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What is The Right Action That Leads To Your Ultimate Goals?
What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires? What actions do I need to take Now? Am I doing the right thing or the wrong thing? These are the questions that most of us constantly ask ourselves in the mind. Most of the time, we are asking unconsciously. We are constantly judging what we are doing, because we are afraid of making mistakes. Let me now show you how to choose the right action that will lead you to your ultimate goals. First of all, let's discuss ... **The root of all procrastination** Very often, people tell me "I have studied all the theories of success and read all the self improvement books, but I still don't know what to do." Then they end up doing nothing, and getting no results. No matter how many books you read, how many tapes you listened to, and how many seminars you attend, if you don't take any action, you won't have any result. Action creates result. You can't change this fact. Inaction leads to endless procrastination, and ultimately, leads to failure. You must understand that no matter how bad the situation is, you can always take some action to improve it right now, even just a little improvement. If you can not imagine how to make 1 million dollars, just make a commitment to make 100 dollars first. You might have heard of this phrase "CANI", It represents constant-and-never-ending-improvement. Success is a journey, not a destination. This journey is about improvement. As long as you are making some kind of improvement, you are leading to success. Now you know you need to take some kind of actions, then... **What is the right action?** The answer is to ask your intuition. Your intuition will never fool you because it is the message from the higher intelligence. Your intuition always knows what is right and what is wrong. Do you remember when I said that feelings and emotions are the language of the universe? They are also the messages from the higher intelligence of the universe. When you feel a positive emotion, the universe is telling you that you are doing well, keep on doing; When you are receiving a negative emotion, the universe is warning you that you are not aligned with your ultimate purpose, or life mission. You need to correct your action. This is the way the universe communicates with you. Before taking any action, ask yourself " How will this make me feel once I have accomplished this action?" Most of the time, your intuiting will give you immediate feedback, you either receive a positive or negative emotion. Listen to your intuition, and do what makes you feel good, don't worry about making mistakes, because... **Everything is in its divine order** One of the most stubborn road block to success is fear of failure, or fear of making mistakes. To completely remove this road block, you must accept a belief that everything is in divine order. Look back at your life of the past 10 years. Did you make any mistakes? Sure you did, but without that mistake, would you have the life you are living now? If you can look deeply, you will find that mistake had inevitably created some coincidence that leads to your present life. There is always a connection between everything happening in your life. That mistake is part of your life journey that should not be missed, then why did you worry at that time? After my university entrance examination, I did not get a chance to join an old brand university that I loved very much. Most people that know me felt pity for me, but I did not care, I joined a university of my second choice. Just one month after joining that university, I was offered a scholarship to study abroad in a much better university than my first choice university. Best of all, I did not spend a single dime on my tertiary education, even my everyday spending was covered by that scholarship. I would never have had this chance if I had joined my first choice university. Is this only a coincidence? I don't believe that, I believe every thing is in its divine order, in my life, nothing ever goes wrong. If you want more of this kind of coincidence happen in your life, repeat this everyday when you feel doubt. "Everything is in its divine order; in my life, nothing ever goes wrong" To sum up, you need to make a small improvement everyday. Before taking any action, think of the feelings it will bring to you, and make the right choice based on your feelings. Then just do it, and believe you are doing the right thing because everything is in divine order. To your success. ------------------------------------------------------------
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Setting Goals for Success "In any and every given moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself? or you are being commanded." -Guy Finley, Author Achieve Your Desires By Scoring Goals Do you have a desire? Silly question I know because everybody has desires, just not the same ones. Of course there are many that most of us share like those old clichés of health, wealth, and happiness. But there are some that are exclusive to a certain group of people. For example; a musician may desire to play at the Albert Hall but have no interest in constructing his own website. But enough rambling, it's time I got to the point. How to Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones: The Science of ?Habit Management? Few things are more difficult than kicking bad habits or developing more positive ones. But it is definitely worth the effort. Bad habits like smoking, overeating or self-criticism shorten lives and lead to underachievement, and unsuccessful attempts to change them lower self- esteem. Stop Setting Goals; Make Decisions Instead Every private client I work