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How to Handle Getting Caught Off Guard
I remember the time that I swore to myself that I'd never be caught off guard again. I was in my new job on Capital Hill and it was the first week on the job. My new mentor at the office was the daughter of the other US Senator from Nevada so she knew everyone who was anyone. I tagged along with her one day to a meeting and I found myself in a mess! She introduced me to the President of Zimbabwe! I shook his hand and all of a sudden about a thousand flashes went off! None of the photographers knew that I was just a newcomer on Capital Hill, but every single one got a picture of me ?. And I'm sure what turned out was the "deer in the headlights" look. I completely froze, and looked up completely shaken up. I had NO idea that the photographers were even THERE and then on top of that, why would they want a picture of me? I've since learned to take a great picture anywhere. You name it, the driver's license, Sam's Club to get a member card, at weddings or any function, I have trained myself that the second that I know a camera is around, I "eyeball the eye of the camera" and give my best smile; for as long as I need to! But how do we handle situations in which we get caught off guard? Like asking to speak on a moments notice? What if someone yells at you at work for something that happens? What if you are asked to deliver a toast at an event? Or how about being asked to deliver a message or read a poem at a class reunion? That happened to me at my last reunion, and I told them that as a professional speaker, I never go anywhere unprepared. Therefore, at the encouragement of my husband, I turned them down. But what if you can't turn them down? What if you HAVE to get up and give a speech? What if you are lambasted in front of people at your workplace and can barely come up for air before you are supposed to respond? I think that in any crisis situation, and these are DEFINITELY crisis situations, that it's best to always have a plan. Here is what I recommend that my clients do: 1. Know that you are going to be caught off guard at some point. 2. Make a plan and memorize the plan. 3. When it happens, tell yourself to take several breaths and calm down. 4. Next, identify WHAT it is that the person wants from you. Do they want and need a response right then? Can the response wait? 5. If it can wait, then tell them thank you for expressing their views and that you'll get back to them as soon as you have had a bit to think about it. Then, go to your office or get somewhere quiet and process what you need to do and say. Call a friend or mentor that you trust to help guide you through it. 6. If you have to address the situation right there, your plan is to come off as poised and confident as possible. Hold yourself together until you can respond without flying off the handle or saying anything stupid. 7. Address the situation. Ask yourself: What is the bottom line? What do you need to do or to say to make the other person or people happy? 8. Deliver your lines. Look the other person or people in their eyes as you deliver your lines. Do it with the most amount of sincerity as possible. 9. Be available to discuss it afterwards. Remain calm. You can always freak out later. 10. After the fact, reassess how you did. What would you have changed if you could go back? Store that in your memory bank and chalk one up to being ready! A great example of someone being ready when they were caught off guard was Mayor Rudy Gulianni of NYC after 9/11. He went on TV almost immediately after almost being suffocated by the towers. He remained calm and showed sympathy to others even as the news of his good friends' death was delivered to him. Mayor Gulianni had been prepared. He had been reading about leadership and Winston Churchill the night before the tragedy. He was able to recall the story of how Churchill led his people in desperate times, and Guliani was able to call to memory this story as he himself had to present himself as a strong leader. Being prepared takes time of course. But being prepared and ready for the unexpected can catapult you to the next level in your career. It can make people stand up and notice, and can teach you that anyone can survive and thrive, when they expect the unexpected! Mary Gardner , The Charisma Coach! is an Executive Communications Consultant and Trainer. She works with, coaches and trains individuals, sales teams, executives, and celebrities. She owned and operated one of the first coaching institutions on the east coast, CCI, in NYC, Philly and NJ. Mary has appeared on ABC's 20/20 and has self published a book on public speaking. Mary is married to Sway and is mommy to Jeremy 5, and lives in Orlando, FL. For more information contact: mary@marygardner.com or Web: www.marygardner.com
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How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life? Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own business? First, we will examine how your dream got deferred. Then, we will outline definitive steps to get you back on track. 