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Get It Done-Or 3 Ways to Advance Your Goals
1. WORK WITH THE END IN MIND- OR FOCUS ON SUCCESS "Beginning with the end in mind is the endowment of imagination . If you are the programmer, write the program", says, goal expert- Stephen R. Covey. Goals help us to focus, and the quality of our attention is enhanced by a having a project so cool and interesting that we can't help but make a leap. Let's say, you want to organize your workspace so that everyone is inspired to do their best work. The in-between steps: like ergonomic concerns & planning comfortable lighting, in-and-of itself can seem mundane, but joined together they name a bigger accomplishment and by doing so, asks us to spice up our expectations & upgrade who we are. Focus on success & keep in mind how you want things to end up--And you'll soon enough be successful. -- name the accomplishment -- give your project a title -- what needs to be done by when -- how would you like things to end up -- identify upbeat reasons for pursuing the goal 2. RAISE THE BAR-OR SHOOT FOR THE MOON Define greatness, challenge the limits, double the goal, or try something new...These are just some of the sentiments that put our plans into action and move us towards revolutionary results. Look around and witness the very essence of commonplace activities being tested and re-imagined. Such as schools re-defining Physical Education by bringing in activities "ranging from kickboxing to more esoteric offerings like tai chi and yoga". And with the introduction of Blogs, an international conversation is in full swing with millions of links and a central clearing house inspired by immediacy, intrigue and tension. Raising the bar on a project can simply mean taking one extra step, having an allegiance to a weird idea, or devoting to a regular practice. Commit to a goal in a meaningful way, personalize it & make it your own, and then watch an otherwise sleepy project wake up and give way to a new found energy, creativity and distinction ."Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." -- double the goal -- challenge the limits -- create a regular practice -- raise your standards,values or beliefs -- make it a game 3. GO THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE-OR SHOW ME THE SHORTCUT Sometimes a goal deserves a break. TIME MAGAZINE reported that after 8 hours of sleep you'd be more than twice as likely to find a shortcut for solving a problem. Suggesting that taking it easy is good for the brain, and what's good for the brain is good for the overall psyche and soul. Are you doing too much, not getting nourished and being exhausted? Well perhaps its time to consider another path. Don't re-invent the wheel. Pick up a book written by an expert, join a group that's geared around your project, sign up for an informational newsletter , or ask someone to buddy up & help. For instance, if I was writing a screen-play and struggling with a self imposed deadline, I could simplify my project just by signing up for a writing class. What with weekly writing tasks & in-class exercises this alone would expedite the development of my script. Another over looked short cut is to consider smaller steps. The smaller the increments the easier the goal. Deng Ming-Dao, writes in EVERYDAY TAO, "An inch in one direction, then an inch in another already makes a span of 2 inches. Gradually we can improve on that." Go the path of least resistance, it's a gift of energy. -- don't reinvent the wheel-find someone who's done it before -- slow down or change the pace -- keep to minimum daily standards -- write everything down--loose ideas vs. lost ideas -- the smaller the increments the easier the goal Janice Hoffmann is CEO and Founder of Success Is Sweetest http://www.successissweetest.com A New York City Career and Lifestyle Coaching Boutique
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Finding Your Niche Why are there so much stress and unhappiness in the work force? One reason is that 95% of workers never find their niche. Most of them drift through life taking whatever job they can get. Although one can make a living in this manner, it would be much more enjoyable and profitable to find what fits your talents. The Value of Focus in Reaching Your Goals "One aught never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half." -- Sir Winston Churchill Get It Done-Or 3 Ways to Advance Your Goals 1. WORK WITH THE END IN MIND- OR FOCUS ON SUCCESS Do You Really Value What You Wish For? I am sitting in a shopping mall, waiting for my wife to finish her Christmas shopping. Next to me is a rather pathetic-looking fountain, which contains hundreds of coins, mostly thrown in by children of irate shoppers. Achieve Goals Using The Lasso Principle! Here is a unique way to combine your breath and mental imagery to pull your goals closer in record time! What Words Will They Chisel Into Your Tombstone? One day you will inevitably die. A morbid statement, I know, but one that is true. I don't want to upset you so let me say this - hopefully that day will be a long, long way off. However, I have a question for you now. Writing Your Personal Vision/Mission Statement I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having a job that reflects my personal vision is powerful because it has allowed me to create a business life for myself that truly reflects who I am. Achieve Your Goal Have you seen those ads that promise to make thousands and millions of dollars over night, they are just hype. You have to do whatever it takes to get where you want to be. Believe me there are no shortcuts. Sorry if I burst your bubble, but I am not trying to sell you anything. How To Find Lasting Goals If you, just by coincidence, read my short article about pleasure and pain called "The cockroach test", you know already why exhilarating business goals are important. For the major rest of readers here is a brief summary. 7 Ways To Ignite Your Vision Probably the hardest skill to teach, and the one of the most vital to posess, is vision. Vision requires discipline in order to generate images of what you would like to become, both professionally and personally. This is an intensive process to determine which direction you want to go, and will require a little time and effort on your part. You can have a bad week and it is okay. Your goal for that week may be in jeopardy, but that won't stop you from reaching your destination, your ultimate vision or your picture of what you will be. If your vision is to be the top salesperson in your district, for example, you will figure out that at the present time you are not qualified to do it. The answer would be..."what do I need to do to get qualified?". Achieve Your Desires By Scoring Goals Do you have a desire? Silly question I know because everybody has desires, just not the same ones. Of course there are many that most of us share like those old clichés of health, wealth, and happiness. But there are some that are exclusive to a certain group of people. For example; a musician may desire to play at the Albert Hall but have no interest in constructing his own website. But enough rambling, it's time I got to the point. The Goal Setting Blueprint Why is goal setting important? Because without goals you don't go anywhere! Getting To The Top By Fits And Starts I would venture to believe that most people have the qualities to make them a success. Then why are not more of them successful? One observation is; by not following through on actions that they started with. They have victory in sight and then do you want to know what they do? Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business Have you ever had something you wanted just fall into place; come to you through an out-of-the-blue phone call or by coincidentally meeting someone on the street? Have you ever met the perfect client or life partner--just by being at the right place at the right time? Is Personal Goal Setting REALLY Necessary? What is your reason for setting a goal? Got Purpose? Part 2 I guess I found some hot buttons last week eh? Thanks for a week full of real good feedback. Lifes Values Over time I have come to realize that the three most important subjects in the world to man are sex, property and religion. By the first we create life, by the second we maintain life and by the third we hope to continue life in the world to come. But I have also come to realize that it is not our sex, our interests swarm about our own egos, self-worth or self-esteem. Keep a Dream Journal: Why Bother? Want a key to unlock your inner wisdom? Try keeping a dream journal. Great Things Materialize Once We Start to Visualize Watching the Olympics last week really amazed me. The feats of strength were fantastic, and the drama of the events themselves was captivating. But what really made the biggest impact was being reminded of something we all know or have learned in the past, and yet rarely put into action for ourselves: the art of visualization. How To Get Real "What we need most, is not so much to realize the ideal as to idealize the real," said H.F. Hedge. ![]() |
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