with begins at the same place. They first paint a clear picture of their goals, from the future back to today. Achieve Your Goals By Eating The Frog And The Elephant Brian Tracy, the great motivational guru, often suggests that people do their most important and toughest task at the start of the day. They must 'eat the frog' for breakfast and then they will feel great for the rest of the day and have extra energy to cope with all their other tasks. Great Goals Make You Stretch! I began enhancing my personal energy level three months shy of my 40th birthday and after 2 years of struggling with clinically-diagnosed depression. During this same period, I was challenged, immensely by the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and being rendered permanently partially disabled as the result of being involved in two car accidents in six days (neither of which was I at fault). I recall an incredible sense of emptiness and a daunting feeling of being completely overwhelmed; especially when trying to figure out which pills went with what ills. Unable to return to the vocation I loved, I received disability payments and simply existed. Most of my time was spent in bed where I eventually became 48 pounds "over-fat." When dreams and reasons for living are wiped out by the greatest, of the least unexpected, most people priorities typically change. My priorities? Well, they just disappeared. I was defeated physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and knocking on "Financially's" door. Making the bed was not a priority; it simply went unmade. And when it came down to paying the bills, many went unpaid. One day I was moved enough to actually cultivate the emotion of being "fed up!" During this awakening, I made the decision to reclaim complete responsibility for my life. And I did. Achieve Your Goal Have you seen those ads that promise to make thousands and millions of dollars over night, they are just hype. You have to do whatever it takes to get where you want to be. Believe me there are no shortcuts. Sorry if I burst your bubble, but I am not trying to sell you anything. The Most Powerful Knowledge Available To Man In this article you will learn the most powerful knowledge available to man. Get It Done-Or 3 Ways to Advance Your Goals 1. WORK WITH THE END IN MIND- OR FOCUS ON SUCCESS Time for a Change As 2005 approaches, many of us are thinking about change. Many of us are setting goals, and making promises to ourselves and to those we love. We may vow to do everything different-better-next year. We set lofty expectations to lose weight, learn a 2nd or 3rd language, never yell at our kids again, or give up our vices completely. And as the calendar closes out one year in favor of another, the timing seems just perfect to make those changes. But are we really, really ready? Attempting to change before we have made a fully educated CHOICE to commit to the process may be our first (and biggest) New Year's mistake. Achieving Your Goals You may or may not have a set of written goals. If you do not, then I strongly urge you to make a written set of goals and clarify what you want to achieve. Whatever the case, you may be struggling with achieving your goals in life. In this article, you will learn some techniques for achieving your goals. Give Your Dreams Substance Setting goals is wonderful; it confirms that we've taken those first awkward steps towards attaining what we desire in our lives. The simple fact that you've taken the time to plan out what you want to achieve puts you in a distinct class. 7 Questions To Tap Into The Limitless Power Of Your Subconscious Mind When you map out what you want, you let go of the trivial tasks that clutter up your thoughts. When you focus on achieving a definite major purpose, your life will assume an energy and unity that will be exhilerating. Self-discipline will appear spontaneously. The Illusion of a Final Goal "..... there is no final goal. There is always further to go. It is a voyage of unending discovery, and as in all such voyages, what is gathered by the wayside is often as valuable as what is found at the destination." G.I. Gurdjieff The Parable of the Jackrabbit: The Missing Key to Effective Goal Setting So you've got a goal, and you know someone who has already reached it? Maybe it is earning a certain degree, or opening a business and making it fly. Before you try to duplicate what others have done to attain what they have, be sure of one thing. Understand the Parable of the Jackdabbit: Stop Procrastinating - Start Achieving Your Goals It has been said that 60-80% of New Year's resolutions will be broken within the first two weeks. In other words, a lot of people have a hard time making the changes in their life they want to make. So you are not alone. Personally, I am not a huge advocate of New Year's resolutions because I believe in setting and achieving personal goals all year around. That being said, I wanted to share with you the top ten ways to increase the likelihood for success with achieving your goals. How To STAY on TARGET with Your BUSINESS Plans Set your GOALS - write them down! Most of us have specific ideas and plans for achievements over time ~ and that is a GOOD thing for all.... however, it's imperative that YOU write down your business plan or go to the bookstore and find help in the 'Dummies' series to guide you. Perseverance and Success: Essential to Reaching Your Goals "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." ? Dale Carnegie Got Goals? Did You Reach Them? Most of us have goals. Goal Setting Basics - 3 Steps Plus 1 Goal setting seems to be one of the most misundertood, and overly complicated areas of self-improvement. And, well, frankly, it shouldn't be. ![]() |
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