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Excellence is Never an Accident
"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities." The above anonymous quote was displayed prominently in an office, where, oddly enough, it seemed to attract very little attention. In any case, it has made enough of an impression to invite a look at these words of wisdom and see where these words may apply. When embarking on a road trip, unless a bout of aimless wandering around the country is the intent, it is essential to have a destination in mind and a map. Most people in the world are living someone else's agenda, which was obtained "by default." Stated differently, most people are on a path of aimless wandering ? much like a traveler without specific destination or map. It would be most valuable to look at different areas or aspects of life and ask "what is the intention here?" Consider the areas of family, business, spiritual practice, financial means, retirement, education, self development, health, and social interaction. Most people, by their own admission, are not living fully actualized lives and full potential. One main cause is a lack of clear and focused intention and direction. Without clear direction, "sincere effort" is impossible. Perhaps effort becomes sincere when clear intention is established. Most people merely do an adequate job of trying whatever it is they're doing because they are relatively un-inspired by the task. Sincere effort stems from high intention. It flows naturally. Look at the areas of life where one is just "hanging out" or "clocking time." This indicates insincere effort ? an opportunity to create a more focused and clear intention! Assuming that intention is present, intelligent direction is also vital. In his timeless classic, "Think and Grow Rich," Napoleon Hill recommends and promotes the "mastermind" group. The mastermind group is any group of like-minded individuals that assembled for counsel and participation in the attainment of a worthwhile goal. The mastermind group act very much like the directors of a large corporation, providing guidance, advice and direction essential to success; the use of the mastermind principle is the use of "intelligent direction." From the combined intelligence of several comes new possibility that simply cannot come from a single mind. Michael Jordan, who practiced over ten hours a day even at the height of his career, said practicing the wrong thing eight hours a day only makes a person excellent at doing the wrong thing. Consider the practice devoted to the essential skills that bring success as parents, spouses, employees and people in general. To excel, practice is much more important than actual presentation or performance. Out of the harsh discipline of practice comes skillful execution. As humans we tend to see in purely linear "cause and effect" terms. "When given lemons, make lemonade" is certainly simplistic, but most people who are successful have had to become adept at taking some perceived challenge and using it as an opportunity for benefit, value and profit. This comes from introspection, the counsel of open minded and visionary people (of which there are few). Each of these steps, when applied, provides opportunity, challenge, impact and benefit. With these steps in mind, it is a matter of will to trade in mediocrity for excellence! More of Mr. Johnson's work can be viewed by visiting http://www.valueview.net Eric Johnson is a regular contributor to Investor's Value View, a nationally distributed financial newsletters featuring value and growth-oriented stocks picks, financial news, market insights for both new and experienced investors, tips on efficient money management, and special email alerts to keep you abreast of the most critical information.
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Creativity Management ? Short Term Goal Setting Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Keeping the Dream Alive Like the song by Linda Ronstadt, "a dream is a wish that your heart makes." To lose a dream is to die a little yourself. It means closing down the part of you that can soar above the reality of your current life to see new and exciting possibilities. Why Traditional Goal Setting Doesnt Work If you have a $100.000.000 in the bank, drive new Lexus, look like a movie star and have a perfect health save yourself some time and do not read this article. This article is for people, who don't have all these things, but are planning on changing that slight inconvenience. Waiting On Your Big Break Is Playing Desperation Life! Have you ever put all your eggs in one basket? Have you ever had so much riding on one big break that if it didn't happen you would have to move down to the zoo and live off of kudzu and stump water? If you have, you're playing desperation life! Be Discontented With The Status Quo It is natural to be satisfied with the way things are; but the moment we settle for how things are, we give up the opportunity to experience how things could be. Life is evolutionary, but only if we allow it to be. If we choose to, we can get stuck in the comfort of the status quo and miss the real opportunities that require us to step into a bigger life. Get It Done-Or 3 Ways to Advance Your Goals 1. WORK WITH THE END IN MIND- OR FOCUS ON SUCCESS If You Cant See Your Way to Completing Your Goal, Its Time to Check Your Vision Have you been having trouble achieving a specific goal? Are you allowing other less important things to get in the way of accomplishing what you really want? Then this is the time to do a VISION check. Just as it is important to get our eyes checked regularly to assure that we will be able to see clearly, it is equally as important to do a VISION check to be certain that our goal is on track. Resolutions? Try this! Several articles and newsletters with the message that New Year's resolutions are a worthless exercise and a poorly disguised setup for failure have passed across my desk this last week, and the year before, and the year before that. When You See Money as a Tool in Your Goal Setting Process, You Will Lead a More Balanced Life Where Does Money Fit In the Goal Setting Process? Where Will You Be July 1st, 2006? So, a New Year has snuck up on you again and boy, you have a lot of things to do, eh? Welcome to the club, we all do. But oh no, you have way more, right? You have to start working on your business more so you can finally leave that job you are bored to tears with. You have to start saving at least $400 a month for a little cushion in the bank?that $67.02 is looking kind of lonely in your savings. You have to start getting fit, because you gained some extra 'holiday weight'. You have to start reading more, oh yeah can't forget, spend time with family and friends?the list goes on. I'm tired just thinking about your list, you sure have a lot to do! Writing Goals Down Ties Them Up! Writing goals describes the act of inscribing on a surface characters or shapes that convey thoughts and ideas in relation to that goal. Why is this mechanical act of writing goals so important in the achievement process? How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life? Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own business? First, we will examine how your dream got deferred. Then, we will outline definitive steps to get you back on track. Top 10 Ways to Ensure New Years Resolution Success Did you know that fewer than 10% of people who set New Year's Resolutions actually achieve them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the Top 10 Tips below. A Winner Never Uses Chance or Luck to Win In games of chance, what separates a player from a winner and are they mutually exclusive? Goals On The Wall - What Do Minnie Driver And Genghis Khan Have In Common? Surprisingly few people regularly make lists of their goals and even fewer put their lists where they can see them. This article suggests that it is worth doing both. It also takes a look at the life goals of Minnie Driver and Genghis Khan. Losing Site of Your Goals: Determining Your Vision From Your Actions! In the fury of trying to accomplish our goals, we tend to lose site of our Vision. We get so caught up in "doing things" that we forget why we're doing them. In the process, we lose hope, lose drive, and end up running in a circle trying to find our "reason" again. In our circular dance, we fill in the gaps with unnecessary activities, or "busy work", to make us feel as though we're moving forward. Instead, we're merely weighting ourselves down further to create a wall around our newly developed "comfort zone". How to Turn New Years Resolutions into New Year?s Results Are you ready to learn how to finally turn your New Year's resolutions into New Year's results? The key word here is "new", because you want to create "new" results. You must analyze your old year that has passed and your future, which means do not think "re-run/replay" instead think about forging forward into the New Year. In order to create "New Year" results, you must decide to analyze, develop and implement new action steps. The 12 Commandments of Goal Setting Many professionals have a basic idea of what they want to achieve in their careers. They may want to close more sales, earn a higher income, or move into a different job. However, somehow they do not achieve the success they desire. Why? Why is it that intelligent, motivated, hard-working individuals are not achieving the success they deserve? It is because they haven't set clear goals. One Life to Live Nothing stops us. Well, almost nothing. Although we do live in a world that whirls at breakneck speed, there are a few things that will stop us in our tracks. When tragedy strikes, our attentions are diverted from our normal hustle and bustle to the turmoil at hand. The perfect example of this is, of course, the world's reaction to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States and the events following it. How to FEEL your way to Success Do you remember the last time you had a blast? I mean you were having the time of your life. Think about it. I hope it was not too long ago. ![]() |
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