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Goal Setting Information |
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Last month's edition of Footprints and Monuments was about living your life going Mach3 with your hair on fire. Learning from the past, but passionately waiting for tomorrow to get here. The featured person, Richie, recently came to a goal setting seminar that I was leading. Last month you learned that Richie was setting twenty-year goals even though six weeks prior he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. It saddens me to have to write that Richie died just a few days ago. Vowing to not let his life, and death, be in vain this month's edition of F&M is about priorities. Possibly in a way you have never thought about priorities. I once heard a story (summarized here for the sake of time) about a teacher that held up a completely empty two-gallon jar in front of his class. He began to fill the jar with large rocks. When the jar was full to the top he asked his class if it was full. They all responded with a unified, "Yes!" He then told them that they were mistaken and pulled out a bucket of much smaller rocks and began to pour them in to the jar. He again asked them if the jar was full. The students being a little bit wiser didn't know how to answer. Some thought yes, others no, and some not sure. He then pulled out a final bucket full of sand and began to pour it in to the jar. He poured, and then he shook the jar good, and then poured some more until the jar was full to the brim. Finally he asked his students if the jar was full. Most responded affirmatively, "Yes!" He then told them they were right. The moral of this story is: large rocks must go in the jar first. The same is true of our priorities. Our "big rocks" must come first or they will never make onto our calendars, to-do lists, or prayer lists. The question is, "What should our big rocks be?" With many rocks to choose from, it is my opinion that there are four that need to go into the jars of our lives first. They are, listed in order, our faith, family, faithfulness, and fun. I understand that there are many more rocks to choose from. For instance, friends, finances, future, and frustrations are important - but we must keep our priorities in line if we are going to end our lives looking back saying, "Well done." Our faith needs to be our first big rock. It is God who saves us from eternal death, becomes our best friend during the lonely times of our lives, heals us when doctors give us no hope, and allows peace to rest over us when our lives become chaotic. Our family must fall in line second, not our careers. There has never been a person on his or her deathbed that wished that he had spent more time working and building his career. Most, if not all, wish that they had spent more time cultivating their family relationships. This was the wish of my friend Richie, something that he tried to do after he was diagnosed with the brain tumor that eventually took his life. The word faithfulness is not often used in our American culture. The definition of faithfulness here is: Being there (being faithful). Many parents make decision and choices that result in being too busy to "be there" when their child scores the winning touchdown or sings their first solo. Business people routinely make promises that they can't possibly keep, and marriage vows are broken everyday in our country. God does call us to be faithful, faithful to Him and to others. Fun is the last big rock in our jars. It is my opinion that many live their lives in a ho-hum routine; working, cooking, cleaning, sleeping, and doing it all over again the next day. I challenge you to spice up your life a bit by adding times to just have fun to your schedule. Do something that you don't ordinarily get to do. For instance, after the family has retired for the evening, grab a good book and head for a hot, steamy bath (guys this works great for us too). The little things (small rocks and sand) in our lives are important too. Our friendships make life much more rewarding. When you can help that new widow get from today to tomorrow without shedding a tear you know you have been a friend. Our finances are also important. God tells us in His Word to provide for our family and our future. He also tells us to be content with what we have. If we focus more on what God wants for our lives and not what we want then our future will turn out just right. The last little rock or sand in our jar are our frustrations, these are the small things that seem to keep us from focusing on the more important things. There are times when we must "sweat the small stuff," but we must keep our priorities in perspective. I hope that you will take a close look at your life's jar and the rocks that go in first. And, like last month, I challenge you to live like you are going to die tomorrow, while at the same time like you are going to live forever. Footprints and Monuments is a free monthly leadership and motivational e-newsletter. No names receiving this e-newsletter are sold or distributed to any other source. You are encouraged to forward this monthly article to anyone in your address book. To un-subscribe please reply back with "Un-subscribe" in the subject field. About The Author JL Earlywine - www.jeffearlywine.com
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Goalsetting: Must We? All goals take time to accomplish. But most people are impatient. All really worthwhile objectives involve work, and sacrifice, maybe even pain! But most people HATE pain. Therefore, most people don't have any system at all for setting targets. Priorities Last month's edition of Footprints and Monuments was about living your life going Mach3 with your hair on fire. Learning from the past, but passionately waiting for tomorrow to get here. The featured person, Richie, recently came to a goal setting seminar that I was leading. Last month you learned that Richie was setting twenty-year goals even though six weeks prior he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. It saddens me to have to write that Richie died just a few days ago. Focus = Clarity Photographs are clearer when they are in focus. When they are out of focus, they are blurry, indistinct. How many times have you been disappointed by the result when the focus was off? Faces or objects are blurred, maybe even unrecognizable. Toss that one away?a poor quality picture that does not meet the ideal you had in mind when you took it. Scratch it up to experience. Maybe blame it on the camera. Goals Can Take Years To Achieve Should goals take a long time? Dont Mistake Activity For Achievement