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Achieve Your Goals By Eating The Frog And The Elephant
Brian Tracy, the great motivational guru, often suggests that people do their most important and toughest task at the start of the day. They must 'eat the frog' for breakfast and then they will feel great for the rest of the day and have extra energy to cope with all their other tasks. When it is light enough in the summer, I get a walk and some weight lifting in at the start of the day when it is cooler. I then feel set up for the rest of the day. The walk is quite a tasty frog to eat but still demands some effort and will power. If you are writing a book, write first thing in the day. Writing may be the most difficult thing you do all day. Get it done straight away. Eat the frog. After eating the frog, you have to eat the elephant (the huge amount you have to do during the rest of the day) How? Bit by bit. How do you build a house? Brick by brick. How do you walk ten miles? Step by step. I love books with titles like "HTML in easy steps" You can't learn HTML in one big study session but step by step, inch by inch it's a cinch. Step by step you will have time to digest what you have learned. Self-help books frequently use phrases like 'step by step' with good reason. Taking small steps can work wonders. If you want to lose weight and are given 5 sausages to eat, give one of them to the dog or throw it in the bin. People who have done this type of weight loss behaviour have achieved remarkable results. That extra sausage or biscuit gradually built up their weight; not eating it will gradually lose their weight. Jewish students who wish to be rabbis usually have to study the Talmud, a huge book of many volumes. Their rabbis tell them a story called the 'Heap of Dust' to help them to keep going and not give up. Two men were asked to move a heap of dust. One soon gave up. The other said I will move a little every day even if it seems that I am getting nowhere. Eventually he moved the heap of dust and was rewarded accordingly. The other man achieved nothing and his reward was nothing. The principle is the same whether you are eating an elephant or moving a mountain of dust. Tackle the task bit by bit. If you eat the frog and the elephant, you should have a great day and begin to achieve all your goals. Resource box John Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams. They can both be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a daily motivational message. The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now!" The book can be found at this URL: http://www.motivationtoday.com/36_laws.php You are welcome to publish the article above in your ezine so long as you do not alter it and keep the resource box as it is.
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Perseverance and Success: Essential to Reaching Your Goals "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." ? Dale Carnegie Goal Setting - My Disappointing Discovery Goal setting has become almost an industry in itself with countless books and techniques available online and in published form promising to help you achieve your most cherished desires. I have read many articles and looked at many products in the course of keeping up-to-date in my profession. Organizing Your Goals We all have goals and dreams that we want to accomplish-some big, some small. But until we can organize a plan on how to pursue these goals and dreams, we may never reach our final destination or possibly even start. Goals can help us to feel more confident and fulfilled. They can give us direction and help us to make decisions. Goal setting can help us to feel more organized. Is There An Anxiety Solution For Those Who Fail To Keep Their Resolutions? In a nutshell... YES! A Winner Never Uses Chance or Luck to Win In games of chance, what separates a player from a winner and are they mutually exclusive? Do Not Let Anyone Dissuade You From Reaching Your Goals! Years back when I was formulating my plans for life, I heard the statement, "Reach for nothing and you will be certain to get it." Admittedly, my goals during my youth were rather vague and uncertain. However, several years of experimenting with different goals has helped me to refine them into something workable and realistic. Now, nothing can dissuade me in my quests, even the comments of the naysayers. Here are four tips that are helping me to reach my goals: Ingredients That Make A Winner Whether we like to admit it or not, other people's opinions of us really do matter. The opinions we have of ourselves, matters even more. Think about this for a minute. What separates the haves from the have-nots? Nothing, but your own fear and insecurities. Applying Action To Your Inner Desires! "I know what I need to do, but I'm scared that I won't succeed." Who among us hasn't been stuck in this scenario before? We know what to do, but we don't put knowledge into action. The end result is the frustration of staying stuck in the current reality even though change is desired. Journal Your 100 Life Goals Journal Your 100 Life Goals The Easiest Way to Hit a Goal Is to Give Yourself One to Hit It seems as though so many people are seeking more, wanting more, and expecting more in their lives, yet when pressed about what "more" would look like, rarely can they give a definitive answer. Money, a Session With Joseth on Abundance and Money (Channelled) (Channelled) (This communication with Joseth happened more than a year ago, while I was focused on bringing money into my life. Apparently I still haven't managed to manage my thoughts correctly to bring all the money into my life that I desire. However I will say that this is the first time in years that my bills are all paid and I do have a positive balance in my savings account.If there is one thing that I have really learned from this session, that is the importance of knowing exactly what I want.) Achieve Goals Using The Lasso Principle! Here is a unique way to combine your breath and mental imagery to pull your goals closer in record time! How to Triple Your Productivity in 28 days - Part II If you've been diligent in doing the past 2 concentration builders you will notice you have a considerable increase in your productivity and your power to stay focused. In fact, you have probably also noticed that you are more organized, and feel more at ease. These are natural side-effects of building your concentration. Congratulations! Be Discontented With The Status Quo It is natural to be satisfied with the way things are; but the moment we settle for how things are, we give up the opportunity to experience how things could be. Life is evolutionary, but only if we allow it to be. If we choose to, we can get stuck in the comfort of the status quo and miss the real opportunities that require us to step into a bigger life. Do Your Goals Match Your Passions? Making sure our goals are properly aligned with our passions only makes sense. If you have the wish to move up the corporate ladder, start your own business, or just about any other worthwhile endeavor you're going to make things a lot easier on yourself if you're working on things that get you personally excited and make you feel alive when you're working on them (i.e. following your passions). Goal Setting - Forget About It Many motivational speakers and self-help books will tell you that you must have goals. I've even advocated goal setting myself in the past. You write down your goals and detail them for family life, friends, finances, career, recreation, health, learning, education and your spiritual life. Self Improvement and the Importance of Flexibility People who want to achieve success in their lives and are committed to self improvement know the value of setting goals and making workable plans for their realisation. These are essential steps to success. If you need any guidance with goal setting techniques or planning, there are many invaluable tools available from Self Improvement Experts that can really help. Keeping the Dream Alive Like the song by Linda Ronstadt, "a dream is a wish that your heart makes." To lose a dream is to die a little yourself. It means closing down the part of you that can soar above the reality of your current life to see new and exciting possibilities. Creativity Management ? Short Term Goal Setting Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. 11 Questions To Kickstart Your Dream What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream. ![]() |
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