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If You Cant See Your Way to Completing Your Goal, Its Time to Check Your Vision
Have you been having trouble achieving a specific goal? Are you allowing other less important things to get in the way of accomplishing what you really want? Then this is the time to do a VISION check. Just as it is important to get our eyes checked regularly to assure that we will be able to see clearly, it is equally as important to do a VISION check to be certain that our goal is on track. Vivid Picture ? Have you created a vivid picture in your imagination as to what your completed goal will look, feel, and sound? Have you added lots of sensory detail, paying particular attention to what emotions you will experience when you have achieved your goal? Many people omit this step or they make a half-hearted attempt at it. As a result, their completed goal is not real to them so it becomes very easy to get distracted by day-to-day events. This step takes time and thought which is why many people don't do it. However, if you don't have a clear picture in your mind as to what you are trying to accomplish, how will you ever attain it? Developing a clear, vivid picture is critical if you want to achieve your goal. Inspired ? Are you inspired by your goal? Does thinking about it make you smile? If not, then go back to your vivid picture and change it until you are excited about it. Goals take effort. They often require that we change and do things that may be a stretch for us. If the goal isn't something you really want in the first place, then why bother trying to achieve it? When you come up with a goal, don't limit yourself by what you think you can accomplish. Decide what you truly want. Many people have achieved enormous success in their lives because they had big goals. When you are inspired enough by your dream, you will find a way to make it a reality. Sustained Belief ? Do you have a sustained belief that you will achieve your goal? If you really don't expect to accomplish your goal, then you probably won't. Sometimes it takes extraordinary courage to believe, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that we will be successful. Things go wrong. Problems come up. It is easy to get discouraged. That is the time is when you most need to have sustained belief. You can get through the difficult times if you believe you can. People rise to the level of their own beliefs. When you believe you will be successful, then you will achieve success. Identify ? Do you identify with your goal now even though you have not yet achieved it? We must begin to identify with the person we want to become. Once or twice each day, play the picture of your completed goal in your mind. Live your goal in your imagination and experience all of the wonderful emotions that go with it. As you continue to do this, you will find that your thoughts and behaviors become more aligned with the person you will be when you achieve your goal. Observant ? Are you observant as to what actions that are taking you closer to your goal and those that are moving you further away? When we create an action plan for our goal, some of the ideas included in it will work and others won't. After you take a specific action, observe the result. If it is positive, then continue to do it. If you don't get the result you expected then modify it and try again. By being observant about what is working and what isn't, you can adjust your strategy as needed so you will continue to move closer to your goal. Never Give Up Attitude ? Have you adopted a never give up attitude? Have you made a decision that you will not quit no matter how long it takes to achieve your goal? If you don't have this attitude you might find that obstacles overwhelm you. They might be too difficult to overcome and there is a strong likelihood that you will quit before achieving what you want. However, when you adopt a never give up attitude, there is a power and conviction within you that will carry you through until you reach success. So if your VISION is fuzzy, don't worry. By making a few adjustments, you will be able to clearly see your goal to completion and experience all the joy and satisfaction that are part of the package. About The Author Della Menechella is a speaker, author, and trainer who inspires people to achieve greater success from the inside out. She is a contributing author to Thriving in the Midst of Change and the author of the videotape The Twelve Commandments of Goal Setting. She can be reached at della@dellamenechella.com. Subscribe to free Peak Performance Pointers e-zine - send blank e-mail to mailto:subscribe@dellamenechella.com.
