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Setting Goals for Success
"In any and every given moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself? or you are being commanded." -Guy Finley, Author It pays to learn, especially from your mistakes. The successful entrepreneur learns how to deal with mistakes every day. They look forward to the challenge. It's important to remember that they don't have to know it all. There's always someone they can go to for assistance, support, or technical information. To experience success means you have to set goals and take the necessary actions to make your goals happen. This process of learning continues until you've mastered it. After every failure, you can compliment yourself for trying, then tell yourself to try again. Setting goals to reach success is like climbing a mountain. It takes a very long time to reach the top. Along the way may be several obstacles, but you must keep going. Further on you may stumble and need to rest. To reach the next level, there may be times when you have to take a different path or go around the obstacle. The last step to the top is the crucial one and requires all your concentration. Don't let the difficult climb persuade you to quit or from setting higher goals. If you enjoy the climb, you will eventually reach the top! There is power and energy in accomplishment. Develop goals that you are passionate about, then work to make them real. If you miss reaching one goal, learn what you did wrong, and try again. You have every right to be successful. Failure means giving up. If your goal is strong enough and you are committed and passionate enough about what you wish to accomplish, it will happen. Wouldn't one idea be worth it, if it helped thousands of others to live better, be healthier, save more money, save time, help the environment, create new businesses, and employ others? Successful entrepreneurs have a certain mental and positive attitude. They believe in themselves and are convinced that they can live richer, fuller lives. They fulfill their own personal desires for happiness. They are familiar with hard work and responsibility. Take any business or service that is already established and successful and think of other products or services that may help others in different and new ways. Expand your consciousness; think success. Develop your need to be creative. Think outside of your normal way of doing, acting, and being. You may surprise yourself into discovering the next invention, the next form of entertainment, or the next wave of technology. Get rid of self-defeating habits and attitudes. Success comes to those who look for it. Here are some goals you may set for reaching success in your life: 1. What are you passionate about? Make a list of things you love to do. A few ideas and types of businesses that may lead you to think of new products, new services, or new inventions may include: * Travel The list is endless. 2. Set goals with specific conditions. Make your goals possible to accomplish. Plan your goals and structure your thoughts around positive actions. If you think your goal is impossible - it will be. Yet, if you think in positive terms, your goals will be easier to achieve. Refuse to let doubt sway you from your target. Stay positive and you'll get to your goal much faster. 3. Think big, yet be realistic. Every accomplishment starts with a dream. Make your dream the biggest and the best - then work to make it come true. Write down everything you know about your dream and your desire to have it happen. What do you have to do? How soon can you make it happen? Be patient, nothing happens overnight. 4. Make a plan. Write your dream, idea and your plan of action in the present tense: "I am successful." "I have a successful business." "My faith is strong and I am blessed financially." "I am going to reach my goal." This helps your mind to visualize the outcome. Your mind is forced to act as if your dream has already materialized. Your mind works in the present and makes no distinction between what is happening now and what has already happened. Confusion comes when you send your thoughts to the future or back to the past. The mind may shut down and stop working on what you desire. 5. Set values on your goals. What value do you place on your life? On your career? On your business? What excites you? Let your imagination soar. Would you give up your values for someone else's if it meant losing your character or your faith? Your goals must be valuable to you before they can be fulfilled. When you focus on your dream, give it time to grow and develop. It soon becomes a reality. 6. Reward your progress. When you achieve even the smallest step in accomplishing your goals, get excited. Compliment yourself for taking a step toward reaching your goal. There isn't anything more gratifying then accomplishing your goal. When you make a major accomplishment, do something for someone else. Celebrate it! With unlimited opportunities to reach your dreams and goals; with unlimited access to knowledge, information, instructors, and places to go for help, there's no telling what you can accomplish - if you desire! Then... Always remember to thank the source from which it all comes. Copyright 2004 Gerri D Smith is publisher and host of multiple Gateways to inspiration, motivation, and support for individuals, women business owners, and entrepreneurs. Gerri's internet resource offers ways to unlock the doors to your personal and business empowerment. Now is a perfect time to own your own business and discover some of the best ways to market a product. One is by letting your customers see it before they buy it. This concept is a sharing of information and is made available by the Internet. Best of all it's delivered right to your email doorstep. Why not invest in your future, now. To help you reach more of your personal and business goals, subscribe to Gerri's Free bi-monthly inspirational newsletter. Visit: http://www.distinctivebusinesswomen.com Or, send a blank email and your correct email address and mailto: gerri@distinctivebusinesswomen.com?Subject=EZ-Scribe
