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The Psychology Of Success
Everybody has a dream. A fantasy, if you like. Usually it takes the form of something we would like to have, or something we would like to happen to us. How we respond to this dream will decide whether we are successful, or whether we remain as we are. We could continue to dream and say 'If only...', knowing that we will never see our dream come true. In this case our dream becomes a SUBSTITUTE for action. Or we can act on our dream and try to make it happen. In this case our dream becomes a MODEL for our action. I think we all have a dream. Be a millionaire, own a nice home in the country, own a Rolls Royce, whatever... That dream will only remain a dream for as long as we let it. In most cases this is forever. Many people think that a dream is just a pleasant fantasy. Well, it can be. But the most important aspect of a dream is that it is a signal for action. The most incredible succ*ess stories all began with a dream. A dream is a goal for us to achieve a purpose in life - a destination. That last point is very important. A goal is essential if you are to achieve great wealth. And it is important that you focus on a specific goal in your dream. It is no good saying that you want to be rich. This is not specific enough. That would be like going to a bank and asking for plenty of money! To set an effective goal it must be a specific one. Your ultimate goal will be reached via many smaller, short-term 'goals'. Remember, a goal is a destination, and you can't get there if you don't know where you're going. The Power Of Desire Once you know what you want, you must then imagine what life would be like when you have it. If you want to be a millionaire, think of how you would spend your free time, and the luxuries you would enjoy. This brings into play the power of desire. This is an enormously strong emotion. When we desire, we tend to make more positive attempts to obtain the object of our craving. Buy a small note book and write about a typical day (or day off!) when you are we*althy. Imagine what you would be able to do with the increased spending power. Write down everything that you would like to do, given the chance. Be as explicit as you like, and write it as vividly as you can. When you have finished, read it back to yourself. What does it do to you? Can you feel yourself aching to be able to live life that way? Does it make you really jealous of those who are enjoying that sort of life? If it does, then well done. You have just created desire. If you have done it well enough, you should want that life so much that it hurts! Read this note book every day. Add more to it if you think of something else you would like to do. Your book will motivate you through desire. It will remind you of the reward waiting for you - and it will inspire you to succeed. So now go back over your dream of the future. You are now going to focus on the things you desire. You no longer want a Luxury car - you want a Rolls Royce. It isn't A house it's THE house. The one on Accacia avenue that you pass every day on your way to work. You must now start to focus on your 'goals'. Observing The Reality The next stage of action is to observe the reality. If there IS a house you would like, then visit it often. By this I don't mean you should stand under an adjacent street-lamp and leer ghoulishly at it until the cops arrive! You need only walk past it. Plan what changes you will make to it when it is yours, mentally re-arrange the garden and picture how you will change it to suit you. If you know which sort of car you would buy, look at a model in a showroom. Find out about it. Get the specifics. Find out how much it costs, what extras are available, and other relevant details. Remember, you are converting your dream into hard facts. You are creating a specific destination. By doing this, you will be taking a positive step toward achieving your dream. Whereas before you were a thinker, now you are a doer. Positive action is characteristic of a successful entrepreneur. Look To The Future An important aspect of of visualizing your dream is the ability to look to the future. In doing this you are applying the same technique as millions of other successful people. You must see your life as it will be when your dream comes to fruition. You are preparing yourself for your own success. Many of the people who buy books on starting a business actually don't bother starting up. They can't imagine themselves ever running their own business and earning Unlimited amounts of money. They never see things how they can be - only how they are. Don't make this mistake. KNOW what you want, KNOW how to get it, SEE how it WILL be, and then go for it! Kevin Quigley is the Publisher/Editor of 'The Internet Affiliates Resources Directory' where subscribers have the opportunity to have their Affiliate programs promoted absolutely free and on a permanent basis. Details & Free sample subscription: Blank email to: bizzyman@auto-responder.co.uk Unsubscribe with one click. You have my full permission to 'Steal' the above article which may be freely distributed in your E-zine, on your web site or in your e-book provided this entire resource box is kept intact. A sample copy of your E-Zine appreciated. Thank you.
