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Working With a Freelance EditorJennifer Tribe If you are interested in creating information products, you will very likely deal with editors throughout your career. You may need someone to edit a book, review a special report, or tighten up a magazine article. Even if you are a brilliant writer, it always helps to have someone else look at the work with fresh eyes. Most of these editors will be people you hire on a freelance or project basis. To get the most out of such a relationship, it helps to be clear about what you need and what you can expect. To start, you should know what kind of editing you are looking for. There are many different levels and varieties of editing. Probably the three you will encounter the most are substantive editing, copyediting and proofreading. Substantive editing Sometimes called developmental editing, substantive editing looks at both the content and structure of a manuscript as a cohesive whole. Does the story or argument flow logically Are there obvious gaps in a certain area Too much information someplace else Substantive editing can involve re-ordering large chunks of text, removing text, adding text, and even rewriting. Copyediting Probably the most misused of all the terms, copyediting is often used as a catchall phrase for any and all kinds of editing. Strictly speaking, however, copyediting checks for errors in grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation and other mechanics of style, internal consistency, cross-referencing, labeling and so on. Proofreading Proofreading is the final review of a fully formatted and typeset manuscript. It is meant only to catch small errors such as the odd spelling mistake or hyphenation snafu that might have been missed at the copyediting stage, or that appeared during the layout process. The above definitions are fairly standard but there are variations. Not every editor defines editing terms in the same way. It is therefore crucial that you discuss in detail the exact nature of the services your editor will provide. You will also want to clearly discuss the fee arrangement. Some editors charge by the page or word, while others charge by the hour. Still others charge a flat project fee. One method of charging is not necessarily better than other. Just be sure you know what you will get for your money. If you are being charged by the hour, ask the editor to provide an estimate up front of how long the project will take so there are no surprises when the final invoice arrives. The best way to avoid misunderstandings is to have a written contract signed before any work begins. A contract will typically include a
Depending on the scope and nature of the project, your contract may also include a number of other considerations. An important clause to include, especially on a book project, is one that deals with copyright. You want to make sure that, as the author, you retain all rights to the material no matter how much editing or rewriting the editor may do on your behalf. Many editors will supply a contract, but be prepared to create one yourself if they do not. Here are a few final tips for working with an editor:
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Writing Help Whether you are working for a small business, large corporation, or are a student, there are numerous sources that you can turn to for help with writing.Businesses need to be able to effectively communicate with their customers, their employees and their potential customers.Effective verbal communication is equally important, but nonverbal communication in the form of copy writing, article writing, press release writing, and more requires a certain level of expertise and experience.The typical small business wants to focus their efforts on their core business activities without spending too much time on projects that can easily be outsourced to consultants or freelance professionals.Many small businesses turn to freelancers to help them save time and money.For example, a certified public accountant opened his own accounting practice after working in another accounting firm for the last ten years.One of the ways he decided to search for new clients was to embark on an advertising and promotional campaign.Although some of his previous clients followed him to his new practice, he wanted to increase the number of accounts he currently handled.These accounts included various individuals and small businesses from around the town.Rather than hire new employees or handle the projects himself, he decided to hire a consultant through a freelance web site to work on copy writing for a local newspaper ad campaign as well as to help with press releases and company news distribution.By outsourcing these non-core business activities to an independent consultant, he is able to save himself time and money and also gets the expertise of an established professional who specializes in the types of writing that he needs assistance with.He decides to list his writing projects in a freelance marketplace and receives bids from independent consultants and freelance writers.He was able to choose a service provider based on factors related to cost, the service provider’s experience, references, and previous feedback from clients.All small businesses have a decision to make about whether to outsource certain projects or to complete the work in house.Using economics as a deciding factor, it makes sense economically for businesses to outsource writing projects when the projects are non-core business activities that do not contribute to the company’s bottom line. 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If you think proofreading equals editing, then youre wrong! Editing is a lot more than just scrutinizing your manuscript for misspelled words or missing punctuation marks. ![]() |
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