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Waiting On Your Big Break Is Playing Desperation Life!
Have you ever put all your eggs in one basket? Have you ever had so much riding on one big break that if it didn't happen you would have to move down to the zoo and live off of kudzu and stump water? If you have, you're playing desperation life! Desperation Life= Trouble Before You Start! If you're playing desperation life, then you didn't do something right early on. Being forced to go for the big break could almost be a good definition of failure. You're hoping for a last ditch effort to pull your dream out of the muck. Sometimes a last ditch effort is all you need; most of the time, you're playing Russian roulette. If the big break is your conscious plan then your strategy is sucking wind already. The steady as she goes planning will increase your odds of success tremendously. You'll find that your planning and strategy will fit the game plan very nicely as there will not be nearly as much pressure on you. Success Begets Success! Planning for the success of a project is much better handled when you are planning your strategy in bits and pieces. Small steps along the way will make huge strides. It's like the question, "how do you eat an elephant?" One bite at a time. Far too often, we try to take giant steps toward the goal line to speed up the process. And, then in the process, we end up farther behind because the faster we go the behinder we get. Big breaks can just not be planned or forced. They just happen. Big breaks come to everyone at some time or another. If you think you've never had a big break, that's not true. You might have not recognized it, but they do come around to everyone at times, sometimes very camouflaged but, there nonetheless. Throwing Caution To The Winds! The guy waiting on the big break will bet the whole farm on his idea. He is so sure that it will succeed that the sky is the limit as to what he will sacrifice to have it. As stated, these ideas work sometimes, but it's the exception rather than the rule. The pursuit of the big break is not wrong in and of itself. It's just the approach to the big break that causes them to fail so often. We put just one strategy, plan, technique, or method into play and that's all we got. If that one method doesn't work, we're up the dirty creek without a paddle. By the same token, if we put together a bits and pieces plan to approach this situation, then we're really not depending on the big break. We're using the techniques that will increase our odds of success. Too Tired To Sleep! The big break then often shows up and right out of the blue presents us with a nice trophy. But the most frustrating part is when we try to force it, gamble for it, or spend every waking hour in a gut wrenching frame of mind hoping for success from it. For example: We have all heard of the TV star that got his big break. He was just walking down the street and some producer saw him and made him a star. Then there is the person who decides to go to acting school and learn the art of acting and makes his way by small steps to stardom. Maybe this guy will never make it. But, what are the probabilities of the first guy? The second guy is making plans in a calculated manner and does not look for his help coming by just happening to be in the right place at the right time. An Uphill Battle! You should understand that depending on the big break is as unreliable as it is infrequent. And, it can also do harm to your motivation. Living by the desperation of a big break can become enough of a habit that you fail to make calculated plans for success. You will develop the jack-rabbit start in everything you do and run out of gas long before you get to the finish line. It can cause you to completely overlook a viable opportunity when it comes your way. If the opportunity looks like a big break and it smells like a big break, then make calculated risks and turn it into a planned strategy. When You End Up With Lemons, Make Lemonade! It doesn't necessarily have to be avoided. It just needs to be approached with a different attitude than someone would approach the big break. I.e. The big break mentality. If you consider the big break as an accidental occurrence, then life does not become a series of desperation attempts. Surprisingly, big breaks can be helped by natural occurrences that happen accidentally. But, the worse thing you can do is to always be looking for one magic pill that will create a big bang and bring instant success. Living for the big break will be a sure recipe for disaster. Brink Of Disaster! Big breaks will come around in a natural response to the project you're trying to complete. Take advantage of them as they come naturally; just don't set up yourself for depending on them in a nick of time. You might find out your "nick" is on the brink of disaster. How do you know if you are waiting on the big break? Ask yourself, have you analyzed the upside and downside? If you have and can see what the risks to reward are, then you are not waiting on the big break. You Won't Suffer From Stress, You'll Be A Carrier! If you find yourself wringing your hands, hoping against hope, in fear of disaster, you're playing with fire. And, the proverbial fat lady is just about ready to sing for you. Richard Vegas © About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com. You may also hear some of Richard's free music at: http://www.richardvegas.com. webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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Top 10 Ways to Ensure New Years Resolution Success Did you know that fewer than 10% of people who set New Year's Resolutions actually achieve them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the Top 10 Tips below. What Words Will They Chisel