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Set Goals In Life It is important to set goals in life. To accomplish those goals, you need a healthy supply of energy. Even the best car cannot run without fuel, so how can your body work without energy? The more energy you have, the further you can "ride" in this life. Unfortunately, the body's energy cannot be obtained through an electric outlet or at a gas pump. Instead, it can be obtained from many different sources. Six Keys To Build Vision - Point Five 5.Submit it to good leaders (accountability breeds stability and security) What is The Right Action That Leads To Your Ultimate Goals? What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires? Setting Goals for Success "In any and every given moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself? or you are being commanded." Willpower: Who Needs It? Not Me What is this mysterious creature, this intangible element, this phantom that we seek for so hard, yet can often never find, or keep control of? This thing called 'willpower' and who really needs it anyway? Personal Goal Setting and Management - Planning for the Year Ahead The start of a New Year is a great time to plan for what you want to achieve. What better time than to invest in yourself and set a course for the future. As you reach your goals you will need to set new ones. How do you do this in a powerful and focused way? Are You Working Towards Success? To some people it means driving a flash car and flashing wads of cash around to show they are doing well. To others it is spending time with their family, having achieved happiness in their life. Great Goals Make You Stretch! I began enhancing my personal energy level three months shy of my 40th birthday and after 2 years of struggling with clinically-diagnosed depression. During this same period, I was challenged, immensely by the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and being rendered permanently partially disabled as the result of being involved in two car accidents in six days (neither of which was I at fault). I recall an incredible sense of emptiness and a daunting feeling of being completely overwhelmed; especially when trying to figure out which pills went with what ills. Unable to return to the vocation I loved, I received disability payments and simply existed. Most of my time was spent in bed where I eventually became 48 pounds "over-fat." When dreams and reasons for living are wiped out by the greatest, of the least unexpected, most people priorities typically change. My priorities? Well, they just disappeared. I was defeated physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and knocking on "Financially's" door. Making the bed was not a priority; it simply went unmade. And when it came down to paying the bills, many went unpaid. One day I was moved enough to actually cultivate the emotion of being "fed up!" During this awakening, I made the decision to reclaim complete responsibility for my life. And I did. Goal Setting - Forget About It Many motivational speakers and self-help books will tell you that you must have goals. I've even advocated goal setting myself in the past. You write down your goals and detail them for family life, friends, finances, career, recreation, health, learning, education and your spiritual life. Goal Setting and Goal Getting: Here Are Some Quotes that Can Change Your Life Here are several quotes about setting and achieving goals. My comments follow. Conquering Goals: The Battle Plan "To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe."(Anatole France) While these three items define success, without all of them success would be unattainable. Without a dream, you will be without desire and without desire, you will be without action. If you can unlock the dream, then you can unlock success and make your dream reality. Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals I cannot stress the importance of setting goals enough. Goals give us something to work toward, and help us feel like we are moving along a specific path. Establishing goals invites us to look at the big picture, break it down into smaller pieces, and get started toward accomplishing our important hopes and dreams. The 11 Basics of Goal Setting "Man is a goal-seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals." ?Aristotle The Goal Setting Blueprint Why is goal setting important? Because without goals you don't go anywhere! Success Is Knowing What You Want Many people ask me how they can be more successful. One Focus To Success Too many times we are distracted from our main goal and purpose by all of the different things out there that we want, or think we want. Instead of making choices, we seem to want it all, everything we come across. Too many conflicting desires is a recipe for disaster. Ready, Fire, Aim Does the sub-title to this edition of Footprints and Monuments sound familiar? It does to me in a very real way. When I was a teenager my dad and I loved to go hunting. We would hunt whatever animal happened to be in season at the time, and anything else that moved. Especially snakes, but that is another story. Ten of My Favorite Quotes About Goals 1. Duke (Edward Kennedy) Ellington (1899-1974) American Composer Bandleader and Pianist Ingredients That Make A Winner Whether we like to admit it or not, other people's opinions of us really do matter. The opinions we have of ourselves, matters even more. Think about this for a minute. What separates the haves from the have-nots? Nothing, but your own fear and insecurities. Taking Action is Essential for Self Improvement and Success Much has been written about writing down goals and regularly reviewing and updating them as a major party of self improvement and success. Likewise, it is considered that a plan for the achievement of any goal, and breaking major goals into manageable steps are essential. If you are thinking of stating a new business or any major undertaking, thorough research is certainly required. It is also unlikely that any new businesses will get far without a well written and researched business plan, and the chances of raising money from a bank without one are probably zero. ![]() |
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