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The Lost Road of a Failed Gastric Bypass Surgery
In 1994, I had a RNY surgery. At 350 lbs and 26 years of age, I felt like my life was over, I felt like my husband and my child would be better off without me. I felt like I could not face life at all. Knowing that suicide was totally against my religious beliefs, I had to find a solution and find one fast to get out of this prison called a BODY. I heard from a friend about the RNY surgery and what it had done for her, she went from fat to fabulous what seemed to be overnight to me. Inside, I was desperate to find what she had done, so I called her doctor in Michigan, yes I did no research, I had no idea what it was all about, all I knew is, what she had and the results she had I had to have it, if it caused my life. Long story short...I went to Michigan to have the RNY surgery. I was not scared until they wheeled me into the operating room, it looked like a chop shop, not what I had been a custom to with previous surgeries, but I was down for whatever, I put my life in God's hands and I went to sleep...you know God watches over children and Fools. I was not prepared for what drastic changes and alterations that had taken place. I had no sound eating advise, my doctor never said stay away from carbs ( what was carbs) , all I knew is that I would be thin in a couple of months ( 7-15 month). I had no support groups, no doctors in my area knowledgeable on the RNY and possible risk and care for RNY patients. I didn't know I was not supposed to drink sods pop, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to eat and drink at the same time, all I knew is that I would be thin....now I did hear but I did not exercise, drink plenty of water, take vitamins daily, come for yearly check-up....all I heard is that the weight will come off and you will be thin. I can't leave out I was told about the dumping but I was not told that it would stop, so as a hard head person, I ate sweets as much as could be tolerated, you know a candy bar here and there, a piece of cake here and there. Two babies later( Dec. 1996 & Jan.1998) I found that my 199 lbs body was getting to tight for my clothes, and I was buying bigger sizes even after the pregnancies, even when there was no baby people thought I was pregnant....Now spinning out of control and wondering what went wrong, and so fast...I knew I had to do something, but what....... I did not know, remember no support groups, limited information, and new procedure in my area ( I was only aware of the surgery being done in Michigan 6-7 hours away - one way). Feeling sluggish and trying to mother my children and my husband I couldn't get a handle of my tiredness and why I was not feeling like myself. Every meal after the pregnancy was a meal of convenience meaning something that won't make me sick, and something that didn't require me to be on my feet for a long time, so I opted for fast food, I ate pizza at least 3-4 out of 7 days, hey it's the only food I can feed a family of 8 for under $16.00 for 2 extra large one topping pizza's. Now the scale is tipping 250 lbs and every month I see a pound creep on here and there but, hey... I think I got this....then I wake up from this dream with severe anemia, and 181 B-12 level, mild memory loss, and all the old symptoms of Lupus (soreness, stiffness, and joint pain). 10 years wiser, I began to take my life back by using proper supplementation, and regular doctor visits, but why is the weight not coming off, I'm logging my food, I'm exercising, I even got a personal trainer, and still something was wrong, and I became tired of going to the gym 2-3 times a day for 1.5-2 hour a time. I began to reach out for help, even though I was shame when people found out I had a RNY several years ago. I got sick of people asking me what happen, your still fat, as if I couldn't see that every time I ran by the mirror...you know...... I was a diva from the shoulders up( I was always told I had a pretty face), so I thought,...... but what about the rest of me. I was fooling myself, and every time I went up a flight of stairs, I knew that rest of me needed the attention that I gave my face. After much soul searching and research, I decided to have the lap band around my RNY pouch. I knew it was a fairly new procedure but here I go again, that's what my husband said, then I would reply but I'm not that same old Lana, I'm 10 years wiser and I see the fault in me, and my surgeon which cause me not be successful in 1994, so don't put me on the HISTORY channel cause I got a new preview, staring the sensible Lana who loves herself, and who has learned that you don't get nothing in life for free. You pay for everything you get and everything you get you pay for( with regards to the WLS Surgery). AND HERE I AM BANDED AND LOVIN IT! Mother of six who refuses to give up on her dream of being thin. I share my joy and sorrow of my gastric bypass and weight loss surgery adventures.
