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Write A Better Newsletter!BB Lee Youve decided to write your very own Newsletter to promote your business, communicate with your customers, or just for FUN. Youve read hundreds of newsletters. Youve also noticed many of these newsletters lack original material. They are identical in format and/or article content! Dont Fall Into That Easy Trap! The following tips will help the new newsletter writer/ publisher create a better newsletter. Know Who You Are Writing For. This sounds simple enough, you must know your readers. What are their demographics. Are they male, female, young, old, middle income, high income, getting by, just starting out, looking for business opportunities, looking for work at home jobs, stay at home moms, business women or men. Learn to select the articles that reflect your readers interest. Establish A Publishing Schedule. Professionals publish on a regular basis. Make that your goal! A regular publishing schedule will also assist you when you accept articles from writers. The contributors will have an idea when to submit articles. And this will also assist in scheduling your ads. You will know how to schedule ads, knowing what issue they will appear in, according to your publishing schedule. Stick To Your Plan Like Glue. If you plan your issues the 1st of every month stick to it. Dont publish erratically. You will lose readers or they may forget they subscribed to your newsletter because of your irregular publishing schedule. Proofread. Proofreading is very critical to the publishing process. Every publisher must proofread the newsletter before it is sent out. Take the time to correct any spelling or grammar errors. This will improve the quality of your publication. Run your spell check program and then go over the text with your own eyes looking for common errors the program may have ignored like substituting two for too, or their for theyre. Experiment With Style. Change your format. Add different types of articles. Ask readers to send in their questions or opinions. Have surveys. Trivia bits, breaking news, quotes, even your favorite jokes. The change in format will keep readers interested while improving your writing skills in various formats. Research Research your articles online. Add interesting links to more relevant information. Links to another free resource, software, interesting downloads, are always welcomed. Invite New Writers Writing a newsletter is overwhelming to most new publishers. Seek help from writers online. Ask your readers or writers to contribute to the newsletter. Offer a resource box in your newsletter to all contributors as compensation. This will prompt queries from many writers. And of course you can easily download articles from many article directories online. Here are a few popular article directories:
Follow the tips in this article to make your newsletter stand out above all the rest!. Visit SmallBizBits for your free newsletter template! Article May Be Freely Reproduced In Your Online Newsletter Or Website. Include All Links And Resource Box.
| ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | RELATED ARTICLES The Subject And Object Theory I am Tushar Jain, a student of literature. This subject, literature, is one which is susceptible to every clause scripted, every letter sculpted, and is liable to get one enamored by vacuous words like ‘subjective’. To the wholesome degree of which the students believe in the language, there is but a similar degree that coerces them to refute and impugn its likewise liabilities. The Cost Of A Web Site Just starting out, you can start with a simple informational site, which is all most need initially, and build up to a fuller site e-commerce and/or interactive when you can afford it. Im Just The Writer Writers are often are greatly surprised or disappointed by how their work is changed when it is adapted for the big screen. When Irwin Shaws World War II novel The Young Lions was shot in Paris in 1958, the Nazi character was played by Marlon Brando. Ever the method actor, Brando provoked an uproar by strutting around town in his SS uniform, even going into restaurants to dine. The thirty three year old star was unsure if the Parisians ripping his clothes were doing it out of adulation or disdain. Like most actors Brando wanted to be loved and he took his concern to Shaw that the Nazi be made sympathetic. "You just dont understand the character", Brando told the amazed writer. "Its my character," replied Shaw. "Not anymore", replied the actor. Writing Help Whether you are working for a small business, large corporation, or are a student, there are numerous sources that you can turn to for help with writing.Businesses need to be able to effectively communicate with their customers, their employees and their potential customers.Effective verbal communication is equally important, but nonverbal communication in the form of copy writing, article writing, press release writing, and more requires a certain level of expertise and experience.The typical small business wants to focus their efforts on their core business activities without spending too much time on projects that can easily be outsourced to consultants or freelance professionals.Many small businesses turn to freelancers to help them save time and money.For example, a certified public accountant opened his own accounting practice after working in another accounting firm for the last ten years.One of the ways he decided to search for new clients was to embark on an advertising and promotional campaign.Although some of his previous clients followed him to his new practice, he wanted to increase the number of accounts he currently handled.These accounts included various individuals and small businesses from around the town.Rather than hire new employees or handle the projects himself, he decided to hire a consultant through a freelance web site to work on copy writing for a local newspaper ad campaign as well as to help with press releases and company news distribution.By outsourcing these non-core business activities to an independent consultant, he is able to save himself time and money and also gets the expertise of an established professional who specializes in the types of writing that he needs assistance with.He decides to list his writing projects in a freelance marketplace and receives bids from independent consultants and freelance writers.He was able to choose a service provider based on factors related to cost, the service provider’s experience, references, and previous feedback from clients.All small businesses have a decision to make about whether to outsource certain projects or to complete the work in house.Using economics as a deciding factor, it makes sense economically for businesses to outsource writing projects when the projects are non-core business activities that do not contribute to the company’s bottom line. An Article about Articles Everyone that publishes a newsletter or ezine knows that the "list" is the most important thing, if you want to be successful with any online venture. To build that list we are told to submit ads to other ezines, join as many ezines as is humanly possible to read in a 24 hour day without food or sleep. And of course write articles. Writing as a Gift What am I supposed to give Anthony as a wedding gift I asked Kristin,my bridesmaid and person-who-was-married.I mean, what kinds of thingsdo brides give their groomsI was thinking of hiring someone to cleanthe house before we left for the honeymoon so wed come back to aspotless house.Is that a good wedding gift 8 Tell-Tale Signs That Forecast Writing Success! ‘Talent is cheaper than table salt.What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”Stephen King Seven Compelling Reasons to Get Your Name on a Book Cover Have you ever considered writing a book If so, maybe you’ve already established firmly in mind your exact purpose for becoming an author. Your reasons may match one or more of those below. Or perhaps you could add yours to the list. Nevertheless, with some 65,000 books being published in the United States yearly, there is overwhelming attraction to joining the ranks of authors. 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