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Planning for Success
The purpose of having an analytical brain is to use it to think and make a plan before we act. Acting spontaneously out of fear, revenge, spite, anger and a host of other emotions is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for failure. If you plan your moves in advance your chances of success are increased. The most successful chess players do this. By reacting to outside influences you will always be controlled by those influences. By being pro-active you are dictating the terms. It doesn't matter what field you are in - business, a personal relationship, sport, a hobby - planning ahead will always bring about better results. But how many people are prepared to devote time and effort to creating a plan and then execute that plan? So many people drift through life without a plan. They go to work to pay the bills to go to work to pay the bills and so on. Their days are full of routine and they have to act in accordance to the demands of other people. Does that sound like anybody you know? The happiest people are the ones who do not believe that they even have a job. Sure, they work. However, what they do is so important or entertaining to them that they would do it without being paid. Some people fall into this naturally. Others can plan their way into such a life. If you are dis-satisfied with where you are or what you are doing then do something about it. Life is very short. Every day is precious. As you get older you will realize this. To be trapped in a situation that is painful to you will cause misery. It is easy to plan your way into something, or out of something. All you have to do is take a sheet of paper and write at the bottom where you are now and at the top where you want to be. Writing where you want to be at the top of the page is important because it shows ascendancy. In other words, it is at the top of your ladder. To get from where you are you need to climb the ladder. At various intervals between the bottom and top of that sheet of paper you will mark points that represent significant steps along the journey. It's much the same as planning a journey to another city. You wouldn't just get in your car and drive. No. You would get out a map then drive from your current position to the next town, then the next and so on until you eventually got to your destination. Why should life planning be any different? Without a plan you are doomed to mediocrity or failure. You can plan whatever you want. But it must be on paper. Keeping things in your head will ensure that nothing gets done. On paper, where you can see it makes a plan real. You can plan anything. Get the paper, get the pen. Think out the plan. Write the plan. Act on it and it will become reality. Millions of people have. Billions of people don't bother. You can do it. Happy planning. About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is budo@iinet.net.au. Click here to go to his Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website where you can receive his "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of his highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice."
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Turn The Escape Key Now "I think I know how bank robbers feel as they wait for tellers to stuff their bounty into a satchel. . . . I damn near giggled as she handed me that bag, validated my parking stub, smiled, and raised her eyes to the next customer, just like that. Clutching my toy to my chest, I shoved through the crowd and hustled towards the exit. How To Find Lasting Goals If you, just by coincidence, read my short article about pleasure and pain called "The cockroach test", you know already why exhilarating business goals are important. For the major rest of readers here is a brief summary. Are You Willing To Risk It? What would your life be like if you kept doing everything the same way? If you stood still for the next 10 or 20 years and didn't make progress with anything? If you stayed stuck in the same situations that you're in now? The Psychology Of Success Everybody has a dream. A fantasy, if you like. Usually it takes the form of something we would like to have, or something we would like to happen to us. How we respond to this dream will decide whether we are successful, or whether we remain as we are. Do you Have the Burning Desire to Lose Weight or Reach any Goal? NOTE: This article is one of the component parts of the 9-step WTA3 program contained in the ebook titled "The Action Path -Your Key to Success!" due out in 2005 at http://www.your-key-to-success.com/index_actionpath.html. Goal Getting: 5 Steps to Get You There Quickly One of the things that frustrated me while in school was that most of the psychology books specialized in complicating things. It's the same with many self-help books as well. I always wondered why relationships, change and meeting goals couldn't be made much more simple. Whats Perfect About Imperfection? Let me try something new but please, please, please, let me do it right and well the first time. If we always do things well, always do things right, and people know us as someone who always gets it right, then we've set ourselves up. It's costing us. As my friend John pointed out just yesterday, it gets lonesome and tiresome being the one in control, waiting for the world to catch up. Dreams, Goals, And Aspirations - Is This Holding You Back? In this short article I'd like to discuss a certain kind of belief that holds many people - people who are quite capable and talented - back from reaching goals, realizing dreams, and becoming all that they can become. The concept of the "Absolute Presupposition" is central to this discussion. (The term was originally coined by the British philosopher R.G. Collingwood, in a somewhat different context.) Set SMART Goals to Achieve More Are you having trouble achieving your goals, or getting through a period of no success? Then take the time to learn how to set SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Tangible. Sabbatical from Work? Start Here! Many people envy academics who take sabbaticals. What they don't realize is that sabbaticals are not designed as time on the beach. You are supposed to use your free time to accomplish specific projects. Often you are not allowed to embark on a sabbatical if your plans seem vague or unproductive. Look Where Youre Going - And Keep An Eye On The Blind Spots! I recently had the pleasure of motorcycle riding instruction from a friend, Tony, a professional racer. He was an outstanding instructor and provided some great experience-based insight into the more intricate details of motorcycle riding. But, the one thing that stuck in my mind was his comment of "always look where you're going." I had always assumed that this is what I did, but I found out that there is a big difference between "watching" and "looking" where you're going. How To Achieve Any Goal, NOW! 1. Write down one goal that you want to achieve. Let's not make this the grand goal of your life, something achievable in six months or so. In Pursuance of Your Dream Career What do u wanna be when you grow up?" " I don't wanna grow up"!! How lovely it would be if we don't grow up and be a child forever? Goal Setting or How Being SMART Isnt Always the Right Objective Over the years much has been written on the subject of goal setting with most conventional wisdom coming down in favour of the SMART objective setting process. Where Will You Be July 1st, 2006? So, a New Year has snuck up on you again and boy, you have a lot of things to do, eh? Welcome to the club, we all do. But oh no, you have way more, right? You have to start working on your business more so you can finally leave that job you are bored to tears with. You have to start saving at least $400 a month for a little cushion in the bank?that $67.02 is looking kind of lonely in your savings. You have to start getting fit, because you gained some extra 'holiday weight'. You have to start reading more, oh yeah can't forget, spend time with family and friends?the list goes on. I'm tired just thinking about your list, you sure have a lot to do! Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business Have you ever had something you wanted just fall into place; come to you through an out-of-the-blue phone call or by coincidentally meeting someone on the street? Have you ever met the perfect client or life partner--just by being at the right place at the right time? Resolutions? Try this! Several articles and newsletters with the message that New Year's resolutions are a worthless exercise and a poorly disguised setup for failure have passed across my desk this last week, and the year before, and the year before that. Living The Real Life Beyond Goal Setting In many of his wonderful talks the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar states "you've got to have goals." Have you ever asked yourself why? You Are What You Do! Too often, people say one thing and do another. I admit that I have often slid into this rut and thought about how I need to do something (lose weight for example) and then don't follow through and do anything about it (yes, I'm still 245 pounds). So even though I say that it's important to me to lose weight, I don't display the requisite motivation to follow through and do it, so my words are hollow. Manage Your Expectations ... And Raise The Bar On Your Quality Of Life! When I was a newbie in 'the game of life,' I wanted to succeed beyond my wildest dreams. I wanted to make it big and take on the world, all at once. My expectations were so high that not even Jack could reach them on his beanstalk. However, over time, after much frustration and burn out, I shifted to the other extreme by dropping my expectations, and dreams. ![]() |
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