5 Steps to Make the Rest of 2005 Extraordinary So here we are in July. Where did the first half of the year go? It only seems a couple of weeks ago that I was drinking festive egg-nog, wearing my Christmas sweater and humming 'Sleigh Ride' too loudly in line at the supermarket. Success Is Knowing What You Want Many people ask me how they can be more successful. You Are What You Do! Too often, people say one thing and do another. I admit that I have often slid into this rut and thought about how I need to do something (lose weight for example) and then don't follow through and do anything about it (yes, I'm still 245 pounds). So even though I say that it's important to me to lose weight, I don't display the requisite motivation to follow through and do it, so my words are hollow. How To Keep Your Resolutions and Reach Your Goals Another year has flown by and here you are at the beginning of another year. This is a time when many people assess their life and make "new year resolutions" or set goals for the New Year. Sometimes they are the exact same resolutions as last year!! Did you make some of these? Excellence is Never an Accident "Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities." Commit It To Paper Commit it to paper - You have the idea so therefore you have within you the ability to make it a reality. Admittedly it may not always be obvious, but rest assured deep down you're capable. Goal Setting for Creative Professionals You know that old saying -- if you don't know where you're going, any path will get you there. That's what happens if you don't take the time to figure out what your goals are and WRITE them down. There's power in writing things down (and if you're a writer, you already know this). Why, When You Set Goals, Do You Fail to Reach Them? Why is it when you set goals for yourself most of them are not realised? Making the Most of Your Year Do you find yourself amazed at how quickly the months pass? Do you find yourself in a small panic over all you know you have to do and how little you feel you are actually accomplishing? Join the crowd! We live in a busy world where our time, priorities and energy are constantly challenged. The reality is that there is simply not time for everything and we don't have enough energy to complete everything. Bummer, I know! If only God had created the world with 8 days in a week or 30 hours in a day.. sounds good? Maybe, but really we would just quickly absorb that time too and be in the same spot. Achieving Your Goals You may or may not have a set of written goals. If you do not, then I strongly urge you to make a written set of goals and clarify what you want to achieve. Whatever the case, you may be struggling with achieving your goals in life. In this article, you will learn some techniques for achieving your goals. Reaching for the Goal Can goals be easily reached? This question is in most of our minds. Some tend to think that goals are hard to achieve and that only very clever people can be true achievers! Magic of Goal Manifestation What goals do you have for your life? If you have goals, is it just in your head? Or do you have a methodology to manifest them? Goals - If You Don?t Know What You Want, Then How Are You Going to Get It? Recently, I spoke with a client who wanted me to do a workshop at an upcoming conference. I offer a number of different talks, so I asked her what the focus of the meeting was in order to be able to suggest a relevant topic. She said that although the committee members had already picked several programs, they had not yet identified a focus for the conference. My first thought in response to this was, "If you don't know what you want, then how are you going to get it?" However, I am savvy enough not to insult people, so we spoke a little longer and we came up with a program that she wanted me to present. Achieving Impossible Goals By Ignoring The Experts "If the world were to blow itself up the last thing you would hear would be the voice of an expert saying it can't be done." --Peter Ustinov Priorities Last month's edition of Footprints and Monuments was about living your life going Mach3 with your hair on fire. Learning from the past, but passionately waiting for tomorrow to get here. The featured person, Richie, recently came to a goal setting seminar that I was leading. Last month you learned that Richie was setting twenty-year goals even though six weeks prior he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. It saddens me to have to write that Richie died just a few days ago. A Proper Mission Statement Can Drive Your Life Forward Most people measure us by our accomplishments -- what we've done. In my experience, most people compile their track record of accomplishments BY MISTAKE; that is, we don't have a plan, we simply react to opportunities as they arise. In other words, our accomplishments are externally motivated, not internally driven. What this argues for, of course, is a consciousness of mission -- what each of our lives is really about. That's what this short article will discuss -- your Personal Mission Statement. A Personal Mission Statement will help you to organize your entire life -- your time, your thoughts, your priorities. Actually, a personal mission statement, conscientiously developed, will change the way you view everything in your life. Self Improvement and the Importance of Flexibility People who want to achieve success in their lives and are committed to self improvement know the value of setting goals and making workable plans for their realisation. These are essential steps to success. If you need any guidance with goal setting techniques or planning, there are many invaluable tools available from Self Improvement Experts that can really help. Does Your Goal Enhance Your Overall Quality of Life? So many people struggle with the issue of time management. The Secret of Overcoming Procrastination in 4 Simple Steps Let's face it. Overcoming procrastination can be a challenge if you don't know what's causing it in the first place. These 4 simple steps will help you find the REAL cause of procrastination making overcoming procrastination a breeze. You'll soon be able to achieve those daunting tasks and in some cases, even look forward to doing them! ![]() |
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