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Lose Weight & Achieve A Healthy Metabolism By Balancing And Adjusting Your Meals How many meals do you eat in one day? Diet: Are French Fries Really A Vegetable? The government, nutritionists, doctors, and dietitians implore us to eat 5 servings of vegetables a day. Considering that a serving is only half a cup, a decent-sized side of vegetables and a big salad does it for the day. Mexican Living: Too Dang Fat! I thought I could avoid this when we moved to Mexico. I thought being here would effect a permanent change. I didn't think I would have to struggle with this anymore. I was wrong! Obesity, Whats The Big Deal Part 4 In this issue, I am going to focus more on some of the consequences of obesity, especially as it relates to children. Although this is focusing on children, think of how it relates to you. Also, if you have kids, what are you teaching your kids about health? Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Live Longer If all we have to do is exercise to live a fuller and healthier life then why isn't everybody doing it? Not enough time? Too expensive? Unmotivated? Well the fact is everybody wants to be healthier but it is time consuming and expensive. Or is it? The problem is that an individual's health is not given a high priority until it's gone. Holiday Eating: Party Hearty Without Putting on the Pounds! The holidays are definitely a special time of year. These days, however, many women wonder whether "special" means happy -- or stressful. Do you know anyone who doesn't feel more stress during the holiday season? One thing is for sure: Stress is a six-letter word that can spell added trouble for many women who struggle with food, eating and weight. America Health Watch America loves fast food. Last year, consumers spent billions of dollars on the hamburger industry alone. Corporate giants such as McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King all boast of multi-million dollar incomes each year. A Before and After Look at Tummy Tucks If you have a protruding abdomen, loose skin as a result of weight loss or childbirth, if despite your best efforts at diet and exercise, you just can't seem to tighten those abs, a tummy tuck may be a good option for you. What can you expect from a tummy tuck, before and after? The process will vary depending on the health of the patient and the type of procedure performed. Cross Training One of the biggest misconceptions about exercise is that there is "one" program that works for someone all the time. People think that they need to get on a particular workout program and just keeping doing that program over and over again. Although getting on a good program IS a necessary first step, ensuring that your body doesn't adapt to that program is critical to ensuring that your results don't slow down or stop! The Crazy Amazing Diet Maker This past Christmas Season, as most of us stuffed our faces full of turkey and pies, a well respected weight loss expert from WebMD made some crazy remarks about ending obesity. Burn More Fat With Insulin Control: The Secret Weight Loss Switch If you're serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might be interested in what I'm about to tell you. If you're like most people who don't have time to do cardio exercise and weight training for a few hours a day, then you need to read on. The fat-burning secret I'm about to reveal is used by bodybuilders worldwide, and it will not only help you lose weight, but get you unhooked from the bad carbohydrates. Here's some information you should know first: Diet Pills And Supplements Losing weight is a struggle that many of us face every day. In the search for the best diet program, the subject of diet pills and supplements can be the foremost thought on our minds. With the numerous diet pills and supplements being advertised it's hard to know which ones are safe and effective. Diet pills can be very helpful in controlling the appetite and boosting your energy level and metabolism. In making the decision to use diet pills or supplements to help you lose weight, you must consider what, if any, side effects are possible. Some products claim to have no side effects what so ever while others carry the risk of liver damage, heart problems, and kidney damage, just to name a few. Those who struggle with obesity run the risk of health problems. Along with diet and exercise, you may be considering using diet pills or supplements. Make certain to research the effectiveness and possible side effects associated with these types of products. Information is readily available to you from a number of online and other sources. Obesity is the cause of hundreds of thousands of health related problems for millions of people throughout the world. Losing excess weight is the best thing you can do for your heart and over all health. Diet pills and supplements can assist you in reaching your weight loss goals. Make certain you choose a diet product that carries very little, if any, risk of serious side effects. There are diet pills and supplements available that are safe and effective and have few or no possible side effects. Diet pills can come in the form of prescription medication that is available only through your doctor or in the form of non-prescription supplements that are available over the counter or through online providers. Whichever type of diet pill or supplement you choose, a healthy diet and exercise are still necessary to lose weight and maintain that loss. Claims made by weight loss product manufacturers stating their product can help you lose weight with no diet and exercise plan are usually false. If you want to lose weight, you must reduce your caloric intake and begin an exercise program. There are diet pills and supplements that are safe and can help you in your weight loss plan. Choose carefully and make sure you know the risk of side effects associated with any product you purchase. There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs and online support systems to help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services. To view our list of recommended sources to help you lose weight or to read more articles about dieting visit: Recommended Weight Loss & Diet Resources Online. 10 Easy to follow Tips to help YOU Lose Weight Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too. The Atkins Diet Introduction Weight Loss and Diet Programs - The Real Skinny on What Works Best! Have you ever wondered with all the weight loss programs offered today, why we are on the verge of a diabetic and obesity epidemic? Have you ever thought that maybe doctors and gym owners would rather you not know the right way to lose weight? Think about it? If we did, whose pocket would it hurt? On the other hand, maybe they just are not motivated enough to explain it us? Worse yet, maybe they don't even know how to help us long term? The Low Carb Diet F.A.Q. When most people think of low carb diets they automatically think Atkins. For obvious reasons. Dr. Robert Atkins formulated the original low carb diet in 1972 and was met a with a hail of ridicule and negativity from the medical community at large. Why Do You Say You Want To Lose Weight? How many of your New Year's resolution start out with "I want to lose x amount of pounds" as if just saying it were some kind of magic mantra. Fish! It?s What?s For Dinner After Gastric Bypass Since gastric bypass weight loss surgery gives us a second chance of leading healthy lives it behooves us to pay attention to what we eat and incorporate things in our limited diet that can aid our health and longevity. Fortunately for us one of the healthiest things we can eat is also gastric bypass friendly: Fish. The Secrets of Online Weight Loss Pills I know a lot of people out there would like to loss a few pounds, or more importantly would like to feel and look better. Most people want to loss weight to look better, the bigger issue is to fell better and have a healthier life style without the health conditions associated with excess weight. The majority of people want a quick easy weight loss system that sheds pounds with little or no effort. The truth is, that system just doesn't exist. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to incorporate a regular exercise routine into your life. Walking after dinner every night could be a good routine to get into for people who haven't been very active. Good weight loss supplements or fat burners combined with a regular exercise program can be very effective and rewarding in your life. Yoga As An Aid To Weight Loss Yoga is wonderful for nurturing a state of mental and physical well being . It promotes a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and yoga techniques can be applied also to removing excess weight, thus bringing you an extra benefit, that is if being overweight is a problem to you. ![]() |
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