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Goal Setting - A Valuable Lesson
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill "I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." Goal Setting - A Valuable Lesson This week I was reminded of a valuable lesson. I had been working on a personal goal for quite some time and, although I was very close to reaching my goal, I didn't make it. The pain of not achieving my goal was much more than I expected. Instead of seeing all that I had accomplished, I could only focus on what I didn't do. After giving myself some time to lament the outcome, I stepped back to take an objective look and find the perfection in the event. Here's the insight I gained: 1. Be detached from the outcome - I was so focused on the goal that I was trying to force an outcome rather than being open to other possibilities. 2. Enjoy the journey ? "success is a journey not a destination" (Deepak Chopra) - By being focused on the outcome, I forgot to enjoy the process and all the knowledge and experience I gained along the way. 3. Be grateful ? When I did look back, it was apparent that I had a great deal for which to be grateful, including lots of support and encouragement. 4. Forgiveness ? I needed to forgive myself, accept responsibility and let go of the need to place blame. 5. Live in the present moment ? I cannot change the past, so there is no reason for me to rehash what could have been. Looking at my life I can see that the present moment is wonderful, and that's where I want to be. 6. Finding perfection in apparent failure ? Now I can clearly see how perfect the outcome was. To be reminded of all of these teachings and gain new insight is a far better achievement than the one I thought I had to have. What can you learn from my experience? Take a look at what goals you have set for yourself. Are you rigidly attached to a particular outcome? What if you remain open to all possibilities by keeping your desire but letting go of the need for it to happen in only one way? Being open to all ways that your desire could be fulfilled greatly expands the potential of what you will receive. Here's some actions you can take: 1. Look at your current goals and ask "What can I do to enjoy the process and be detached from the outcome?" 2. Read The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. 3. Find the perfection (bigger picture) in any setbacks. Most of all enjoy the journey! Copyright March 2005 As a Life Transition Coach I work with clients to identify what's most important to them and prioritize around these values. I help my clients identify and remove obstacles in the way and bring clarity and focus to their dreams. What is your dream? Are you undergoing a major transition and not clear where to turn? Call (972-306-4489) or email me, (coach.v.miller@verizon.net), to set up a complimentary, no obligation 30 minute coaching session. Download my FREE e-Book, 12 Fun Ways to Change Your Life, or sign up for my FREE monthly newsletter at http://www.thrivingthroughchange.com
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Is that W-A-L-R-U-S? A few years back, I went to London, England. I needed to get a passport-like photo taken, but the machine I wanted to use was out of order. When I called the company who owned the machine, I asked where they had another location. I was told, "Walrus." "Walrus?" I confirmed. "Walrus," was the response. I should have asked for the spelling, but the person had said, "Walrus." I asked around, and no one knew where there was a "Walrus" until, that is, someone realized that "Walrus" was "Woolworth's." Apparently, the person I spoke with and I both thought we were saying the same thing ? but boy, were we not! Achieve Your Goals By Doing Something About Them The title of this article sounds simplistic but it is amazing how often people (including me) sit staring at a problem like mounting paperwork and become so depressed by the thought of all the work to be done that they do nothing and continue in a paralytic state for days and even months! 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How to Handle Getting Caught Off Guard I remember the time that I swore to myself that I'd never be caught off guard again. I was in my new job on Capital Hill and it was the first week on the job. My new mentor at the office was the daughter of the other US Senator from Nevada so she knew everyone who was anyone. I tagged along with her one day to a meeting and I found myself in a mess! Achieving Goals: The Remaining 90% - Sheer Persistence Achieving goals requires persistence. Here's the proof: In 1915 Ty Cobb set up an amazing baseball record of stealing 96 bases. Seven years later Max Carey set the second-best record with 51 stolen bases. The Synergy of Vision Over the years I have experienced some amazing results with people who have been secure enough to view their leadership or personal capacity through the eyes of corporate vision. 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The Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Goals Human beings are goal-seeking creatures. We are impatient and try, and fall, and try again until we learn to walk. We babble and coo and struggle until we learn to talk. Skinned knees mean nothing in the quest to ride a bicycle. Recently, the world has watched Olympic athletes over-come incredible obstacles in the quest for a medal. When a client tells me they have had a goal, but in the past 6 months they have made little or no progress towards achieving it, I encourage them to ask themselves the following 10 questions: Plant! -- And Accept The Consequences! Welcome to Weekly Wisdoms. Last week I found a new way to communicate over the internet with audio. After you listen, if you'd like to try it for yourself, click here for a chance to make your own free audio postcard... Too cool! Have fun! What a busy week! The lumber package for the barn is on the way. Malcolm is here to saw up the rest of the logs for the siding. We are building a new riding arena. Three new potential clients. And we planted 3 acres of grass! Actually we put down twelve thousand pounds of lime, fertilizer, grass seed and clover seed. I feel like a farmer! I woke up this morning thinking about all that seed and what it might look like next year. Develop Your Soul Goals! Occasionally when I talk with people about goals they seem to interpret the intention of goals as being to get more things. Naturally things are important but there is so much more to goal setting that I wish to share with you. Whats Perfect About Imperfection? Let me try something new but please, please, please, let me do it right and well the first time. If we always do things well, always do things right, and people know us as someone who always gets it right, then we've set ourselves up. It's costing us. As my friend John pointed out just yesterday, it gets lonesome and tiresome being the one in control, waiting for the world to catch up. Its Your Dream - Are You Using The One-Two Punch? Have you ever noticed? There are some people who seem to know exactly what they want and how to get it. They move toward their targets with precision, and appear to achieve easily without goals or planning. They have a narrowed focus and motivation, reasons for doing what they do. They don't even have a set of written goals, yet they move through life attaining what they go after. Goal Setting - Forget About It Many motivational speakers and self-help books will tell you that you must have goals. I've even advocated goal setting myself in the past. You write down your goals and detail them for family life, friends, finances, career, recreation, health, learning, education and your spiritual life. Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business Have you ever had something you wanted just fall into place; come to you through an out-of-the-blue phone call or by coincidentally meeting someone on the street? Have you ever met the perfect client or life partner--just by being at the right place at the right time? Reach Your Goals- Set Clear Intentions It is from intentions that all things manifest. To intend to go to point B from point A will result in the arrival at point B. However, there must be an action. To arrive at point B, there must be action taken at some point. Finding Life?s Candles for Dark Moments Tragedy doesn't make an appointment. It attacks! A terrifying surprise that explodes in the midst of a family. Tragedy brings with it multiple consequences as well?financial disaster, depression, guilt and blame. Devastating fallout! Marriages fall apart, family members commit suicide, personalities change. Yet tragedies occur daily. Tornadoes and earthquakes rip apart communities, car accidents claim thousands of lives, and children drink poisons or drown in swimming pools. People kill their friends and families, co-workers and peers. Here is what helped me make it through a horrendous time, so should it happens to you or to a close friend. You have some suggestions to fall back on. Simple Ways to Super-Charge Your Goals and Make Them Work! Goals. Most people have a love-hate relationship with goals. They love them because they are such a great idea and a wonderful way to motivate us to achieve, as well as evaluate our progress, but hate them because for many, they more often than not go unattained and simply frustrate them. This isn't what goals should do! ![]() |
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