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The Fail-Safe Weight Loss Formula
Yes Virginia, the fail-safe weight loss formula exists. It's so simple, we overlook it. Instead, we focus on the latest fad diet or the newest exercise video. The fail-safe weight loss formula appears in an audio program authored by the self-help guru Brian Tracey. Here's his version of this formula . . . Eat LESS, Exercise MORE. Guaranteed Every Time Disappointed? After all, we are very familiar with this message. But, if we pay attention to our daily habits, this formula will work EVERY TIME. Guaranteed. How can this formula succeed 100% of the time? It's simple math. And math always works. ALWAYS. Okay, so you have a trust issue when it comes to weight loss. Let's PROVE that it works. It's a Numbers Game Suppose you've been gaining about 10 pounds a year for the past 3 years. If your daily caloric requirement is 2000, you have been on average 100 calories over your requirement every day for the past 3 years. If your goal is to simply reverse the 30-pound weight gain, you need to reduce your daily caloric intake by 200 calories. Do ONE of the following: 1. Eat 200 calories LESS a day. 2. Burn 200 calories MORE a day. 3. Combine eating less and increasing your activity level for a total of 200 calories, for example, eat 100 less and burn 100 more. Gradually Lose Those Extra Pounds You could lose the 30 pounds by changing a few habits. First, eat half the usual muffin a day. Then, climb the stairs in your apartment building every day instead of pushing elevator buttons. The next month, you could lose the entire muffin and park your car a little further away from the building where you work as well as climbing the stairs. Over time, you will lose the weight. You have to. It's in the numbers. And you haven't starved yourself or gotten into the dreaded "I have to go to the health club" routine. 5 Steps to Weight Loss If your eyes glaze over when you read numbers, here's the easy part: all the information you need is online at www.caloriecontrol.org The steps are as follows: 1. Decide how many pounds you want to lose. EXAMPLE: 20 pounds 2. Decide how long in days you want it to take. Be realistic about the length of time. EXAMPLE: 365 days 3. Multiply the pounds identified in number 1 by 3500. EXAMPLE: 20 pounds X 3500 = 70,000 calories 4. Divide the result in step 3 by the number of days to get the number of daily calories. EXAMPLE: 70,000 calories divided by 365 days = 192 calories per day. 5. Decide if you will eat less, increase your activity level, or both to get to the number in step 4. Use the web site calorie and exercise calculator (www.caloriecontrol.org) to figure out how you can eat less and exercise more. So, are you going to be fat forever? Or will you use the fail-safe formula: Eat LESS, Exercise MORE. ALWAYS REMEMBER (and NEVER forget) ? Take it one day at a time. Copyright 2005 by Valerie Mills Valerie Mills freelances as a sales copywriter/designer (http://v.mills.home.att.net) and (http://www.wordbrains.com) She recently published the ebook titled "Practical Ways to Develop Your Child's Financial Intelligence" available at http://www.teachyourkidsaboutmoney.com Contact Valerie by email at parents@teachyourkidsaboutmoney.com
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Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers: The 3 W?s for Weight Loss I have been seriously working on losing weight for about 2 1/2 months and many people have asked me what I am doing to be so successful. I reply, "The 3 W's for weight loss!" Of course they don't know what the 3 W's of weight loss are so I quickly tell them, "Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers." I know this isn't a formula that will work for everyone but it sure is working for me! Water is an essential fluid needed by everyone, walking is an excellent form of exercise, and Weight Watchers is a world renowned weight loss organization that has helped millions of people lose weight and keep it off for good. Throw Out the Scale Do you know someone that is obsessed with the scale? Someone who hops on the scale morning, noon and night? And stepping off each time with feelings of frustration or disappointment? With obesity on the rise and weight loss a common household topic, its easy to become obsessed with weight, diets and the scale. This multi-billion dollar industry brings about constant marketing and advertisement on the next solution or quick fix that hits sixty five percent of American's weight issues. The question is, what are the facts about losing weight that marketers are not saying? Oxygen Therapy For Weight Loss? The chemistry sounds very straightforward. Human body fat is a combination of three elements - hydrogen, carbon and oxygen molecules (plus other substances that are stored within the fat cells). Health Care Costs ? Can Your Diet Control Them? One of the most talked about topics in any political and social circle is the rising costs of health care. Some say the health insurance companies are to blame, while others point the finger at medical malpractice lawsuits. We may or may not ever come up with the right answers to this query, and we might just be talking in circles. Weight Loss for Good ? If Only You Had Known? Whether coming from a close friend, the nightly news or from a letter in the mail, it's hard to face the truth at times. Hear-ing it can really cut to the core of our be-ings. Low Carb Diets Cause More Than Water Weight Loss Many critics in have attacked low carb diets for only providing an initial loss in water weight, rather than actually affecting sustained fat loss. Some critics have even suggested that dieters lose don't lose any fat at all. Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets ? Five Things to Avoid! As an employee of famous fitness star Kathy Smith, personal trainer of many movie stars, and best selling author, it came to my attention of a few things that prevented Hollywood types from losing the weight they wanted. Here they are; Help to Reduce Belly Fat Can You Lose Weight Where You Want? Conquer Those Carbohydrate Cravings Are you a hopeless carbohydrate addict? Let's conquer these cravings once and for all?.. Six Super Easy Weight Loss Tips If you have been trying to lose weight permanently, then these six weight loss tips may be just what you need to kick start your weight loss program. You may have heard some of them before, but if you make them a part of your core goal, you will not have as much difficulty achieving your weight loss goals. Bat-Wings: The Dreaded Hanging Arm Skin After WLS Gastric-bypass surgery is only the first step many morbidly obese patients take in their total body make overs. One residue of massive weight loss is the dreaded "bat-wings". You know what I'm talking about - that upper arm skin which hangs like bat wings if you spread your arms wide ready for flight. Wave your hand and the bat-wing waves too. For some after massive weight loss there is so much skin it's difficult to find shirts with sleeves that fit, and worse, it's embarrassing to wear sleeveless shirts. Determine Your Stage and Plot Your Weight Loss Course We all know that losing weight and improving your overall fitness are things that don't happen overnight. But, did you know in order to be truly successful that important steps need to be taken before you even start a diet or exercise program? The first thing you should do is identify where you fall on the behavioral change spectrum. There are five distinct stages of behavioral change. Do you know what stage you currently fall under? Free Weight Loss Tips - Help For Beginning a New Diet If you are about to begin a diet, the number of diet plans and products available may make it confusing to know which is right for you. No matter which diet you choose, here are some tips that may be helpful to you in your weight loss regimen: 1. Know how much your weight affects much more than your appearance. Your health, quality of living, and self-esteem are also affected by your weight. Losing weight now will bring about many positive changes in your life. 2. See your doctor for a complete physical if you have not done so recently. Realize that everyone makes dieting mistakes and everyone has occasional slips. If you overeat one day, just pick up where you left off the next day and don't be too hard on yourself. 3. Understand that if you are committed to your diet plan and want to lose weight permanently you must not only eat healthy foods but you must also change how you eat your food, you must increase your activity level, and realize that you will have to make permanent changes in your behavior. 4. Set reasonable goals for yourself as far as how much want you want to lose in any period of time. Trying to lose 10 lbs. in a week or 30 lbs. in a month is not only unreasonable but could be harmful to your health. 5. Know that, If you do not enjoy the foods your diet allows, then you won't be able to stick to it. Choose your diet plan carefully and ask yourself if you can live with it for a long period of time. 6. Realize that emotional issues rather than hunger alone often cause overeating. Find a way to cope with the problem of emotional eating and recognize it when it happens. The potential health problems due to obesity are very serious. If your will power wanes, remember the risks involved with being overweight. 7. Genetics, your ethnic background, your home and work environments, and any physical issues you may have will affect your effort to lose weight. Accept the things you can't change and set attainable goals. 8. Moderation is the key when beginning any diet. Overly severe restrictions on the foods you are allowed to eat and the omission of entire foods groups will lead to cravings and binges. 9. Keep in mind that losing weight is not easy and will take hard work and discipline on your part. Difficult doesn't have to mean impossible. Make the commitment to lose weight and stick with it. You'll not only look better, but you'll feel better about yourself. There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs, systems and online diet monitors that will help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services. To view our list of recommended sources or to read more articles about dieting visit: Recommended Weight Loss & Diet Resources Online. Setting Morning Intentions For Success Ever heard of the expression, "Getting up on the wrong side of the bed?" Many people have less than idealistic starts to their day. The alarm goes off, the snooze button gets thwacked several times and something gets grumbled about it being too early. Others jump out of bed, and hit the shower running with little thought to creating a spirit of excitement for the new day. The R Factors - Your Answer For Getting To The Perfect Body For Fitness And Health Building a Perfect Body for Body Perfect Fitness and Health Is just Four Factors Away!!! The R Factors!!!! Obesity in America -- The Growing Epidemic! Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people in the United States, where women are especially affected. Over one-third of women between the ages of 20 and 74 are obese, the majority of them being African American or Mexican American. With more and more pre-packaged food and less and less activity, the number of obese people in America has steadily increased since the 1960's. The Diet Pill They Don?t Want You to Have is Back It comes as a surprise to many consumers that the ban on Ephedra, a powerful weight loss supplement was lifted in April of 2005. A Utah Judge overturned the FDA's decision to ban the natural substance. So why is it that one of the most sought after and powerful diet pills ever created is not widely marketed and readily available to the public? You can thank the FDA, and all of the advertising mediums that design their company policies and guidelines around FDA approvals or disapprovals. Weight Loss: The A Factor - The #1 Secret to Sticking to Your Weight Loss Program! Twenty years ago, I did not expect to accomplish what I have in the fitness world. And I surely didn't dream about writing best-selling books or think my story was worth retelling. However, two things I did now; first by exercising and eating, it better allowed me to be involved in something much greater than me. And second, I was not afraid to ask for help and support. Weight Loss and Huricanes? Weathering the Storm! Do you know this year Florida will go through a surge in baby births? Think about it! More time spent inside last year. That's what it boils down to with more babies this year. Fear motivation makes people bond in order to weather the storm. Sometimes, Mother Nature in her on little way brings people together. Gastric Bypass Surgery - What Are The Risks? Although all of the risks involved in gastric bypass surgery aren't fully known, there are many that are. These include possible infection, clotting of the blood, and the development of gallstones, a bleeding ulcer and even pneumonia. It certainly isn't a simple procedure and complications may occur as with all invasive medical procedures. ![]() |
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