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Everyone Needs a BAG (Big Audacious Goal) A Big Audacious Goal (BAG) is a clear and compelling catalyst that serves as a focal point for effort. Unlike smaller goals, the BAG is something that is huge. It is challenging and in some ways seems impossible - but a BAG is also inspiring, compelling, and motivating. I Need to Accomplish Something Do you have trouble taking a day off? Boy, I do. When I take a day off I lie around all day, read novels, eat whatever I want, take a nap, and generally do whatever I want. It's awful. I get depressed, I don't feel well, I don't accomplish anything. New Years Resolutions? Dont Be So Hard On Yourself Have you set resolutions for yourself to accomplish in 2005? Maybe you want to get more exercise, eat healthier, or spend more time with your family. If you're in business for yourself, maybe you are thinking about hiring a bookkeeper, working fewer hours, or beefing up your marketing plan. All of those things are very good goals, but how do you really feel about them? If you're like me, you probably think that you need resolutions, and furthermore, you have to accomplish all of them in order to be successful. How can we not feel that way when the media is chirping away about making and keeping our new year's resolutions? Goals On The Wall - What Do Minnie Driver And Genghis Khan Have In Common? Surprisingly few people regularly make lists of their goals and even fewer put their lists where they can see them. This article suggests that it is worth doing both. It also takes a look at the life goals of Minnie Driver and Genghis Khan. Goal Setting and Goal Getting: The BD3 Approach Most people have no problem setting goals. At the same time, most people have a great deal of trouble getting their goals. Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals I cannot stress the importance of setting goals enough. Goals give us something to work toward, and help us feel like we are moving along a specific path. Establishing goals invites us to look at the big picture, break it down into smaller pieces, and get started toward accomplishing our important hopes and dreams. 21 Life Changing Questions You Cant Afford to Not Ask! Imagine finally taking off seven coats you've been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people consciously choose to live without seven layers of coats on even though most people are living that way. Discover the Key to Self-confidence "One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation" - Arthur Ashe Top 10 Tools to Reach Your Goals Quickly We all have dreams and goals. Some of them are simply "wishes", like winning the lottery or sailing to Tahiti. But we also have goals that are vital to our futures and the well-being of our families. And yet many of us make little or no progress toward achieving our most important goals. We wait and hope, but get no closer to our dreams. It doesn't have to be that way! We all know people who soar from one project to another, achieving their goals and living the life they want. How do they do it? Halftime: Re-evaluating Yearly Goals Note: This article was originally written at mid year so it is good reminder around June but the principles are applicable anytime. Be Discontented With The Status Quo It is natural to be satisfied with the way things are; but the moment we settle for how things are, we give up the opportunity to experience how things could be. Life is evolutionary, but only if we allow it to be. If we choose to, we can get stuck in the comfort of the status quo and miss the real opportunities that require us to step into a bigger life. Dreams, Goals, And Aspirations - Is This Holding You Back? In this short article I'd like to discuss a certain kind of belief that holds many people - people who are quite capable and talented - back from reaching goals, realizing dreams, and becoming all that they can become. The concept of the "Absolute Presupposition" is central to this discussion. (The term was originally coined by the British philosopher R.G. Collingwood, in a somewhat different context.) The Great American Dream Challenge Pull Quote: "the secret to living a "dream come true" life is to believe in your dream simply because it matters to you." How To Keep Your Resolutions and Reach Your Goals Another year has flown by and here you are at the beginning of another year. This is a time when many people assess their life and make "new year resolutions" or set goals for the New Year. Sometimes they are the exact same resolutions as last year!! Did you make some of these? Goal Believing is the First Step to Goal Achieving We've just gone from "the Holiday Season" to the "Goal Setting Season." Each year, about the time we turn our calendars to a New Year, we hear a lot about goal setting (even though it is sometimes disguised as information about making your New Year's Resolutions). While the research and polls show that most people don't set goals, most everyone thinks about it at this time of the year. Achieving Elusive Goals Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Some really big goals include overcoming addiction, achieving and sustaining weight loss, attaining inner peace, manifesting health, or becoming more successful. We are born to continuously expand our abilities. The beginning of most goals are exciting. Visions of triumph flourish in the minds of those starting a path of change. Each new day brings energy to chase down the most elusive of goals. But what if you've been working on manifesting the same dream for years? And one day, despite your optimism, despite the effort of applying the tools of empowerment, you realize that you have not acquired the goal which you set for yourself. Goal Setting The goal-setting process enables an organization to check on the attainment of both its short-term and long-term objectives. When properly done, this process provides an array of valuable benefits and is a link to coaching, motivation, and performance management. Working without goals is much like trying to bowl without pins at the end of the alley. There is nothing to aim for, no way to determine how many pins you have knocked down. Human beings, by their very nature, are scorekeepers; we love to know how close we come to the target. If there is no way for us to tell how well we are doing, we will probably drop out of the game. Goals provide the necessary measuring sticks to tailor work into actual productivity. And contrary to what many people believe, goal setting is not an elusive or complicated process. It merely requires communication between management and staff and a desire to clearly state where you want to go, how you will get there, and how you will know you have arrived. Six Keys To Build Vision - Point Six 6.Recognise that all vision has seasonal components within it Focus = Clarity Photographs are clearer when they are in focus. When they are out of focus, they are blurry, indistinct. How many times have you been disappointed by the result when the focus was off? Faces or objects are blurred, maybe even unrecognizable. Toss that one away?a poor quality picture that does not meet the ideal you had in mind when you took it. Scratch it up to experience. Maybe blame it on the camera. Achieve Your Goal Have you seen those ads that promise to make thousands and millions of dollars over night, they are just hype. You have to do whatever it takes to get where you want to be. Believe me there are no shortcuts. Sorry if I burst your bubble, but I am not trying to sell you anything. ![]() |
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