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Reaping The Amazing Benefits of Writing E-zine Articles
Marketing on a budget is tough. This is a universal truth that all small business owners face. The most effective small business frugal marketing strategy available is writing and submitting articles to web sites, e-zines, magazines and newsletters. Listed below are some of the amazing benefits you can gain by using this technique. 1) Article creation and submission is a totally free marketing method! The only cost is a few hours of your time to write an article and offer it for publication. 2) Well written articles position the author as an expert while increasing credibility and educating readers about their business, services and products. Many internet gurus started their careers by writing and publishing articles on the internet. 3) Article authors are granted a by-line with each article that will allow readers to click through to a web site where they can be converted to e-zine subscribers for paying customers. 4) A good article can be used over and over again when customized for different audiences thereby reducing the need for you to write new articles as often. 5) Many publications will archive your article on their web site giving you a lasting method of promotion. 6) Writing and submitting articles will help you obtain incoming links to your web site. These are not "link farm" quality links ? these are the highest quality links available and they affect your search engine rankings accordingly 7) Your article can be published on your web site, optimized for search engines and submitted accordingly in order to increase your search engine traffic. 8) The more articles you write and publish on your web site the longer your visitors will stay and explore your site. 9) You can use your published articles to reach potential affiliates or joint venture partners who will, in turn, promote your business for you. 10) In addition to promoting your business, services and products you can write articles to promote your favorite affiliate program to supplement your income. Even if you have little writing talent you can hire a ghostwriter to create an effective, informative article using your byline and then you can use that article to bring in more visitors to your web site, more subscribers to your newsletter and more paying customers to your business. The key is understanding that a well-written, entertaining and informational article is worth more than a paid advertisement in any publication. As your marketing budget grows you can add emphasis to your article by purchasing a small e-zine ad in the publication for the same date your article will be published. Writing and submitting articles is a free promotion tool, but it does take time. It will take several hours to submit an article to every available submission site and it can take six to eight weeks for publication. However, once your article is published it will create a long lasting stream of targeted visitors to your site that no other promotion method can accomplish. With each subsequent submission the process will be faster and easier. The author grants reprint permission to all venues so long as the copyright and by-line are included intact. © Davis Virtual Assistance, 2003. About The Author Bonnie Jo Davis is an experienced shoestring marketer who has handled article submission projects for herself and her clients for over eight years. For more information about article submission and a free excerpt of her new e-book "Articles That Sell" visit http://www.ArticlesThatSell.com
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Dont Buy Your On-Line Marketing Articles From Article Factories I was busiy submitting some articles I ghost wrote for a client to some web portals late one night, when I was struck by a message a web site editor left for visitors. I won't tell you the actual site name, or mention the company that they are targeting with their message in order to protect their privacy. But the message went something like this. "STOP! If you are submitting articles from article factory, we do NOT publish them on this site." 4 Effective Content Writing Tips Writing for websites -- content, as it is called -- is an important task for webmasters. Your site must be current, relevant, and interesting in order to attract and retain visitors. The following are some tips I have successfully employed in order to keep my websites relevant: Building Websites with Articles I've been blogging occasionally over the last two months about my ongoing experiment with writing articles. This is a super hot topic lately with the changes going on at Google and Yahoo that are impacting many websites and basically freaking people out. Five Benefits of Article Writing A few years ago as a webmaster with no money, I looked around for the best free methods to drive traffic to my website. Are You Submitting Your Articles? Last month, I began promoting Jason Potash's "Article Announcer." I always take time to research new products on the market. I don't believe in "magic bullets." There is a principle taught in physics, chemistry, biology and even Algebra 101. Nature seeks dynamic balance, equilibrium. If you add something to the left side of the = sign, the right side moves to balance it. Simultaneous Article Submission Do you know the difference between simultaneous article submissions and multiple submissions? Writers Block Begone Back when I was in college, I belonged to one of those professional associations for the video industry. (I was a student member.) The monthly newsletter had a column called "Writer's Block." Although called Writer's Block, no one ever wrote about this mysterious and debilitating condition. So, finally, one day I decided to tackle the subject. 6 Best Places to Submit Your Articles You know that writing articles is the best free way to promote your business and gain credibility. You understand the importance of articles containing actual information and not being just long sales letters. Publishing: Changing realities (I) When you frequently post articles on ezines, you might be aware that you are an active participant in the art of publishing at grass roots level. From experience, you will know that after planting your seeds, it takes time before your efforts will actually bear fruit. What happens on the trajectory from planting the seed to seeing traffic numbers jump and your site's visibility increase? And is this in line with what's happening in the wider publishing world? Are there alternatives? Promote Easily With The Two-Step Here's a really simple way... to promote your online business today. It makes no difference if it is a product or a service. You can start today getting some needed exposure to your site in two simple steps. That's why I call it the "Two Step" approach. Internet Marketing: Secrets of Writing Keyword Rich Articles in Six Easy Steps Determining keywords is a critical step in writing articles online for effective public relations strategy. If your articles, blog, eZine, or website do not contain related keywords, surfers will be unable to find your articles when they conduct searches. How To Edit Your Articles As You Write Increase your ezine subscribers by submitting articles