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Make Your Goals Stick
The amazing thing about the future is that if you wait, it will always come to you. No doubt you sat down and created your share of New Year's resolutions to conquer this year. The unfortunate truth, however, is that most people's resolutions fizzle and die before the first quarter is even over. It doesn't have to be this way ? with a few key steps, you can be well on your way to goal-getting instead of just goal-setting and turn your resolutions into real solutions. Goals aren't enough ? know your reasons It's great to have goals, but by itself, a goal is not much. Have you ever shared with someone else that you would "try" to accomplish a goal? Try is a very weak word. When do you think you'll be ready to commit to actually doing it, instead of just talking about it? The main reason most goals don't stick is because there is not a big enough reason to follow through with them. For example, losing weight is a great goal. However, why do you want to lose weight? See, if the goal is just "lose weight" then when that surprise birthday party happens, it's easy to talk yourself into letting loose and stuffing your face because that goal can be pushed aside, delayed, or even forgotten. On the other hand, if your reason for losing fat is to avoid health problems or gain confidence, now you have a reason. That reason is your passion, your fire, your spark and your fuel to keep going. When you identify the true reason behind wanting to change, write it down. Keep it with you. Read it when you wake up, and before you go to sleep. Let your mind know what the reward will be, because most people focus on the process when it is the reward that keeps you going. A real goal is about a vision. You must have a vision bigger than the obstacles you may face. Goals are stepping stones towards turning the vision from a dream into reality. Remember, goals are simply dreams with deadlines. So commit to your goal, know the reason, visualize the change, and it will stick with you despite the challenges you may face. Hold Yourself Accountable A goal is not much if you don't share it with others or create accountability. Without accountability, it's easy to make the goal simply disappear when things turn sour. Then you are simply a great goal-setter, but have nothing to show for the goal-getting department. Accountability can take many different forms. If you're not ready to share it with the world, then simply write it down in a journal. Each day, spend five or ten minutes to reflect upon the steps you took that day that are taking you closer to your goal, and what choices you may have made that have you headed in the wrong direction. This will allow you to decide what changes you must make to keep moving closer to your goal. For example, if your goal is to run your first triathlon, one of the daily actions you can take towards that goal is to eat healthy. This will fuel your body, improve recovery, and provide the nutrients necessary to have the energy to succeed. If you decided to blow your nutrition program, then this is a habit that is taking you farther from your goal. Identify it and decide what is more important ? the short-term satisfaction of eating a treat, or the reward of finishing your first triathlon event. Stay in focus, and you'll go far. Join the Right Team Have you ever heard the phrase that your success is determined by the company you keep? Can you imagine how your life would be different if your circle of influence included those people who have already accomplished many of the goals you are setting for yourself? Sometimes it can be difficult to lose your friends, but if your friends are not supporting your growth, they are holding you back. Trade them in for someone more positive who will keep you headed in the right direction. Author Napoleon Hill describes a group of like-minded people as a "mastermind group" where a true synergy is created ? the results of the mastermind group become greater than the sum of the individual contributions. BeginnerTriathlete.com is a great place to connect with others who have similar goals to your own. Plug into your mastermind group! Follow the Right Coach Last but not least, it is important to have a good coach. Have you ever stopped to really think about successful people? People who are top athletes, or business executives, or great piano players, for example. What most of these people have in common is that they did not learn everything on their own ? they had teachers and coaches. In fact, I don't know any successful business people, athletes, or simply those who are in great shape who don't have coaches. I have coaches for fitness, coaches for business, and coaches for my personal life ("life coaches"). A good coach will empower you to achieve your goals. They do this by helping you avoid the mistakes they've already made, or already witnessed their other clients make. You also benefit from their knowledge and experience without having to go through the entire process yourself. A quality coach will have a background in the area you are trying to improve, solid references, and will offer time to connect with you before you make a coaching commitment. This will allow you to decide if there is a fit to move forward and conquer your dreams together in the coming year. Conclusion It's great to make New Year's resolutions, but do yourself a favor. Self-esteem is related to self-promises. When you break a promise to yourself, you lose a bit of your confidence and self-esteem. When you keep a promise, you gain confidence. Don't commit to a resolution you are not ready to achieve. Don't let your goals simply remain words on paper. Create a plan for success, tackle the areas we discussed and your New Year's resolutions will truly stick in the coming year. Jeremy Likness is an International Health Coach and motivational speaker. After losing 65 pounds of fat, he discovered his true vision to coach thousands around the world to better health. A Certified Fitness Trainer and Specialist in Performance Nutrition, Jeremy is the author of the internationally-selling e-Book, Lose Fat, Not Faith and the companion 5-CD set. Jeremy has been published in major online publications including Tom Venuto's Fitness Renaissance and Bodybuilding.com. Jeremy's approach is unique because he focuses on fitness from the inside out. Visit Jeremy online at Natural Physiques.
