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7 Part Plan To Beating Childhood Obesity
Everyone from politicians to parents is talking about fighting the war against childhood flab. It is odd that in a relatively wealthy countries such as the US and Australia improving children's health, weight and fitness should be a problem but it appears to be a sticking point with many. Childhood obesity in a developed country like Australia and the United States is essentially a lifestyle issue. Children are overweight because they eat inappropriate amounts and types of food and they don't exercise enough. To put it simply many children are stacking on the weight because calorie intake is higher than calories burned. Children's lifestyles are generally a reflection of those who raise them so parents need to figure heavily in any strategies put forward to improve the health and wellbeing of the next generation. The trouble is many parents have grown accustomed to outsourcing those hard to deal with issues such as sexuality and drug education to schools and other agencies. Children' health and well-being is an issue that parents should take prime responsibility for. Parents can beat childhood obesity rather than leave it up to schools to fix or politicians to meddle with. Here is a simple, fool-proof lifestyle plan that parents can adopt to ensure their children grow up healthy and fit rather than overweight and unhealthy: 1. Limit the amount of children's television, computer and electronic games usage to a maximum of two hours a day. Very little physical exertion is needed to watch TV or use other electronic equipment so for the sake of fitness their use of these needs to be limited. Send children outside, suggest they walk or ride to a friend's house or even suggest they have a friend or four over to play. One third of Australian children would prefer to play computer games than play outside so parents may have to be assertive and, at times, over-zealous but so be it. 2. Children walk or ride a bike to school each day. Recent Roy Morgan research revealed that 60 per cent of Australian 6 ? 13 year olds would like to walk to school but only 30 per cent actually do. Most children would get their required minimum two hours of exercise a week by walking or riding their bikes to school. This may mean that parents may have to walk to school with younger children or ensure they are adequately supervised. Bike riding is not safe for every child but more bike tracks in the vicinity of schools would be a great start. 3. Keep unhealthy food out of the trolley and include more fruit. This may be stating the bleeding obvious but as keepers of the family purse parents have the main stake in what food goes in and what stays out of the shopping trolley. It seems that parents are on the right track as more Australian children eat fruit after school than sweet biscuits but even so the number of fruit eaters can do with a boost. Only 43 per cent of Australian children eat fruit after school so more fruit could be a good place to start. 4. Serve healthy meals at the table on a regular basis. The humble ritual that sees adults and children who are related to each other breaking bread together on a daily or at least regular basis has a lot going for it. Far from being a refuelling stop mealtime is an opportunity for everyone to catch up and to share good healthy, well-prepared food. True, busyness of life get in the way of this healthy ritual but it is about getting our priorities right. 5. Parents play with their children or join them in a physical activity. The family that plays together stays thin together could well be the motto of our times. It should be easy for adults to sell their children on the virtues of playing physical games outside as play comes before work in most children's dictionaries. Fathers tend to be the kings of play but work and other lifestyle factors can get in the way. 6. Encourage children to be involved in at least one organised physical activity each week. Some parents may need to be insistent but 88 per cent of Australian children say they enjoy sport so getting children motivated for physical activity shouldn't be hard. There is no shortage of options for children these days as there are activities and sports that cater of a diverse range of interests, abilities and body types. 7. Parents model a healthy lifestyle. Do as I do not as I say is the idea here. It is little use parents telling their kids to go out and play as they tuck into their second wine or they slump into the couch. Modelling is the most important tool in the armoury if we want children to develop sustained healthy eating and exercise habits. For the record, a healthy lifestyle is one where people talk to each other (ideal for emotional well-being), one where food and alcohol intake occurs in moderation and physical activity is a natural part of the day. This plan has a great deal going for it. It is cost-free, easy to use and places the responsibility where it lay ? with parents. It also has the added bonus of promoting healthy relationships as if they follow this plan parents and kids should spend more time together which can't be a bad thing. For further ideas to help you raise happy children and resilient teenagers visit www.parentingideas.com.au . While you are there subscribe to Happy Kids newsletter and receive a free report - Seven ways to beat sibling rivalry. Michael Grose is Australia's leading parenting educator. He is the author of six books and gives over 100 presentations a year and appears regularly on television, radio and in print. For further ideas to help you raise happy children and resilient teenagers visit http://www.parentingideas.com.au. While you are there subscribe to Happy Kids newsletter and receive a free report Seven ways to beat sibling rivalry.