once or twice a week to the opt-in ezines. Read by thousands, even hundreds of thousands, you get 10-25 new subscribers for each submission. Your articles also bring people to your Web site to buy your products. Use this checklist to edit your own work. How to Use Articles to Generate Free Traffic to Your Website Writing articles that are available for reprint is an excellent way to generate traffic to your website. Webmasters,ezine publishers, and bloggers are always looking for quality content. This is an excellent way to get free exposure for your website. Here are some tips to help you write your article. The Benefits Of Article Writing For Your Home Business Once you learn the benefits of article writing, you may want to open a home business based on your writing skills. The road to riches may be yours when you identify the basic elements required for writing top-notch articles, reports and other written material. When you have all the elements in place, you can produce page after page of written articles that will stand out and help you and your clients achieve their goals. If you are writing for someone else your goal is to produce clear, concise saleable material that will please your clients and of course, make money for you. Write Your Ezine Article in 15 Minutes or Less! Gasp! I can hear it from the purists now: Matt is advocating that writers really dumb down their writing styles to crank out more articles in less time. No, not really. Truthfully, writing for the internet, where the vast number of ezine articles can be found, shouldn't be a laborious process. By following these simple rules you should be able to produce an interesting, persuasive, and concise article in fifteen minutes or less. Website Promotion ? Writing Articles May Be Better Than Hiring SEO Firms It is a well-known fact that a key to obtaining a good search engine position is having a lot of other Websites link to yours. The quantity is important, and the quality is important, too. A link to your site from Amazon.com is regarded by the search engines as more important than a link from Never-Heard-Of-It.com. How can someone with a fairly new Website obtain links from other sites? Quite easily, as it happens. Write articles about your Website's topics and publish them on the Web. It is easy to do, it provides fairly fast results, and it is less expensive and safer than if you hired a company to promote your Website for you. Niche Marketing: The Power Of Articles If you haven't considered the power of articles as part of your niche marketing strategy, then you should. Article Writing: Breaking Writers Block It is amazing to see how much we all still dread writing; even a simple letter or memo! When we start talking about an Essay or an Article for publication, it gets much worse. As human beings, we are prone to self doubt, the good news however is; that there is a cure for that. The cure lies in the old adage: "Practice makes Perfect" Once, you can get past the writing of your first article, it gets easier onwards. Getting Your Foot in the Door (Or How I Finally Got Published) This has to be the number one thing that most beginning writers struggle with ? getting that first article, story, or book published. Before you start thinking that it's just too much work, or you just don't know the right people, let me fill you in on how easy it can be. While my personal experience won't work or apply for everyone, it is a good guide for getting your foot in the door as a published writer. Your Writing Anxiety - 10 Ways to Bring Relief Anxiety, apprehension, cold feet, consternation, dismay, distress, dread, fear, fright, horror, nervousness, panic, scare, strain, stress, tension, terror, trepidation, unease or uneasiness: whatever it's called, you've got it. And the reason is ... you've got to write an article! Writing anxiety or 'writer's block' happens to all writers at some point in their writing lives. It may be that you don't know what to write about or, with your topic firmly in place, you don't know where to start. At this point, procrastination sets in. Doing anything, rather than actually writing, seems a whole lot better than putting pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard. Even walking the dog, in pouring rain and gale-force winds, has higher priority! Try some of these ways to restore your writing equilibrium: 1. Avoid starting with a blank page. There's nothing more daunting than beginning from nothing. Work with a template. This will help you to stay focused on your topic. Download and print out some appropriate free graphic organizers from the Internet or use graphic organizer software, like NotateIt, that will help you to rearrange and organise your thoughts in freestyle format. 2. Brainstorm your topic. Take some time out for creative thinking with a friend or colleague. You'll get some new twists on the theme, especially if they're not 'experts' in your subject matter! 3. Write an outline. Just set out a list of headings. They don't even have to be in order - you can always rearrange them later. Write each heading on a separate card or piece of paper and shuffle the result. A new order may emerge that you hadn't thought of, giving you a new slant on your topic. 4. Use a whiteboard. Fix a large magnetic whiteboard on your wall and use it to rearrange your ideas. If a whiteboard on the wall feels too intrusive, try some inexpensive whiteboard software on your PC instead. 5. Break your task down into smaller chunks. From your outline, choose one heading and write. Then go on to another heading and write. It doesn't matter which order you write in, because it can all be rearranged later. Not only that, you're achieving your larger goal in a series of smaller steps and that makes it much more manageable. 6. Write in the way that you speak. It's friendlier to read and it's an easier and more natural way for you to write. 7. Don't worry about perfection too soon. Spell checking, indenting paragraphs, changing font size - this is the icing on the cake. Just let your writing flow and, just for once, forget the grammar. Perfection can come later - at the redrafting stage. 8. Think about your readers in a different way. You may be anxious that your article is not "good enough" to be read by your peers. Remember, even if your audience are "experts", they don't know what you think about your subject. Nor does it mean that they know everything there is to know about a subject area. Target your writing towards an intelligent, enthusiastic, but non-expert, reader and your writing confidence will grow. 9. You've completed your writing. This is your first draft. The secret, now, is to redraft and redraft again. You'd be surprised at just how many things you'll want to say differently when the sun rises tomorrow! Read your article once a day, make changes then put it aside until the next day. In a few days, you'll read your article and find nothing to change. That's when you're ready to publish! 10. Believe in yourself. The first articles you write may not be perfect but the more you write, the better your style will become. It's like learning to walk - all it takes is a little time and lots of practice. (c) 2005 Lynda Blake ![]() |
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