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Where has All the Time Gone? We live in a busy society. We may have demanding jobs, children, families and many other "important" things that hoover up all of our time, and before we know it, Christmas is looming once more and we're muttering about another year just passing us by. Forming Effective Habits Leads To Success You had your new years resolution all set. You knew exactly what you needed to do, maybe you even got off to a fantastic start. Then suddenly out of nowhere you realize that your intended goal appears to be completely out of sight. Achieving Impossible Goals By Ignoring The Experts "If the world were to blow itself up the last thing you would hear would be the voice of an expert saying it can't be done." --Peter Ustinov Are You Working Towards Success? To some people it means driving a flash car and flashing wads of cash around to show they are doing well. To others it is spending time with their family, having achieved happiness in their life. Weave Your Own Web Many elementary school children know the miracle of Charlotte's Web. Weaving the words "Some Pig" into the center of her web, Charlotte keeps Wilbur from the frying pan. E.B. White's story provides some fascinating guidelines for web spinning. How To Become A Polished Public Speaker In Just One (1) Day The fear of speaking in public ranks right up there with the fear of death. I had the same fear myself until I was chosen to be an electronics trainer for the Air Force. It was only then I realized just how afraid and lousy at speaking I really was. I went to my first day of the 8 week training course excited and looking forward to learning a skill that many have never mastered. I soon found out I was really terrible and needed a lot of practice. Planning for Success The purpose of having an analytical brain is to use it to think and make a plan before we act. Creating Your Vision for Your Business, Career, and Life Many people go through their daily lives feeling overwhelmed. There are so many things to do and there never seems to be enough time or energy to do them all. Is this how you feel about your business, career, or life? Thank You I wonder if anyone really reads long stuff from Ezines except for the juicy and interesting ones but I am one of those few who painstakingly reads almost all articles posted. And now I've a got a turn to write something here. I had it in my mind to write something short and interesting to keep you on your toes yet, no matter how I long to keep this short, I just can't. Unless if I'll state what I have to say in bullet form. So let me have my hand at keeping you entertained if not informed with this article. GOALS The Power Line to Success and Achievement WHY DO WE NEED GOALS? Four Steps to Goal Setting When setting goals it is important to know if the goal is realistically attainable. Time is precious; you don't want to waste it moving toward a goal that you will never be able to realize. So, how can you quickly evaluate the attainability of your goal? Ask your-self these four questions: The Goal Setting Blueprint Why is goal setting important? Because without goals you don't go anywhere! A Winner Never Uses Chance or Luck to Win In games of chance, what separates a player from a winner and are they mutually exclusive? Setting Goals and Achieving Them Whatever you want in life, you have far more chance of achieving it if you set a clear goal, written down, with a definite time scale. Set Goals In Life It is important to set goals in life. To accomplish those goals, you need a healthy supply of energy. Even the best car cannot run without fuel, so how can your body work without energy? The more energy you have, the further you can "ride" in this life. Unfortunately, the body's energy cannot be obtained through an electric outlet or at a gas pump. Instead, it can be obtained from many different sources. Resolutions? Try this! Several articles and newsletters with the message that New Year's resolutions are a worthless exercise and a poorly disguised setup for failure have passed across my desk this last week, and the year before, and the year before that. Go For Success! Creating Business and Personal Goals that Inspire and Motivate Are you feeling motivated to set some strong goals for this year? Write down those New Year's resolutions and get going, right? Most people write down lofty resolutions that they think they should want and rarely stick to them, losing motivation and focus within three weeks of their "good intentions." Goal-Mapping Goal-mapping is like a treasure hunt, you must first start out by knowing what you are looking for. Be very specific on what you want without limiting yourself. The next step is charting out what course of action you must take to get what you want. I encourage women to map out a treasure hunt on what they want in life, and to use that chart to reach their goals. That is exactly what I did to get my Ph.D. degree. I knew that I wanted to get my degree in psychology, and to write a book. My goal was to use my dissertation as a self-help book, and with the successful completion of my dissertation I could be awarded my degree. I enrolled in the Ph.D. program and completed all my core courses. Lessons from the First Space Strike On Apollo 13, the crew staged the first strike in the history of space travel. The date was December 27, 1973. Mission Control had sent more commands than the crew could cope with. Commander General Carr put a stop to this when he radioed in to Mission Control. "You have given us too much to do," he complained. "We're not going to do a thing until you get your act in better order." Organizing Your Goals We all have goals and dreams that we want to accomplish-some big, some small. But until we can organize a plan on how to pursue these goals and dreams, we may never reach our final destination or possibly even start. Goals can help us to feel more confident and fulfilled. They can give us direction and help us to make decisions. Goal setting can help us to feel more organized. ![]() |
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