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How To Achieve Any Goal, NOW!
1. Write down one goal that you want to achieve. Let's not make this the grand goal of your life, something achievable in six months or so. 2. Write down the feeling you will have when you achieve that goal?Ex. (alive, energetic, sexy, accomplished, powerful.) 3. Write down when you will achieve the goal. I ask you, what is your goal? Did you say what you wrote from #1? Great, but NO, that is not your goal. #1 is never your goal, #1 is just a strategy to get #2. THAT IS YOUR GOAL, to feel a certain way. What we really want is the feeling that we experience (#2) when we accomplish that strategy (#1). The wonderful part about this is that you can choose to have that feeling anytime you want to have it! I don't want to ask what you put for #3, because that tells me that you are putting feeling: alive, energetic, sexy, or whatever you said as #2, in the future. You are not allowing yourself to have it in the present moment. It's funny because I will do this with my coaching clients and their perspective of thinking turns right around. QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT? What are we doing by denying our self this feeling? How does it affect us? How about allowing yourself to have that feeling of #2, and taking action on your goal right now? That will help accomplish what you are setting out to do. You now know that you can have that feeling anytime, it does not have to be attached to a strategy. What you hopefully have realized is what we do when we procrastinate, or sit on an ambition. We are denying our-self the feeling that we want to feel, because we think it is tied to a strategy. If you think about it, we give ourselves, very often, the feelings that we experience on a daily basis. We decide how we are going to feel, and then we live into it. Write down a feeling or excuse associated with not working out? _______________________ We have now DECIDED that we are too ______ to workout and we live into it, rationalize it, and buy our own excuses!! What happens to your goals when YOU decide to live into the feeling of ________ that you wrote above? They get put on hold and NOTHING HAPPENS. Imagine what would happen if EVERY morning you woke up and decided to feel what you wrote for #2? No more excuses in thinking about the strategy, lets feel our goal every day so we can create action. If your goal is to feel SEXY because the strategy is to loose 20 lbs?it may be quite hard to really feel sexy when you don't. I suggest however that the only reason you don't feel sexy is because you BELIEVE you don't. In order to own this feeling and make it real, we must practice feeling it every moment, every day to master it. TAKE ACTION 1. On a blank piece of paper, write in large letters the word "EXPERIENCE." Below it write in large letters what you wrote for #2. 2. Make copies and put it everywhere to remind yourself of the feeling you want on a regular basis. Bathroom mirror, bedside, refrigerator, car, office. We are setting our self up to win. 3. Before you go to bed, starting tonight, ask yourself?What are the top 2 things I wish to do tomorrow, in order to Experience the feeling I wrote? You need paper and pen by your bed?DON'T go to sleep without doing this or I will haunt you all night!! Write down the two actions and WHEN you will do them. If you have a day planner, that is the best "piece of paper" to write them on. Remember, in order to make success a habit and own this feeling, we must practice every day so we master it. 4. When you wake up, 1st thing, read your actions for the day and the Experience "_____" poster you made?DECIDE to embrace this feeling TODAY. Because yesterday is gone, and tomorrow will never come? so all we have is what we feel NOW. Jeffrey St.Laurent graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a BS in Exercise Science. He holds current certifications from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant and from the American Red Cross for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Additionally, he is certified through BodyTrainingSystems as a Group Fitness instructor and National Trainer & Presenter. Jeff travels throughout North America giving workshops and providing continuing education to health clubs, personal trainers and group exercise professionals on exercise science, motivation and improving teaching / coaching skills. Jeff is certified by one of the most highly acclaimed coach training institutions in the United States, The Institute for Professional Empowerment Coaching, iPEC Coaching. His passion for helping people from his health and fitness background has turned into a fierce desire to EMPOWER people to do it themselves through coaching.
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The Value of Focus in Reaching Your Goals "One aught never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half." -- Sir Winston Churchill Increase Your Knowledge: Read-and-Reap Did you know that you see with your mind as well as your eyes? The mind stores memories and highlights of past experiences as well as color intensity, hue and a variety of other details. How you see (your eyesight) and how the brain makes sense of what you see is at the heart of a total visual experience. On Achievement If a comatose person were to earn an interest of 1 million USD annually on the sum paid to him as compensatory damages ? would this be considered an achievement of his? To succeed to earn 1 million USD is universally judged to be an achievement. But to do so while comatose will almost as universally not be counted as one. It would seem that a person has to be both conscious and intelligent to have his achievements qualify. Set Goals In Life It is important to set goals in life. To accomplish those goals, you need a healthy supply of energy. Even the best car cannot run without fuel, so how can your body work without energy? The more energy you have, the further you can "ride" in this life. Unfortunately, the body's energy cannot be obtained through an electric outlet or at a gas pump. Instead, it can be obtained from many different sources. Top Ten Methods for Never Achieving Your Goals Top Ten methods to never achieve your goals: Is that W-A-L-R-U-S? A few years back, I went to London, England. I needed to get a passport-like photo taken, but the machine I wanted to use was out of order. When I called the company who owned the machine, I asked where they had another location. I was told, "Walrus." "Walrus?" I confirmed. "Walrus," was the response. 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Typically we are not learning that facts come from testing hypotheses and finding evidence for a piece of information, but rather that facts are synonymous with statements. As we have learned that facts are true, when we are provided with a statement that is held up as a statement of fact, we tend not to question it. Obviously there are times when taking this approach to dealing with the world is hugely advantageous. 4 Steps to Inspired Goal Setting At the beginning of the year, there's often an orgy of goal setting. People get into a collective frenzy about setting personal and professional goals. The Psychology Of Success Everybody has a dream. A fantasy, if you like. Usually it takes the form of something we would like to have, or something we would like to happen to us. How we respond to this dream will decide whether we are successful, or whether we remain as we are. Make Goals Specific Saying that you want to be rich isn't enough. 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Set Positive Goals And Strive To Achieve Them On 31st January 2005, two students from my martial arts school took tests to gain important qualifications in the modern martial art of Choikwangdo. ![]() |
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