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I Need to Accomplish Something
Do you have trouble taking a day off? Boy, I do. When I take a day off I lie around all day, read novels, eat whatever I want, take a nap, and generally do whatever I want. It's awful. I get depressed, I don't feel well, I don't accomplish anything. Did you catch that last phrase? "I don't accomplish anything." Well, of course not, it's a DAY OFF. But do you ever feel that way? That you should be accomplishing something even when you've told yourself and others that you're taking a day off? Do you work on weekends? Evenings? Do you eat at your desk? I do all those things, sometimes. And what it means for me when I'm doing those things is that I'm "out of balance." Now, balance for me may not look like what it looks like for you. That's another article entirely, one I haven't had time to write yet. But what balance looks like for me is basically that I can lie down and read a book or sit on the couch with my husband and watch a movie without feeling like I "should be accomplishing something." It's that simple. For me, anyway. I don't always have to be accomplishing something. I have to remind myself that it's okay to be at loose ends, it's okay to enjoy a novel rather than studying or reading a heavy non-fiction tome. It's even okay to play a computer game. Where I get in trouble is when I go to the other end of the spectrum, usually because I'm depressed or discouraged, and spend all my time reading novels or playing computer games. Again, that's another article. But my point, and yes, I do indeed have one, is that it's OKAY to take a break. You don't need to be accomplishing something every minute of every day. I once told a very wise woman that I just had so much to do, I didn't know how I was going to get it all done, and I was stressed beyond belief. She looked me deep in the eyes, nodded, and said, "Do you have a trashy novel?" She then offered to lend me one if I didn't, so I could go home, spend the afternoon reading it, and get up refreshed to do the things that needed to be done. Downtime is essential if you're going to accomplish the right things. You can't run on adrenaline indefinitely. It will catch up with you, and you'll get a cold, strain a muscle, or worse. So don't worry about accomplishing anything for a few hours today. Go read a trash novel. I have a pretty good one you can borrow if you'd like. About The Author Angie Dixon helps small business owners get their acts together. She is a personal development coach specializing in helping people integrate their home and work lives so they feel less stretched and more balanced. Get her FREE EBOOK on balance at http://www.discoveringtruenorth.com. For questions or to discover how coaching can change your life, contact Angie at mailto:angie@discoveringtruenorth.com. You are free to use this article in ezines, web sites and print publications. If you do use it, please send a quick email to mailto:angie@discoveringtruenorth.com. Thank you.
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Check Your Frequency From time to time we need to stop during our day to keep our frequency in check. Our frequencies are the ranges of feelings and emotions that we have. Like radio waves, our feelings and emotions vibrate at different frequencies. This is a major part of how we create our reality. And why we need to always be mindful of the frequencies we're emitting. Attain Instant Results With Goal Setting Tools Your path to the successful accomplishment of your goals can be very thorny. Ups and downs, hardships and difficulties are inevitable components of success. Besides, difficulties add some spice to the groove of our life. The Easiest Way to Hit a Goal Is to Give Yourself One to Hit It seems as though so many people are seeking more, wanting more, and expecting more in their lives, yet when pressed about what "more" would look like, rarely can they give a definitive answer. 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