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Ready, Fire, Aim Does the sub-title to this edition of Footprints and Monuments sound familiar? It does to me in a very real way. When I was a teenager my dad and I loved to go hunting. We would hunt whatever animal happened to be in season at the time, and anything else that moved. Especially snakes, but that is another story. The Future: Help is Available How important do you believe it is to think about and visualize your future life? Goal Setting or How Being SMART Isnt Always the Right Objective Over the years much has been written on the subject of goal setting with most conventional wisdom coming down in favour of the SMART objective setting process. Commit It To Paper Commit it to paper - You have the idea so therefore you have within you the ability to make it a reality. Admittedly it may not always be obvious, but rest assured deep down you're capable. How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life? Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own business? First, we will examine how your dream got deferred. Then, we will outline definitive steps to get you back on track. Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals I cannot stress the importance of setting goals enough. Goals give us something to work toward, and help us feel like we are moving along a specific path. Establishing goals invites us to look at the big picture, break it down into smaller pieces, and get started toward accomplishing our important hopes and dreams. Reach Your Goals- Set Clear Intentions It is from intentions that all things manifest. To intend to go to point B from point A will result in the arrival at point B. However, there must be an action. To arrive at point B, there must be action taken at some point. Why Do Many Smart, Motivated People Never Achieve Their Goals? In his multimedia "Unleash Your Greatness Success System" Mike Litman gives his audience a virtual "kick in the butt" - albeit nicely. In this program he pushes hard to get the reader past their desire for "feel good" motivation; instead he offers a plan that, if followed, should result in the listener making strides towards achieving his or her goals. The Synergy of Vision Over the years I have experienced some amazing results with people who have been secure enough to view their leadership or personal capacity through the eyes of corporate vision. Create Your Path to Success - Achieve Key Goals Creating your path to success depends on walking on a firm foundation. Knowing WHAT you want is only the beginning. Visualizing what you want and repeating affirmations makes your intentions stronger. Yet, this is not enough. So what IS the secret to realizing your goals? Let's walk the path together. As we walk the path step by step, I encourage you to write the answers to these questions: Organizing Your Goals We all have goals and dreams that we want to accomplish-some big, some small. But until we can organize a plan on how to pursue these goals and dreams, we may never reach our final destination or possibly even start. Goals can help us to feel more confident and fulfilled. They can give us direction and help us to make decisions. Goal setting can help us to feel more organized. Re-invent Yourself : 7 Steps to Becoming a New You! Do you like your life the way it is? Would you like to change some, or all of it? Well, here's good news: You can be whatever you want to be. You can re-invent yourself. I know because I did! Overcoming Discouragement We have all had times in our lives where someone discouraged our beliefs or even passions in life. Maybe someone told you that you couldn't do something because of whom you are or where you come from. Maybe they told you that you weren't "good" enough or that you will never amount to anything. Those comments however small they may seem could actually become loud voices in your head eating away at your self esteem. For someone unsure of themselves, these statements may actually be more powerful than one may realize. Rebuilding Oneself: The Universes Basic Training I remember Air Force Basic Training. My Training Instructor not only wanted to teach me the military way, but he also wanted to break me down so that he could rebuild me according to the needs of the military. These are two of the underlying premises of your first few weeks, or months, of your time in the military. Actually, I enjoyed it, but then Air Force Basic is only between six and eight weeks. The other branches have much more extensive training programs that can last for months. Is Personal Goal Setting REALLY Necessary? What is your reason for setting a goal? Ten of My Favorite Quotes About Goals 1. Duke (Edward Kennedy) Ellington (1899-1974) American Composer Bandleader and Pianist Plan, Prioritize, Play 10 Strategic Ways To Be Time Rich And Stress Free 1. Retrain your self-talk, to remove selfish from your vocabulary and replace it with self-care. In order for you to take care of the people you love you need to take care of yourself first. Friends, family, loved ones look to you as a model, make sure to model self-care, taking time to play, relax, and read. This is especially important for parents; this will give your children the confidence to have the same healthy behaviors. How to Handle Getting Caught Off Guard I remember the time that I swore to myself that I'd never be caught off guard again. I was in my new job on Capital Hill and it was the first week on the job. My new mentor at the office was the daughter of the other US Senator from Nevada so she knew everyone who was anyone. I tagged along with her one day to a meeting and I found myself in a mess! Idiots Guide to Goal Setting: 5 Steps to Success Weve all read about personal goal setting. Weve all tried it. According to the stats, most of the time we all fail. Setting Goals ? Things to Think About We hear a lot about the steps we should take to achieve our goals, however unless we take the first steps to realistically consider who and what we are right now ? our capabilities and interests ? and think logically about what we'd like to accomplish, our chances of achieving our "goal" are slim to none. Here are a few things to think about when you're trying to decide what you'd like to do. ![]() |
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