn't work for most people. So I have to yell: "Lose weight or die!" QuickTips for Healthy Weight Loss More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements , fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or read magazines, there is always some intriguing commercial asking for money to help you get into shape. Diet and Exercise Evolution: Water: 65% of Your Body Cant be Wrong The Liver The function of your kidneys is to filter your blood (which is mostly water). And one of the functions of your liver is to metabolize fat. If you don't consume enough water, your kidneys can't function properly, so your liver starts to help perform kidney functions. So, if your liver is busy helping your ailing kidneys, you can't burn as much fat. Let me repeat that: No matter how much you exercise, if you don't drink enough water, your liver will not metabolize fat for you, because it is trying to help your kidneys. Too Much Water? Being hyper-hydrated (consuming too much water) is not in any way harmful , and actually helps your body metabolize fat. The greatest ill effect of excess water consumption is that you will visit the washroom more often. Consider it a chance to fit in a little more exercise into your daily routine. There have been a few cases of long distance runners who have died from drinking water to toxic levels, but this is extremely rare, and their situation is very unique, so it is nothing for a normal person to worry about. Retaining Water You may have a medical condition that causes you to retain water, probably because of excess salt (sodium) in your system. The solution is simple: drink more water. Your body retains water for the same reason it retains fat: your body thinks that it's hard to come by. If you teach your body that food is abundant, it will stop storing it. If you teach your body that water is abundant by drinking more of it, your body will stop storing it. For more information on how your body adapts to various stimuli, read my articles about adaptation on my website, they're free. Other Benefits The more water you drink the healthier your skin becomes, because it has to be moisturized from the inside and out. It also contributes to joint lubrication, reducing the risk of injury in any activity. Water is the best cure for constipation, and should be your first choice, even before increasing fiber or taking laxatives. When you are active, you should drink even more water, especially on hot days, to replace what you lose in sweat. Do not wait until you're thirsty, because that is your body telling you that it is already under-hydrated. Try to keep yourself over-hydrated for best health. Here's an extra tip: cold water is more easily absorbed into your system, plus it slightly lowers your body temperature, so you have to burn a few extra calories to bring your body temperature back up. I Drink Plenty of Coffee, That's Mostly Water, Right? What counts as water? Some say "only water", but some research has found that fruit juices that are mostly water can be counted towards your daily quota. However, you simply can't drink as much juice as you can water. Juice will fill you up, and contains sugar which you should try to minimize in your diet. So, it's really not a substitute for simple, clear water. And even though coffee is made with mostly water, it does not count since it is a diuretic and actually strips water from your system. Colas are also full of that diuretic caffeine, besides their ultra-high sugar content, so soft drinks should be the first item to stop consuming if you're trying to lose weight. Replace those "alternatives" with a glass of water, and you'll feel better and start losing pounds and inches. It was recently found that even diet sodas do not help dieters, go to the "news" section of my site to read more about this research. I hope it goes without saying that alcohol, even when mixed with water, is a diuretic and my advice is to minimize your consumption of alcoholic drinks. Final Tip You don't have to drink a huge glass or two all at once, either. I have a large glass of water at my desk all day. As soon as it is empty, I refill it. I naturally sip it whenever I like, and I end up drinking more than my quota of water every day. Mindfulness - The Key to Avoiding Overeating I made myself a sandwich today and thought I'd be efficient and do some work over lunch. I was brainstorming some ideas for my next article. Deep in though, the ideas came easy to me. By the middle of page two, I looked down and noticed that I was on my last bite. It was weird, like when you fall asleep and wake up feeling like you just blinked and the alarm went off. I didn't taste my sandwich at all. After cleaning up my plate, I thought, I could go for a little something sweet, maybe I'll have a piece of fruit. My body just ate lunch, but my mind missed out on the whole experience. So there's my article topic! How to Eat All You Want and Still Lose Weight How would you like to eat all you want and still lose weight, or maintain your trim figure? Sounds impossible? Have you seen those skinny young women who eat like horses, with plate after plate of food at the buffet table without putting on any weight? Ok, so some of them may be bulimic. You know, the sort who eat all they want, then go to the toilet to throw up everything they just ate. Not only is that disgusting, it is very unhealthy. That damages your body in the long run. No, I'm talking about the girls who just cannot seem to gain weight. Probably due to a very high metabolic rate. They burn off all the calories they consume, effortlessly. Not every skinny girl is bulimic or aneroxic or even on a stringent diet. Some are just naturally thin. I know. In my early twenties, I was one of them. When you are young, your metabolic rate is high. As you get older, your metabolism would naturally slow down. Also, back in my skinny days, I walked a lot. As a student, I was underweight. Yet I could out eat any guy at a buffet table. That was because I walked a lot. I was on my feet walking around the campus when not at class. I had to climb a hill several times a day as the hostel where I stayed was on the top of the hill. As a young adult, I walked a lot. I'd go shopping for hours after work. Walking at least 3 hours each day, browsing from shop to shop. When I let a more sedentary lifestyle after marriage, I really gained weight. Staying home, watching tv instead of walking for hours in the malls let to serious weight gain. Even though I was eating far less than before. The gist of this is that your weight depends on the amount of calories you burn as well as the calories you consume. Consume more calories than you burn and you end up gaining weight. Burn more calories than you consume and you lose weight. So if you seriously want to eat all you want and still lose weight, you have to make a serious effort to burn those calories you consume. Just ate a big mac? That is worth 485 calories. Playing tennis for an hour burns 450 calories. Scrubbing the floor for an hour burns 440 calories. Try doing that to offset the calories you consumed from that big mac. When I run on a treadmill, uphill with the slope set to the max at 15, and speed at around 6.5 for 35 minutes, I burn about 410 calories. So if you want to lose weight and eat Big Macs, or other high calorie foods, you have to be prepared for some serious exercise. Likewise, the snacks you might eat while watching TV, or in the office all contain serious calories. Take note of what you eat, how many calories they contain and burn those off through exercise. Government Against Diets The Government of the Australian state of Victoria has started a campaign aimed at warning people of the dangers of fad diets. The campaign is believed to be the first of its kind in the world. Who Said Low Carb Diets Ever Meant No-Carb? A little information if often a dangerous thing... and many people trying low carb diets failed miserably in the long-run because they took the concept to its extreme figuring that if low-carb diets were good, then no-carb diets must be better? Wrong! Psychological Factors in Weight Management To continue the educational series on your health and fitness lifestyle, this article is based on accredited college nutrition programs and literature based on proven science. My hope is to empower you to take responsibility for your nutrition plan. One does not have to become a fanatic and eat perfectly to be healthy! Obesity Acceptance and Fat Acceptance: Different Labels; Same Dangerous Message Obesity acceptance, also known as fat acceptance, has a simple, appealing message... It's also a potentially lethal one. Fitness through Exercise for Life ? Principles that Keep You Going for Life! ATTITUDES ![]() |
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