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Finding Your Way Through Online Articles
For me, to decide to start a home business was easy. Learning how to do it wasn't. With a plethora of resources and information, starting one seemed like a big headache. Well, when you have guidance from someone who has been there, you have an edge. All the struggles, false information, scams, and money spent on my online adventure will no doubt benefit you by not making the same mistakes I made. My website is about caring for my subscribers. You'll find out that by helping others succeed, you also succeed. So I'm here to mentor you into succeeding with your online business no matter what it may be. When you subscribe to my weekly Business Tips Newsletter at www.madh4ttr.com,the information you receive gives you the right information at the right time to systematically build a profitable business online. It doesn't matter what you sell, it will work for any business. In addition to the weekly tips, I will be sending you a series of ebooks and reports about things like search engine secrets, powerlinking, traffic generation and much more. But first, we start with the basics in your first issue of the newsletter. You are probably wondering why I am doing all this and giving away so much valuable information. Like I mentioned earlier (which you will soon find out), by helping you succeed in your profitable online business, it helps me in mine too. So naturally I want to do all I can to help you. If you need personal assistance, I can be emailed or phoned to answer any questions you may have. In closing, I want to tell you it is work to run a business out of your home. The rewards are tremendous though. Working for yourself can invigorate you and give you a new look on life. Your limit to your income is only limited to how hard you are willing to work but as you will see; there is a lot of money to make on the internet About The Author My name is Robert Nunn and I had been doing construction work for 18 years. Tired of the B.S. that goes along with that, I made an effort to succeed doing online marketing. Everryday, I spent a few hours doing what I could to promote my website and afilliates. I can now say that it has paid off somewhat and I am able to work at home making my living on the internet. mailto:webmaster@madh4ttr.com
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Your Writing Anxiety - 10 Ways to Bring Relief Anxiety, apprehension, cold feet, consternation, dismay, distress, dread, fear, fright, horror, nervousness, panic, scare, strain, stress, tension, terror, trepidation, unease or uneasiness: whatever it's called, you've got it. And the reason is ... you've got to write an article! Writing anxiety or 'writer's block' happens to all writers at some point in their writing lives. It may be that you don't know what to write about or, with your topic firmly in place, you don't know where to start. At this point, procrastination sets in. Doing anything, rather than actually writing, seems a whole lot better than putting pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard. Even walking the dog, in pouring rain and gale-force winds, has higher priority! Try some of these ways to restore your writing equilibrium: 1. Avoid starting with a blank page. There's nothing more daunting than beginning from nothing. Work with a template. This will help you to stay focused on your topic. Download and print out some appropriate free graphic organizers from the Internet or use graphic organizer software, like NotateIt, that will help you to rearrange and organise your thoughts in freestyle format. 2. Brainstorm your topic. Take some time out for creative thinking with a friend or colleague. You'll get some new twists on the theme, especially if they're not 'experts' in your subject matter! 3. Write an outline. Just set out a list of headings. They don't even have to be in order - you can always rearrange them later. Write each heading on a separate card or piece of paper and shuffle the result. A new order may emerge that you hadn't thought of, giving you a new slant on your topic. 4. Use a whiteboard. Fix a large magnetic whiteboard on your wall and use it to rearrange your ideas. If a whiteboard on the wall feels too intrusive, try some inexpensive whiteboard software on your PC instead. 5. Break your task down into smaller chunks. From your outline, choose one heading and write. Then go on to another heading and write. It doesn't matter which order you write in, because it can all be rearranged later. Not only that, you're achieving your larger goal in a series of smaller steps and that makes it much more manageable. 6. Write in the way that you speak. It's friendlier to read and it's an easier and more natural way for you to write. 7. Don't worry about perfection too soon. Spell checking, indenting paragraphs, changing font size - this is the icing on the cake. Just let your writing flow and, just for once, forget the grammar. Perfection can come later - at the redrafting stage. 8. Think about your readers in a different way. You may be anxious that your article is not "good enough" to be read by your peers. Remember, even if your audience are "experts", they don't know what you think about your subject. Nor does it mean that they know everything there is to know about a subject area. Target your writing towards an intelligent, enthusiastic, but non-expert, reader and your writing confidence will grow. 9. You've completed your writing. This is your first draft. The secret, now, is to redraft and redraft again. You'd be surprised at just how many things you'll want to say differently when the sun rises tomorrow! Read your article once a day, make changes then put it aside until the next day. In a few days, you'll read your article and find nothing to change. That's when you're ready to publish! 