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Putting it Off Until Im Thinner
I can't do that Until I Lose This Weight! If you don't enjoy the life you've got because you think you don't look good in shorts or you can't bring yourself to wear a bathing suit, you're doing nothing more than wasting your life for nothing. Maybe you don't look like a bathing beauty but who does? I've heard so many people tell me that they would give anything to be at a weight they once were, but when questioned they almost always say, "Now that I think about it, I thought I was fat back then too," but guess what? They weren't. Those same people are sometimes shocked to see photos of themselves as a teenager or young adult; "Why I wasn't fat at all," they'll say. Where do these fears originate except within our minds, and that makes me wonder - is this another way of the brain to try to keep us from taking the steps necessary to affect change? Remember, your brain will do what it can to keep things the way they are, at least at first, so crazy notions about the future may be clouding your judgment. It's unlikely you'll hear someone on their death bed say, "If only I'd spent more hours at the job," but more likely they'll say, "I wish I'd spent more time with my family." Go ahead and spend that time now, doing what you love, being with people you enjoy. If you like being outdoors, be outdoors. Do you love the water but you haven't been in a pool for 20 years because you think you look awful in a swimming suit? Who cares? Go swimming, today, tomorrow, or next week. Just go. It's Not Always About Us Think about this: Sally cannot stand to go out because she doesn't want anyone to see her in a size 22 dress. She's embarrassed and too self consciousness, so she doesn't date. On her way to work one day she has to stop and buy some stamps. John passes her on the street on his way to the Post Office, but she didn't see him because she was looking at her shoes and feeling bad for herself. As John is walking toward the Post Office he's thinking about how he wants to workout at the gym but he can't seem to get himself started. After all, "Everyone will notice me and make fun of me." Mary, the clerk is wearing a dress that no longer fits because she's lost 25 lbs. yet she can't bring herself to buy new clothes because of, "What people might think." She's lost in her thoughts and almost gives John the wrong change, which he hardly notices because he's thinking about the gym and the horror of everyone noticing him and pointing. Neither Sally, John or Mary see anyone but themselves. None of them noticed the other even when they had an opportunity. Surprisingly none of us is the center of attention expect perhaps at your own wedding, and sometimes not even then. Therefore, stop being so self-centered and get yourself out doing what you want to do. Sure there are always people who will make a rude remark, but hey, they do not know you. They don't know your situation. They don't know anything about you and probably never will, and guess what? They don't really care, which is why they have fun being rude to strangers, so why should you? Show care where you can make a difference. Show care when you are able to help someone without expecting something in return. Life is short. The days go by in an endless stream from one moment to the next and what you do with this life is entirely up to you. It's not always about food. Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com Get the Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
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Understand the Science of Obesity And Youre On Your Way To Conquer It Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that's not exactly true. An overweight person has a surplus amount of weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. An obese person has a surplus of body fat. Body Mass Index (BMI) is commonly used to determine if a person is obese or not. A person with a BMI over 30 is considered to be obese, and a BMI over 40 is considered to be severely obese. The Missing Ingredient in Your Diet That is Keeping You Fat and Tired Whenever I hear someone say they just can't lose weight, the first question I ask is if they are eating their fruits and vegetables. Only one person has ever said yes. The rest have given me a litany of excuses about why they don't ? with the leading reason being, "I don't like vegetables". Are Low Carb Diets Good for Everyone? What's a Low Carb Diet Really Mean? Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12 Are you just exploding with the presence of light all around you? Isn't it awesome when you take time out for yourself, how amazing you feel? Just keep believing in yourself and the miracles will keep happening. The right people will show up and the right opportunities will show up...GUARANTEED! How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Motivation One of the hardest aspects of getting yourself into shape, is maintaining the motivation you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Just about anyone will lose some of their enthusiasm, a month or so into a weight loss program. I have learned a few things that keep me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. They have helped me tremendously and I think they will help you as well. Learn The Basics Of Weight Loss Have you been surfing the web trying to find a way to lose weight? Are you looking for the perfect solution to your weight loss desires? If you have done much surfing, I'm sure you've found thousands of sites offering to provide you with the BEST weight loss solution. Are they all the BEST? Do they all work wonders? Will you never have to worry about weight loss again? A Weight Loss Secret ? The Art of Detachment! Have you ever worried about something so much it paralyzed you from doing something about it? Have you ever been so obsessed with your weight that nothing seemed to work? The Best Diet/Way To Lose Weight The diet that worked for me The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Weight Loss 5 Easy Steps to A Healthier Weight Dietary Weapons of Mass Distraction (WMD) As hoards of low-carb proponents invade the nutritional landscape, the increasingly tired low-fat guard seems to be giving way before their steady march and drumbeat. The Truth About Counting Calories And Weight Loss Do calories matter or do you simply need to eat certain foods and that will guarantee you'll lose weight? Should you count calories or can you just count "portions?" Is it necessary to keep a food diary? Is it unrealistic to count calories for the rest of your life or is that just part of the price you pay for a better body? Lose Weight With Soy! The humble soybean boasts some extraordinary benefits. This nutritional powerhouse has stayed under wraps for too long. Apart from being the only vegetable protein with all 22 amino acids essential for our health and well being, the humble soybean has many other virtues...including an excellent foundation for fast, safe weight loss program. The First Tragedy in a Lifetime of Weightloss I am approaching 70 years of age very quickly and I have been dieting since I was thirteen years old. Gastro-Physics And Dietary Anti-Matter Do a little people-watching, next time you're in the grocery line. There's always someone with a cart, bulging with every conceivable kind of diet food. Flats of turkey bacon prop listlessly against the fat free half & half and Olestra cookies. At first glance, this is clearly someone who is completely health conscious, diet minded, and watching what they eat. Not One Ounce -- Candy At Your House Here come the candy canes. In our house, Santa always hung Hershey's Kisses on the tree. Red and Green M&Ms cohabitate with the micro-Reese's peanut butter cups in the candy dish. The holiday season is an excuse for saturating your house with sugar in all its forms. Law of Attraction Resolves Diet Controversy Who'd have thought healthy eating could be so controversial? Lunching at my girlfriend's house one afternoon, I held my tongue as her neighbors who'd joined us argued the virtues of their respective diets. And not like nice girls would! A Look at Bariatric Surgery Complications Although many patients have few problems after bariatric surgery, there is the potential for complications, both small and large, just as there is with any surgical procedure. Minor complications can include dietary intolerance, hair loss, dry skin, menstrual irregularities, or pain. Other complications that may occur include dumping, stenosis, a narrowing of the gastric pouch's outlet, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and anemia, gallstones, and vomiting caused by stretching the pouch. Play Ball To Get Fit Chances are if you've stepped foot in a gym or watched a television fitness program in the past year then you've seen the "big balls". You've probably wondered what all the fuss is about. Well, they may look like something found on a children's playground, but don't be deceived. These balls offer one of the best methods for strengthening your abdominals and core. Low Carb vs. High Low carb diets can be classified as food plans that require keeping carbohydrates as low as 3% and never more than about 25 to 30%. This is much lower than the 50 to 60% recommended by most good scientists and valid research. Low carb diets include programs like Atkins, Protein Power, The Zone, Sugar Busters and the South Beach diet. Americas Secret Addiction America is a nation of self-disclosers, amiably acceptant of our weaknesses. Celebrities, family members, coworkers and friends think nothing of admitting their compulsions and dependencies on alcohol, street drugs, prescription medications. We enter rehab programs, clean up, dry out, and go on with our lives: beating our problem or entering a long series of relapses and treatment episodes. Except, perhaps, for politicians or ministers, there is little social stigma attached to such mistakes unless there are criminal overtones that may lead to incarceration. ![]() |
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