I remember watching an NBA Basketball Game on t.v one night. The Miami Heat were playing the New Orleans Hornets. Miami was all over them yet when you looked at the score New Orleans kept pulling ahead. Ingredients That Make A Winner Whether we like to admit it or not, other people's opinions of us really do matter. The opinions we have of ourselves, matters even more. Think about this for a minute. What separates the haves from the have-nots? Nothing, but your own fear and insecurities. Start Working on Your Goals Today! The alarm goes off at 6am, you roll out of bed and run down the hall to wake up the kids. You're going to be late again! You shower fast while the kids are getting dressed then you head downstairs to grab nutrition bars because you don't have time to make breakfast. You grab the backpacks on the way to the babysitters, give them fast kisses when you get there and you're on your way to work. Did I mention the crying? Reach Your Goals- Set Clear Intentions It is from intentions that all things manifest. To intend to go to point B from point A will result in the arrival at point B. However, there must be an action. To arrive at point B, there must be action taken at some point. Goal Setting: Stop Failing and Start Finishing While the idea of goal setting is not a new concept, we do see an ever-increasing number of people becoming more and more frustrated with setting a worthwhile goal. The frustration, it appears, comes from never being able to realize the fruit of their labor. Therefore, it is with this growing number of goal setting failures that I wish to illustrate three fundamentals of proper goal setting that should significantly increase the probability of a finished goal rather than a failed one. 7 MUST-HAVE Conditions To Goal Setting The three keys to living without limits have always been the same. They are clarity, competence, and concentration. Goal setting will help you live without limits. Learning how to set goals is an art. Learn why setting goals is a necessity. Here are 7 Must-have conditions to set goals. Motivation and Setting Your Goals Easy Steps for Goal Setting Great Goals Make You Stretch! I began enhancing my personal energy level three months shy of my 40th birthday and after 2 years of struggling with clinically-diagnosed depression. During this same period, I was challenged, immensely by the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and being rendered permanently partially disabled as the result of being involved in two car accidents in six days (neither of which was I at fault). I recall an incredible sense of emptiness and a daunting feeling of being completely overwhelmed; especially when trying to figure out which pills went with what ills. Unable to return to the vocation I loved, I received disability payments and simply existed. Most of my time was spent in bed where I eventually became 48 pounds "over-fat." When dreams and reasons for living are wiped out by the greatest, of the least unexpected, most people priorities typically change. My priorities? Well, they just disappeared. I was defeated physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and knocking on "Financially's" door. Making the bed was not a priority; it simply went unmade. And when it came down to paying the bills, many went unpaid. One day I was moved enough to actually cultivate the emotion of being "fed up!" During this awakening, I made the decision to reclaim complete responsibility for my life. And I did. Setting Achievable Goals For Success In order to achieve something, the first thing you should develop is a goal. Without a short term and a long term goal, the likeliness of you following through with something you want is highly unlikely. Trying to achieve something without setting a goal is like walking blindly through the dessert in search of treasure, but without having a map or any idea what you are really looking for. Fear Factor Is it possible for an individual to pass a course of instruction with high marks and remain ineffective? Intrapersonal Communication What is intrapersonal communication? It is communicating with yourself. Make Your Goals Stick The amazing thing about the future is that if you wait, it will always come to you. No doubt you sat down and created your share of New Year's resolutions to conquer this year. The unfortunate truth, however, is that most people's resolutions fizzle and die before the first quarter is even over. It doesn't have to be this way ? with a few key steps, you can be well on your way to goal-getting instead of just goal-setting and turn your resolutions into real solutions. Setting Financial Goals - Part 2 In my earlier article "Setting Financial Goals ? Part 1" I identified the 4 simple steps to setting up achievable financial goals. I mentioned that your financial goals should be broken down into smaller more manageable goals and then written down to help you visualize them. This article expands upon that information. The Process of Developing Meaningful Goals DEVELOPING A GOAL-SETTING CHECKPOINT: The process of developing meaningful goals and objectives can be a challenging task for any manager. There is a method to make this process easier, however, and it involves following a few general guidelines. The Goal Setting Checklist for the first-line supervisor has been specifically designed with two main objectives in mind: (1) for specific use in translating general (or possibly unclear) goals into a workable structure; and (2) for use as a worksheet (or checklist) to write meaningful goals and objectives for employees. This two-step process should enable the supervisor to translate ideas, "rough thoughts," and wishes into goal statements of a much more practical nature. Over the years, experience has shown that while it is relatively easy to teach the concept and theory of goal setting, many supervisors and managers have found it quite difficult to translate the theory into actual practice. Step-by-step use of the goal setting checklist should provide a constructive aid in this regard. How Clear is Your Vision? Wouldn't it be nice to know that there is a way to get what you want? Whether it's in business or your personal life, this article will clearly show you the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Habits What I Want For You Think for a moment about your Self. Is there something that you would like to have, somewhere you would like to go, or something you would like to do? What is holding you back? I can probably guess at the possible answers:"Not enough money." "Not enough time." "I couldn't do that!" ![]() |
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