Into Your Tombstone? One day you will inevitably die. A morbid statement, I know, but one that is true. I don't want to upset you so let me say this - hopefully that day will be a long, long way off. However, I have a question for you now. Writing Goals Down Ties Them Up! Writing goals describes the act of inscribing on a surface characters or shapes that convey thoughts and ideas in relation to that goal. Why is this mechanical act of writing goals so important in the achievement process? Mountain Climbing Over Molehills Someone has said that the greatest cause of ulcers is mountain-climbing over mole-hills! Is that the way you get your exercise? Many folks allow themselves to be thrown off course by minor or imaginary threats. Often they interpret these as life-or-death, or do-or-die situations. They put so much energy into their worries that there is none available for progress. Some even believe that worrying demonstrates caring. This is misguided, too. Decide and Declare! Did you start off the new year with goals and plans? Are you achieving everything you set out to do? Feel invigorated by your new life? Give Bad Habits the Boot! Everybody has bad habits. Everybody. Now granted, some people have less than others and some people's bad habits are more grating than those of others, but we all have them. What is great is that we don't have to! If You Cant See Your Way to Completing Your Goal, Its Time to Check Your Vision Have you been having trouble achieving a specific goal? Are you allowing other less important things to get in the way of accomplishing what you really want? Then this is the time to do a VISION check. Just as it is important to get our eyes checked regularly to assure that we will be able to see clearly, it is equally as important to do a VISION check to be certain that our goal is on track. The Focus Wheel The Focus Wheel was first described by Abraham-Hicks as a tool to help us clarify and fix our focus on what we truly desire. If you have been practicing "deliberate attraction" for a while, then you know from experience that: Action Achieves Goals - Talk Is Cheap It is very easy and a lot of fun to talk about dreams and goals and a great future. Achieving these dreams is not so easy as all wise people know. We need to build our dreams on the solid ground of action rather than the shifting sands of talk. The Red Indians of America know how to summarize great truths in a few choice words. Its The Ride That Counts Having goals is a good thing. It means that you're willing to take the first step to achieving those goals. When you write down your goals, articulate them on paper, that's the first step to achieving them. Is that W-A-L-R-U-S? A few years back, I went to London, England. I needed to get a passport-like photo taken, but the machine I wanted to use was out of order. When I called the company who owned the machine, I asked where they had another location. I was told, "Walrus." "Walrus?" I confirmed. "Walrus," was the response. I should have asked for the spelling, but the person had said, "Walrus." I asked around, and no one knew where there was a "Walrus" until, that is, someone realized that "Walrus" was "Woolworth's." Apparently, the person I spoke with and I both thought we were saying the same thing ? but boy, were we not! Focus On Your Goals Without Envying Others Many of us waste too much time envying others instead of getting on with our own goals and dreams. This is stupid to put it mildly. Set Positive Goals And Strive To Achieve Them On 31st January 2005, two students from my martial arts school took tests to gain important qualifications in the modern martial art of Choikwangdo. Priorities Last month's edition of Footprints and Monuments was about living your life going Mach3 with your hair on fire. Learning from the past, but passionately waiting for tomorrow to get here. The featured person, Richie, recently came to a goal setting seminar that I was leading. Last month you learned that Richie was setting twenty-year goals even though six weeks prior he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. It saddens me to have to write that Richie died just a few days ago. Six Keys To Build Vision - Point Five 5.Submit it to good leaders (accountability breeds stability and security) The Top 10 Steps to Set and Achieve Your Goals - Every Time! It's been said that everyone has goals, whether we know it or not. We have goals to keep our current job, or to get a different one. We have goals to save for the future, or to travel, take a vacation, or purchase the things we need and want to make our lives more enjoyable. An important distinction, however, is that top achievers are very intentional and focused on their goals, while many of the rest of us are not. Do You Think You Could You Have Achieved More? If you are anything like me, the end of the year might just leave you a little disappointed that you could have achieved more but didn't. Look Where Youre Going - And Keep An Eye On The Blind Spots! I recently had the pleasure of motorcycle riding instruction from a friend, Tony, a professional racer. He was an outstanding instructor and provided some great experience-based insight into the more intricate details of motorcycle riding. But, the one thing that stuck in my mind was his comment of "always look where you're going." I had always assumed that this is what I did, but I found out that there is a big difference between "watching" and "looking" where you're going. Requirements for Successful Goal Setting and Achievement Benefits of Goal Setting How To Choose The Right Goals To Focus On Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only problem that you must face. Sometimes, choosing the right goals to begin with is harder. ![]() |
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