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The Key To Successful Weight Loss - Balancing Blood Sugar Levels When you talk about losing weight you're really talking about losing fat. Successful weight loss is not just about losing that excess fat, it's about keeping it off. Bathing Suit Season - A Lifestyle Guide To prepare ourselves for the Summer Sun we want to do more for ourselves than just watch what we eat. We want to get every part of ourselves moving, metabolizing and breathing. Yes, You Can Lose Weight! Weight loss is one of the biggest industries in the world! And for those of us that need to lose weight it is the biggest struggle of our lives! The industry takes advantage of the fact that we don't want to give up our "little pleasures" by telling us we don't have to. They also know we don't want to get all sweaty, out of breathe, and feeling pain, so they tell us we don't have to exercise. "All you have to do is take this pill every day and the pounds will melt away, as if by magic!" they tell us. But, if you look at the small print they go on to say, "diet and exercise will make it work even better." But, come on, when you really stop and think about it realistically, of course it isn't just going to happen by taking a pill. We have to put more effort into it than that just because of physics and gravity if for no other reason. How is a pill going to make your body go against gravity? It isn't. It may help us burn fat, but the fat only comes back if we keep eating the way we have been and if the pill burns the new fats that we put into our bodies the old fat is still there. And besides all that what side effects is the pill having that isn't good for us? And just look at all the money we spend to lose weight and then frustratingly it doesn't happen and we could have spent that money on a cruise! Get NeanderThin on the Cave Man Diet Are you up to a cave man diet? You won't have to start living in a cave, but your eating habits will have to become... shall we say, more old fashioned. For Effective Weight Loss - Curb Hunger And Avoid The Binge Curb Hunger and Avoid The Costly Binge Plot Your Weight Loss Course I'm sure you already know that weight loss and improved fitness don't happen overnight. But did you know that there are steps that you can take to improve your chances of weight loss success before you even start your healthier eating and exercise plan? Natural Weight Losss: The Minor Changes That Can Have Huge Affects On Your Future Health People always ask me " how it is that your grandfather a man over 65 can go to the gym 5 days a week , bike many miles every other day and still do many other physical sports without constant problems ?". Well I asked him. He told me it was a combination of a few things. The Cheapest Way To Stop Eating Junk Food and Start Finding Your Ideal Weight Again Your health is your responsibility. As a human being, you have the choice to put in your stomach whatever you want. It is YOU and only you that can choose what you want or not to eat. In other words, it is YOU who chooses to be slim and fit or not. That is your choice. You need to take 100% responsibility of the way you eat. That's the beginning of your success. Dieting Will Never Be the Same! A Review of How to Make Your Diet Work According to the American Obesity Association, an astounding 64.5 percent of adult Americans (about 127 million) are categorized as obese or overweight. According to the website's statistics, obesity causes at least 300,000 excess deaths and is responsible for 100 million dollars in healthcare costs each year for obese and overweight Americans. A very real and often devastating problem for so many, obesity should be considered a healthcare crisis and given the utmost attention. Relieve Stress at Your Workplace: It Might Just Help You Manage Your Weight! No doubt about it, when we feel stressed we want to raid the candy machine, or down a pint of ice cream. Of course we feel immediate gratification because of the "feel good" endorphins that are released when we eat something we love but now new research confirms these food urges are caused by more than endorphins. Weight Loss: The A Factor - The #1 Secret to Sticking to Your Weight Loss Program! Twenty years ago, I did not expect to accomplish what I have in the fitness world. And I surely didn't dream about writing best-selling books or think my story was worth retelling. However, two things I did now; first by exercising and eating, it better allowed me to be involved in something much greater than me. And second, I was not afraid to ask for help and support. Hypnosis for Weight Control - Why Diets Dont Provide a Long-Term Solution One of the difficulties with dieting is the well known yo-yo effect. You get all enthusiastic, go wholeheartedly into the new diet, lose some pounds; then after a few weeks, or a few months, the enthusiasm starts to slip, you've done really well, and you want to give yourself a treat or a day off, then that day happens once a week, twice a week, three times a week and the treat happens once a week, once a day, three times a day... EFT for Weight Loss - How to Stop Eating from Fear of Not Getting Your Share Do You Sometimes Eat Because You're Afraid You'll "Miss Out" on Something Wonderful Otherwise? Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #10 WOW!! Here we are on lesson #10. Hasn't it been an amazing journey over these two months? What you are discovering is all the secrets to your weight loss are within you. You've always had the power within you to lose it; you just needed to discover that you hold that power. As women we feel we need to manage the Universe and that's a huge responsibility. When this happens, we take care of everyone's needs first and then leave us to the last and lose our power. We find we run on empty most of the time and then wonder why we struggle with weight. Who are we really mad at? Us! Negative Calorie Effect in Foods Negative Calorie Effect in Foods Compulsive Eating Signs Compulsive eating is characterized mainly by periods of impulsive bingeing or continuous eating. Purging (vomiting or laxatives) are not present, but there may be intervals of repetitive diets or fasts. Body weight can range from normal to severe obesity. Compulsive eating is a behavior driven by desire to reduce anxiety rather than by feelings of hunger. Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors reduce anxiety and distress, but they create a self-perpetuating cycle. The eating activity provides temporary relief, but it is followed by further distress in the form of guilt, shame, and disgust. This often leads to a vicious cycle of binge eating and depression. Compulsive eating can be a behavior used to fill a void, suppress uncomfortable emotions, cope with problems or to create a state of numbness to everything that is going on. Triggers can be anxiety, depression, stress, boredom or loneliness, dieting, and low self-esteem. How Can You Find Newport Beach Liposuction center? Finding the clinic that performs liposuctions in Newport Beach is quite easy. All Newport Beach liposuction clinics have their websites, so it's a good idea to start looking for them on the Net. Then continue the survey by visiting them personally and seeing how the clinics look like. But you must understand a few things before you start searching Newport Beach. Liposuction has its limits and you have to know them before you decide to have it. The Lost Road of a Failed Gastric Bypass Surgery In 1994, I had a RNY surgery. At 350 lbs and 26 years of age, I felt like my life was over, I felt like my husband and my child would be better off without me. I felt like I could not face life at all. Knowing that suicide was totally against my religious beliefs, I had to find a solution and find one fast to get out of this prison called a BODY. I heard from a friend about the RNY surgery and what it had done for her, she went from fat to fabulous what seemed to be overnight to me. Inside, I was desperate to find what she had done, so I called her doctor in Michigan, yes I did no research, I had no idea what it was all about, all I knew is, what she had and the results she had I had to have it, if it caused my life. No Excuse on Getting in Shape America is getting more obese every year. Even our children are becoming dangerously obese, even though we are more self conscious over our appearance. So what's the magic bullet to getting trim and fit. Well, I'll be honest, there isn't any. First, we are all limited by our heredity. If your father has a spare tire, you're probably going to be predisposed to have one yourself if your a man. If you're a woman, you are going to have fight off your mother's big hips. Today Americans have more money than they ever have before. No matter what people say about the economy, gradually over the years, Americans have become richer, and they eat to prove it. Even poor families eat more than middle class families of previous generations. Poor families often find it even harder to lose weight because junk food is cheaper, and they don't have enough money, or as much time to be active, other than working. Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips ? Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 7 of 10 People usually quit weightloss and exercise programs for one of two reasons: boredom or lack of results, maybe even both! ![]() |
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