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The 12 Commandments of Goal Setting
Many professionals have a basic idea of what they want to achieve in their careers. They may want to close more sales, earn a higher income, or move into a different job. However, somehow they do not achieve the success they desire. Why? Why is it that intelligent, motivated, hard-working individuals are not achieving the success they deserve? It is because they haven't set clear goals. They may have a general idea of what they want to accomplish, but the mind does not work effectively with generalities. If you want to earn a higher income and you earn one more dollar, have you achieved your goal? No, of course you haven't. Because you were not specific about what you wanted to accomplish, your creative mind could not assist you in reaching your true objective. In order to be effective, goals must be written down in the present tense using clear, specific, vivid words. For example, if your goal were to earn a salary of $50,000 per year, you would write. "I now earn $50,000. per year in a job that is fulfilling and allows me to express myself creatively." Completing the following steps will help you set goals effectively so you can achieve positive results in your career. 1. Decide what you want to accomplish. The goal should be very specific. If you want to close more sales, how many more sales do you want to close? What do you want your closing ratio to be? If you want to move into a different job, what are the characteristics of that job? 2. Determine a deadline for accomplishment. A goal must have a deadline. If you do not have a date on it, the goal is only a wish or a dream. 3. Determine that the goal is believable to you. You must feel that the goal can be realized. If you believe it is impossible to achieve, you will never take the action necessary to make the goal a reality. 4. Where are you now? Take a current inventory. You will never know how far you have to go if you don't know where you already are. 5. What obstacles do you need to overcome? Is there something that may make it difficult to achieve your goal? Be aware of the obstacle so you can make plans to overcome it. 6. What knowledge will you need to acquire? Will you need to earn a professional designation or take certain courses? Will you need to research new markets? 7. What organizations and groups should you associate with? Are there certain groups of people that can make it easier for you to accomplish your goal? How can you become affiliated with them? 8. What are the benefits to you? Write down as many benefits as possible. The more benefits you can come up with, the more likely you will be to stick to the goal until it is achieved. 9. Develop an action plan. Determine the specific steps that will be necessary to achieve the goal. Start at the accomplishment of the goal and work backwards. 10. Visualize yourself accomplishing the goal. See yourself in clear detail as if you have already achieved the goal. If you want to close more sales, see yourself closing more sales easily. Do this over and over again until it becomes part of your subconscious mind. 11. Take daily action towards the goal. Dreams and goals require action. The best goal in the world will never materialize unless consistent action is taken. 12. Resolve to never quit. Decide that you will never give up, even when times get tough, until your goal is reached. Taking the effort to complete the steps in goal setting is not easy. However, when you follow these steps, your success is almost assured. About The Author Della Menechella is a speaker, author, and trainer who inspires people to achieve greater success from the inside out. She is a contributing author to Thriving in the Midst of Change and the author of the videotape The Twelve Commandments of Goal Setting. She can be reached at della@dellamenechella.com. Subscribe to free Peak Performance Pointers e-zine - send blank e-mail to mailto:subscribe@dellamenechella.com.
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The Power of Why: Setting Intention-Oriented Goals Everyone ? particularly business coaches like me - talks about goal-setting, and so it is surprising that surveys indicate 97 percent of businesspeople do not set them. Of the people who do set them, 97 percent set reactive goals, 2 percent set proactive goals and 1 percent set intention-oriented goals. Guess which ones create the biggest results? Productive Goal Setting There's been a lot written about goal setting and there are many different approaches and methods ? in fact, it's easy to get caught up in the confusion about how to set goals and not end up setting any. These simple steps will help you to set powerful goals and make goal-setting an invaluable part of your life. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve with the help of some well though-out, written goals ? try it! Goal Setting or How Being SMART Isnt Always the Right Objective Over the years much has been written on the subject of goal setting with most conventional wisdom coming down in favour of the SMART objective setting process. Focus = Clarity Photographs are clearer when they are in focus. When they are out of focus, they are blurry, indistinct. How many times have you been disappointed by the result when the focus was off? Faces or objects are blurred, maybe even unrecognizable. Toss that one away?a poor quality picture that does not meet the ideal you had in mind when you took it. Scratch it up to experience. Maybe blame it on the camera. Goal Setting Basics - 3 Steps Plus 1 Goal setting seems to be one of the most misundertood, and overly complicated areas of self-improvement. And, well, frankly, it shouldn't be. Habits What I Want For You Think for a moment about your Self. Is there something that you would like to have, somewhere you would like to go, or something you would like to do? What is holding you back? I can probably guess at the possible answers:"Not enough money." "Not enough time." "I couldn't do that!" Goal Setting and Interviewing Before you go on an interview process or even start your own business, you must set goals! As a corporation owner for over twenty years, this is how I went about setting goals for myself. They are as follows: Goal Believing is the First Step to Goal Achieving We've just gone from "the Holiday Season" to the "Goal Setting Season." Each year, about the time we turn our calendars to a New Year, we hear a lot about goal setting (even though it is sometimes disguised as information about making your New Year's Resolutions). While the research and polls show that most people don't set goals, most everyone thinks about it at this time of the year. Achieve Your Desires By Scoring Goals Do you have a desire? Silly question I know because everybody has desires, just not the same ones. Of course there are many that most of us share like those old clichés of health, wealth, and happiness. But there are some that are exclusive to a certain group of people. For example; a musician may desire to play at the Albert Hall but have no interest in constructing his own website. But enough rambling, it's time I got to the point. Perseverance: When You Master this Tool, Your Goal Setting Success will Soar "Life is not easy for any of us. We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." - Marie Curie Writing Goals Down Ties Them Up! Writing goals describes the act of inscribing on a surface characters or shapes that convey thoughts and ideas in relation to that goal. Why is this mechanical act of writing goals so important in the achievement process? Perfection the Un-Live-Able Goal When we have a thought or idea that we want to do or get across, we have to communicate to other people. Many do not get past this stage of wanting to, for they decide that they will wait until everything is perfect before they tell anyone or do anything. Make Goals Specific Saying that you want to be rich isn't enough. However, when you say: "I want $12,000 two years from now", you have a specific target that you can break down into manageable goals. The Magic of Writing Goals in your life! Goal setting is an important technique used by athletes, successful business-people, lawyers, doctors, and great achievers in all fields. Goal setting is a very powerful technique that can yield strong returns in all areas of your life. Goal setting can help you grow in life. It can help you achieve more. Its Your Dream - Are You Using The One-Two Punch? Have you ever noticed? There are some people who seem to know exactly what they want and how to get it. They move toward their targets with precision, and appear to achieve easily without goals or planning. They have a narrowed focus and motivation, reasons for doing what they do. They don't even have a set of written goals, yet they move through life attaining what they go after. Not Satisfied With Where You Are; STOP - Change The Action Change The Outcome "If you keep on doing what you have always done, you will keep on getting what you have always gotten!" So if you don't like how things are going in any area of your business, career, life, STOP! Blogging Your Way to Goal Success If you have always been procrastinating on how to get started or going with your goals, try this interesting method. Write a blog. Reach Your Goals - Goal-Pooling Goal-pool with friends or acquaintances How To Achieve Any Goal, NOW! 1. Write down one goal that you want to achieve. Let's not make this the grand goal of your life, something achievable in six months or so. Broken Sleep For the past several weeks, I have not been sleeping well. I've been waking up after 4 or 5 hours, tossing and turning for the rest of the night. I have tried to think peaceful thoughts and hoped that I would go back to sleep quickly, but instead I found myself trying to solve numerous problems in my life. ![]() |
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