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Perfection the Un-Live-Able Goal
When we have a thought or idea that we want to do or get across, we have to communicate to other people. Many do not get past this stage of wanting to, for they decide that they will wait until everything is perfect before they tell anyone or do anything. I have heard people say that they'll start when they have more money, time, learn more, practice more, when the kids are older, etc, etc, etc. The challenge with this is there is no perfect time. The best time to get started is now. Yes, you may need to be selective at first with whom you talk to as there are negative people out there who may try to stop you or shut you down. Yet, I have found that most people shut themselves down by their fears and need to have everything just so. I was talking to this lady who wanted to go on a job interview. She had spoken to her sister about the interview. Her sister replied, "make sure you do the interview perfect, because in this city people know each other and if you blow it, you can kiss your career goodbye". I have heard things like this before, yet most people are not sitting there just waiting to crush other people who come in. I have found that most are kind, generous and helpful. What you need is encouragement and just to do your best. The world does not end with a bad interview. Reality is much brighter when you look at the most successful people out there. They repeatedly said that they failed there way to the top, that they learned by their mistakes and went on. There are millionaires that lost everything, brushed themselves off and then created more millions. They talked to people and connected with them. You can't succeed by being a hermit. We are not born with all knowledge on all things. We are not robots, calculating our every move. We are human beings that learn by what we do. We discover by how we interact. We learn when we communicate our thoughts and ideas. Are there nay sayers out there? Yes, run from them. Find the ones who are looking forward to hearing from you and wish to encourage you. You will always learn more and communicate more with positive and encouraging people. I remember this one day I was sitting in the car, waiting for my partner while he ran into the store. The following just flowed out onto the paper. ABOUT PERFECTION It is in the trying and being that makes us human. It is the journey not the end that tells us who we are and what we are made of. Perfection is not a means, it leaves no room for variation, creativity and understanding of the process. It is through the trial and error that we gain knowledge and wisdom. We remember and learn more through our mistakes than by what we do perfect. For if everything were perfect, done perfect, there would be no journey, no life, no adventure,...only an end. Maria Boomhower
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Making the Most of Your Year Do you find yourself amazed at how quickly the months pass? Do you find yourself in a small panic over all you know you have to do and how little you feel you are actually accomplishing? Join the crowd! We live in a busy world where our time, priorities and energy are constantly challenged. The reality is that there is simply not time for everything and we don't have enough energy to complete everything. Bummer, I know! If only God had created the world with 8 days in a week or 30 hours in a day.. sounds good? Maybe, but really we would just quickly absorb that time too and be in the same spot. How To Achieve Your Goals The first step, of course, is to set them. You can't get anywhere if you're not heading in that direction. Intention is essential. Quick Tips On Achieving Your Goals Want to achieve your goals faster? Reaching for the Goal Can goals be easily reached? This question is in most of our minds. Some tend to think that goals are hard to achieve and that only very clever people can be true achievers! How to Set Effective Goals That Guarantee Your Success In this article, I will be sharing with you the secrets to set effective goals that will guarantee your success. I wish you can apply it into your own goals setting. and wish all your goals come true. One Single Secret to Goal Setting Success Perhaps you have never taken a stock of the most valuable and precious wealth of yours. Every person possesses it since the day of birth. This wealth is our life, its minutes, hours, days and years. Proper planning starts when we begin to take stock of this wealth. So, we should make the most efficient use of every minute to preserve and multiply this wealth. The initial stage of planning is identifying and setting your major life goals. Give Your Dreams Substance Setting goals is wonderful; it confirms that we've taken those first awkward steps towards attaining what we desire in our lives. The simple fact that you've taken the time to plan out what you want to achieve puts you in a distinct class. Is There An Anxiety Solution For Those Who Fail To Keep Their Resolutions? In a nutshell... YES! Magic of Goal Manifestation What goals do you have for your life? If you have goals, is it just in your head? Or do you have a methodology to manifest them? One Stroke at a Time "One stroke at a time." In an interview, Tiger Woods shared this simple formula for success. He further revealed that his habit to focus on the task at hand and not the previous stroke nor the next stroke keeps him self-disciplined. Tiger's recent 4th win of the Masters and being the first golfer to achieve this accomplishment before the age of 30 reaffirms his personal success formula. Thank You I wonder if anyone really reads long stuff from Ezines except for the juicy and interesting ones but I am one of those few who painstakingly reads almost all articles posted. And now I've a got a turn to write something here. I had it in my mind to write something short and interesting to keep you on your toes yet, no matter how I long to keep this short, I just can't. Unless if I'll state what I have to say in bullet form. So let me have my hand at keeping you entertained if not informed with this article. Keep a Dream Journal: Why Bother? Want a key to unlock your inner wisdom? Try keeping a dream journal. Getting ready for a transition? Read the Fine Print of Your Dream "In the factory we make lipstick; in the drugstore we sell hope." That's what Charles Revson, Revlon's founder, supposedly said. eaziGOAL Review: Practical Goal Setting Tools for Everyone I love the internet. I mean, anything at all you want to learn or research or just get more information on is right at your fingertips. And it's there for the taking! So many people have given their time and knowledge freely so that others may benefit from what they have learned. Six Keys to build vision (overview and point one) Have you ever considered why some things succeed and others fail? Well the answer is in those few words. "What is success, and what is failure?" Goal Setting The goal-setting process enables an organization to check on the attainment of both its short-term and long-term objectives. When properly done, this process provides an array of valuable benefits and is a link to coaching, motivation, and performance management. Working without goals is much like trying to bowl without pins at the end of the alley. There is nothing to aim for, no way to determine how many pins you have knocked down. Human beings, by their very nature, are scorekeepers; we love to know how close we come to the target. If there is no way for us to tell how well we are doing, we will probably drop out of the game. Goals provide the necessary measuring sticks to tailor work into actual productivity. And contrary to what many people believe, goal setting is not an elusive or complicated process. It merely requires communication between management and staff and a desire to clearly state where you want to go, how you will get there, and how you will know you have arrived. Is it Focus or Tunnel Vision? To achieve success you must narrow your vision on your plan. The question you should consider, is it focus or tunnel vision? Combining the Mind and Effective Goal-Setting Goals are of vital importance in our lives. Many of us spend our lives without any definite purpose, simply drifting from place to place. Setting goals help us to focus our lives and to advance confidently in a definite direction. Without them, I don't think our lives can truly be complete. Taking Action is Essential for Self Improvement and Success Much has been written about writing down goals and regularly reviewing and updating them as a major party of self improvement and success. Likewise, it is considered that a plan for the achievement of any goal, and breaking major goals into manageable steps are essential. If you are thinking of stating a new business or any major undertaking, thorough research is certainly required. It is also unlikely that any new businesses will get far without a well written and researched business plan, and the chances of raising money from a bank without one are probably zero. Goal Setting - Get Exactly What You Want! I am writing you from the quaint sea town of New Bern, NC where my wife and I are catching some much needed R&R. ![]() |
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