10. Believe in yourself. The first articles you write may not be perfect but the more you write, the better your style will become. It's like learning to walk - all it takes is a little time and lots of practice. (c) 2005 Lynda Blake 50,000 Articles Indeed How is it possible to turn an idea into the biggest online Article Archive in the world? One man did it, with the help of a great team. He did it thru perserverence and dedication. He pressed on as other wavered. When others would not take the road less traveled, he dared to blaze a new trail. Rarely do we see such standouts in our world, yet occasionally we are re-assured that all is well in the world after all. We are reminded that the American Dream is possible. While others scream past and fall short, or give up and quit, there are those willing to go the distance and press on to greater heights. Want to Put Your Names on My Article? There's a new sort of ghost stalking the digital landscape. Creating Your Perfect Article Summary ? 7 Tips What should be in your article summary? The Magic Words to Writing Successfully on the Internet! Writing effectively on the internet is the most effective way to achieve maximum profit from your website. You can use effective writing in articles and ads so that you can get traffic to your site. You can write good content on your site and in your ezine to get more subscribers. Most importantly, you can write an effective sales letter to persuade visitors to purchase your product or service. Increase Your Visitors By Writing Articles If you want to increase the amount of visitors to your website, start writing articles. There are many reasons why writing articles is a must for any serious webmaster or for people who want to maximise the full benefits of the internet. Writing a Statement You have decided on a great idea and researched a publication, what's next? Effective Affiliate Marketing Using Articles Every day thousands of people join affiliate programs and yet every day thousands more get discouraged and give up trying to make money from their affiliate programs. Website Promotion: Alternatives to Article Banks Writing and submitting articles to article banks is a well-known method for promoting one's website. Usually there is an author's box at the bottom of the article and a link back to the website. This link is valuable in two ways. First, it provides direct traffic from those reading the article to the website. Second, the link counts as a vote to the website when a search engine robot crawls the article. This will help your website rank higher in the search engine results pages. You Should Seriously Consider Making Money With Your Words Sometimes when I am communicating with other webmasters and I bring up the subject of writing articles, I often get a response like "I'd rather have a root canal, I just can't write", or "my spelling is horrible and my grammar is not much better". In my view, the first excuse is just a matter of attitude. The latter excuse falls on deaf ears because the major word processing programs have good spelling and grammar checking capabilities. Why Link Exchanges are Dead-and What the New Move in Free Traffic Is It's no secret-link exchanges are dying a painful death. And why you ask? Since March 2005 the new Google algorythm has become very very picky about the quality, quantity and frequency of incoming links to your website. It now considers reciprocal linking to be, in fashion terms; OUT! Success Starts with Articles No one can logically argue against the fact that content is king. Web sites that are nothing more than glorified link farms or ad spiels must work harder and invest more money to gain visitors-almost none of them return. To keep users returning, there must be a reason. Articles can serve two major roles in maintaining a successful website-content and promotion. Just minutes from now you could be on your way to building a more successful business. Article creation and submission is one of the greatest promotional tools ever. Five Great Ideas For Your Next Article It's amazing how quickly free articles can generatetraffic - my traffic sometimes triples within 24 hoursof releasing a new article. 8 Surefire Methods to Create an Article Title That Will Get Your Article Read More Often Often all the Web Surfer will see is your title, Your Title will determine if your article gets read or not. You can use these techniques together or in combination to get your articles read. Finding Your Way Through Online Articles For me, to decide to start a home business was easy. Learning how to do it wasn't. With a plethora of resources and information, starting one seemed like a big headache. Well, when you have guidance from someone who has been there, you have an edge. All the struggles, false information, scams, and money spent on my online adventure will no doubt benefit you by not making the same mistakes I made. Articles: Why You Need to Write Them Every webmaster knows that to gain ranking positions in search engines you need to build links. This usually means hours at a computer submitting your site to directories and emailing other webmasters requesting reciprocal links. There is another way of getting links which often overlooked and complements your current link building strategy, writing articles. How To Start Writing Articles Successfully You have probably heard that writing articles is one of the best methods that you can use to promote your online business. You might resist the idea of writing your own articles, because you don't think you are any good at it, or perhaps you might think that it is too hard to find a topic to write about. One Space or Two? One of my subscribers writes 'I can't hold my tongue any longer...not that that is fun or anything, I just had to tell you something! Just a tiny 'lil thing. You have 2 spaces after each period. Unless you are typing on an "old fashioned" typewriter, on a computer you use only one space. This is part of my business, graphic design. I hate to criticize but I know you want to be professional and that stands out. It creates a visual break in the copy making it like a stutter in reading. This is a common mistake for those not "in the field".' 5 Dynamite Ways to Generate Ideas for Parenting Articles The key to selling reprints to parenting publications is the creation of dynamite ideas followed through with professional writing. Here, I'm focusing only on finding those lucrative topics. 10 Ways To Generate Highly Read Article Ideas 1. Participate in chat rooms related to your targeted audience. Watch what questions people are asking and ask others what information they're interested in. ![]() |
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